chapter 1 - Loving You

Yunho / Yesung Oneshots

Yesung was wandering around SM building because of boredom when he passed one of the dance practice rooms. The door slightly opened, so he could hear the music from there.

He peeked over the opened part and mesmerized by the sight in front of him.

Yunho was dancing. He moved his body amazingly along the music. Sweats that streamed the younger’s face made him looked so hot. Yesung gulped when Yunho made a wave with his body. He closed his eyes to calm himself down.

Yunho stopped suddenly. He was feeling like being watched for a while. He looked around and his gaze stopped at the slight-opened door.

He could see the face of Yesung there. A soft smile made it’s way to his face. Yesung looked so cute when he closed his eyes like that.

Yesung opened his eyes and Yunho abruptly continued his dance. He didn’t want to make the older know that Yunho realized his presence.

He was dancing his best. He didn’t know why, but he just wanted to impressed Yesung. when he first met Yesung, his first impression wasn’t really good toward the older. In his eyes, Yesung acted really weird and had an ability to make the air surrounding him awkward.

But after he started knew further about Yesung, he was so impressed. Yesung always acted strong and never showed his sadness. Although people always made a  fun at him, he never showed his anger. Instead, he smiled along with them. And that made Yesung got respected by Yunho.

Yesung continued watched every movements of the younger. But along the minutes passed, he felt tired in his position. So he moved his body to stretch his stiff muscle. But, only God know why, he stumbled forward instead.

The door was pushed opened forward because of his weight. And he fell face first in the floor.

There was awkward silence filled the room. Yesung looked upward hesitantly. He locked gaze with Yunho that watched him with unreadable gaze. For seconds, Yesung just froze. It was so embarrasing and he didn’t know what to do.

But then Yunho burst out laugh. Yesung was surprised because of that. Yunho clutched his stomach as his body shaking because of his laughter.

Yesung just laid there, dumbfounded. Then after full minutes of laughter, Yunho stopped. He wiped the tear in the corner of his eyes. Then he approached Yesung and reach out his hand to help the older stood up.

Yesung accepted the hand and Yunho pulled him up. A smile still plastered in Yunho’s face and it made he looked so handsome.

“Are you okay, Hyung?” Yunho asked.

Yesung looked down, embarassed, then murmured, “I’m okay.”

“Hyung, if you want to watch me dance, just come in okay? I’d be glad to have you accompany me,” Yunho said, made Yesung blushed in embarassment.

But then he nodded, made the younger one chuckled.

It then became a routine, everytime they had a same free schedule, they would go to dance practice room. Yunho would dance as Yesung watched him. sometimes the younger would teach Yesung some movements, but the result is either Yesung slipped or stumbled, gaining amusement for Yunho. They became closer then.

“Thanks, Hyung,” Yunho said as Yesung handed him a bottle of water. Yesung unconsciously his lips as he saw some drops of water trailed down of the corner of Yunho’s mouth.

Yunho finished his water then turned to face Yesung. He was startled when he saw the older looked at him intensely. But that didn’t make the air awkward, it made the temperature hotter, instead.

Yunho leaned forward and then touched his lips to Yesung’s.

Yesung widened his eyes, but didn’t make a move at all. After the seconds, he closed his eyes.

Yunho started nipped Yesung lower lips. Then Yunho those plump lips, asked for entrance that was obeyed instantly. Yesung let out a soft moan as Yunho’s tongue brushed against his. Yesung brought his arms around Yunho’s neck to deepen the kiss.

They parted for the air after a minutes, left the flustered Yesung. Yunho brushed his thumb over Yesung’s swolen lips.

Yesung looked at the younger confusedly. His mind couldn’t catch up what’s just happening.

“What..” Yesung started, but he didn’t know what to say.

“I like you, Hyung,” Yunho said undoubtly.

Yesung frowned, “How? Why?”

“I thought I’ve liked you for a long time, Hyung. Although I just realized that when you came to dance practice for the first time.”

“It’s... hard to believe,” Yesung said.

“Yeah, it is. I know we rarely talked before, but I always keep an eye on you, Hyung. I always watched how you sang beautifully everytime, how you smiled genuinely in every situation, how you took a care of people around you, I watched those all, Hyung.”

Yesung raised his brows.

“At first I thought it’s just a respect that I feel toward you. But when we got closer lately, finally I realized what I feel is something more,” Yunho said.

Then he reached Yesung’s hand and looked directly in Yesung’s eyes.

“Hyung, I love you.”

Yesung thought for a while before answered, “I thought I love you, too.”

Yunho smiled and give a chaste kiss to Yesung before leaned backward.

“But I still thought that you need more dance practice, Hyung.”

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409 streak #1
Chapter 15: It's not fair for his lover actually
409 streak #2
Chapter 13: Soooo... Yunho is dead now? But! I want a happy ending! T^T
409 streak #3
Chapter 11: I'm glad it ended well
409 streak #4
Chapter 9: woah! Sungie did something wrong to Yunho. He should have been more open with Yunho. But well, I understand his feeling, that wasn't easy at all
409 streak #5
Chapter 8: wow, that's super fast! XD it would be funny if Sungie was a killer and tried to kill Yunho XD
409 streak #6
Chapter 7: I love how Sungie being so patient towards Yunho who don't want to be fall in love with anyone <3
409 streak #7
Chapter 6: oh! you made my day better even after reading My Only Hope! Cute story!
409 streak #8
Chapter 5: he cheated and you still want him? you're so stupid Sungie! T^T Just move on, be the best of you, and let them know that you're happy without them! T^T
409 streak #9
Chapter 4: >_______< Sungie being romantic <33333
409 streak #10
Chapter 3: aaaaw~ XDDDD cringe but lovely! XD and Leeteuk teasing Sungie was amazing, he did a great job by worrying his dongsaeng, such a great hyung!