chapter 13 - The Angel of Death

Yunho / Yesung Oneshots


sorry that i was just able to update today...

hope u still enjoyed my stories and this pairing...

please give me iur comments.... (:



I lost my mind.

Because of a little thing called love.

You know, I couldn’t love anybody.

Not yet nor in the future.


“I’m sorry,” he said to me as he walked into me.

Reflex, I caught his cup of coffee that was dropped when we bumped.

I tilted my head aside and looked at him from head to toe.

A clumsy one, I concluded.

He was slightly shorter than me. He used a black-rimmed glass and a beanie. His casual but suitable clothes made him looked cuter.

“I’m really sorry, I should watch my step,” that guy apologizes as he looked downward.

He stole a glance toward me hesitantly as I gave him no answer.

I just handed his coffee back without a word.

Although I was interested at him, I couldn’t.


The second meeting, I saved him from a drunken man.

I was walking alone after finished my job. I walked in an empty and quiet alley. I chose this route because it was shortcut to my house.

I walked slowly when I heard a pleaded-muffle sound from the darkest part of the alley.

At first I thought it was just some people that had fun. You know what I mean.

But then I heard the shout of pain that was followed buy a curses and a panic sound from different voice.


That’s enough for me to realize that something’s wrong.

I walked to the source of the sound and find the guy that bumped into me back then was pinned against the wall as the man-drunken man for sure, I could smell alcohol from the man- gripped his arms tightly and placed them above his head.

The sound from my steps surprised them both. The cute guy looked at me with a pleading eyes while the man looked at me suspiciously.

“Let him go,” I said.

The man scowled, “Mind your own bussiness.”

I took a step forward.

“Let him go before I make you,” I warned.

The man spit, “ off.”

I grabbed his collar in the next second, pried his body from the cute guy easily.

He tried to punch me but I caught his fist, then I twisted his arm until I heard a crack sound and scream from the man. I released his broken arm.

“I’ve told you before. Now go away,” I told him.

The man, in pain expression, obliged nontheless.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

He nodded, “Thank you for saving me.”

I didn’t answer, although I wanted to, I just put off my jacket and handed it to him. To cover his slightly torn-shirt.

Before he said something, I left him. Didn’t even turned my head slightly as he called me.


“Hey,” a voice called me as I sat alone on the cafe and enjoyed my breakfast.

I couldn’t believe that I met him again.

My heart skip a beat, although it shouldn’t, when he smiled beautifully.

He take a seat before me and reached out his hand, “Hey, I’m sorry for disturbing you. My name is Yesung. I haven’t able to intoduce my self when you save me last month because you just left like that.”

He then waited for me to answer. He looked at me with a kind of puppy eyes, and although I tried my best, I couldn’t resist his eyes.

“Yunho,” I said.

His smiled grew wider, “Yunho,” he repeat.

I sipped my coffee, waited him to leave now that I’ve answered his question.

But he just called the waitress and ordered a breakfast set for himself.

I raised my brows, slightly annoyed. I couldn’t stay around him, even if I really like him, it’s better if I avoided him. It would be hard to do so if I stay with him longer. So, against what my heart told me, I stood up, left the bill on the table and left him, again.

“Yunho!” he called.

But i just kept walking, ignored his call while what I wanted was just to turned around.

“hey!” I was stopped as a hand grabbed my wrist.

“why do you always left like that?” he asked me. I could see a hurt in his eyes.

I yanked my hand off his grip.

“you better stay away from me,” I said.

“But why?”

“I couldn’t tell you,” I said.

“Do you have a lover or what?”

“I don’t. That’s not about an unimportant thing like that.”

“Then, what? I like you since the first we met. And you’ve save me. Why don’t you give me a chance to know you further?” he asked.

I felt hurt when I saw his eyes. But I couldn’t.

“Sorry,” I said.

I never apologize to nor forgive anyone before. I should be heartless. Not feeling what I feel right  now.

He clenched his fist and looked downward. But I caught a glimpse of a tear on his face.

I took a deap breath as I took a step to the opposite direction, hoped I would never meet him again.


“Yunho...?” a soft voice called after me.

!, I cursed on my mind. I recognized that voice.

I turned around as I dropped the lifeless body off my arms.

Yesung’s eyes widened as he saw blood that covered the knive that I was holding.

“Yunho... what are you doing?” he whisper that I barely hear.

I wiped the blood-stained knive with a clothes of the man that I have just killed.

“Doing my job,” I answer.

“Job?” he asked, unsure.

“Yeah, my job. I was paid to kill the ones that weren’t wanted to live,” I said, “I’m an angel of death, Yesung. That’s why you should stay away from me."

A tear rolled down on his cheek and a pain was visible on his face.

“Why do you did that?”

“because that’s what I trained for. That’s all I know in my life.”

Before I knew, he was stopped before me and hugged me tightly.

“You should stop this Yunho,” he said, I could feel his tears on my shoulder, “Please...”

His voice, my heart craving for him so much. I opened my mouth, was about to say something else when i realized another presence behind me.

My body reacted before my mind caught up. I pushed yesung off my body and turned around and pulled out the gun from my waist.

I shot the gun in the same time with the man in front of me.

It’s like slow motion as I saw the bullet flied in the air, hit exact on my heart while mine hit on the man’s forehead. Left a clearing-hole as the bulled break through his skull.

The pain spread entire of my body as I fell to the ground. I heard Yesung screamed my name.

In second, Yesung was kneeled beside me and wrapped his arms around my limp body.

“Yunho, Yunho, Yunho,” he called my name repeatedly as I feel the drop of his tears on my face.

I raised my hand on touch his cheek, it gently.


I smiled weakly, “We shouldn’t feel anything, Yesung. because if we feel anything, that would make us weaker and maybe getting killed. That’s the rule on our job.”

“I’m so sorry, Yunho, I-I..”

“Don’t,” I cut him off, “It’s not your fault nor mine. I realized I have broke the rule when I met you. I like you too, Yesung. Although I tried hard, I can’t stop to like you.”


I smiled once more, then I pulled his face downward, kissed him gently, felt his soft lips pressed against mine before I fell on the endless darkness. My mind screamed for the last time that I love him. That I love Yesung since the beginning.


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404 streak #1
Chapter 15: It's not fair for his lover actually
404 streak #2
Chapter 13: Soooo... Yunho is dead now? But! I want a happy ending! T^T
404 streak #3
Chapter 11: I'm glad it ended well
404 streak #4
Chapter 9: woah! Sungie did something wrong to Yunho. He should have been more open with Yunho. But well, I understand his feeling, that wasn't easy at all
404 streak #5
Chapter 8: wow, that's super fast! XD it would be funny if Sungie was a killer and tried to kill Yunho XD
404 streak #6
Chapter 7: I love how Sungie being so patient towards Yunho who don't want to be fall in love with anyone <3
404 streak #7
Chapter 6: oh! you made my day better even after reading My Only Hope! Cute story!
404 streak #8
Chapter 5: he cheated and you still want him? you're so stupid Sungie! T^T Just move on, be the best of you, and let them know that you're happy without them! T^T
404 streak #9
Chapter 4: >_______< Sungie being romantic <33333
404 streak #10
Chapter 3: aaaaw~ XDDDD cringe but lovely! XD and Leeteuk teasing Sungie was amazing, he did a great job by worrying his dongsaeng, such a great hyung!