chapter 11 - It's Just You

Yunho / Yesung Oneshots

although i said i wouldn't be able to update this fic for the next two or three weeks, but in the fact i crave to write a fic.... >.<

so here i am, just finished my 5th essay for this week, so sleepy but forced my self to finish a fic that i got the inspiration when i listen to a song 'Not Just You' by Cody Simpson... ^O^


it didn't mean that i would start update my fics frequently, i still need a break for the following weeks(for the exams, etc..T_T). it's just that i can't hold myself to update a fic today... so, this is the result...>.

please do cmment (: i need it to cheer me up to fight the hell(read : school assignments and exams) that i face right now... *sigh*

thx in advance....(:




“Baby, please, listen to me,” I begged you as you step outside our door.

“What is it that I need to listen, Yunho? There’s nothing that would change my decision.”

“But  baby, please...”

“I’m tired, yunho. Tired for waiting for you all these times.”

“Sungie, baby, you said you would never give up.”

“Yeah, I’ve said that. But it’s hurts me that I have to see you with him, hugging and kissing each other like that all the time. That I have to pretend that I’m okay.”

“But, I can do nothing, Sungie.”

“No, you can do something if you want to. You could just tell him the truth. That you’ve stopped loving him. That you are with me.”

“But I can’t do that, Sungie. I can’t when he maybe wouldn’t live longer.”

He chuckled bitterly, “I know that his life isn’t long anymore, but is it make you a reason to hurt me, Yunho?”

“I don’t want to hurt you. I never want.”

“Yeah, you don’t want to. But in the fact, you’ve hurt me.”

“I love you, Sungie, please.”

“I love you, too. Really love you that I’m willing to pretend that everything okay. That I would always be a bestfriend for both of you. But it’s getting me tired, Yunho. That you would always left me when he called you, that you would chose him than me in everything.”

I know it’s hurt baby, I understand that I did unfair, but I could do nothing.

“He really loves you, Yunho. You better stay by his side,” you said as you turned around.

I frozen in the place as I watched you left, with the tears on your sleeve.

The drop of tears made it’s way on my cheek as your figure started left off my sight.

Baby, it’s not just you. You know it hurts me, too.

We had it all, but how could we failed?

I’m sorry that I wasn’t there to catch you when you fell.

That I didn’t hear you when you called.

Before you go away, so far away, I really need you to know that it hurts me too.

“Sir, your coffee,” I snapped my eyes open just to find the waitress smiled to me.

I smiled slightly and nodded.

I took a sip of the bitter liquid before me. This taste, reminded me of you. How you taste like a coffee when I kissed you.

I miss you, don’t you know? That after these two years I never got over you.

I left the bill on the table as I made my way out. It’s enough for me, to just find the thing that would always remind me of you. Although it hurted me more, but it’s okay. Because I would never forget you.

You are all that I could think on my way home. When I turned the radio on, I remember the times you sat next to me on the passenger seat. How you would always sang along the song on the radio with the angelic voice of yours. How you would closed your eyes when you focused on the song.

When I passed the beautiful sight of the of Seoul’s night view, I remember how you would always ask me to stop for a while. To just enjoy that sight, with my arms wrapped around you.

I didn’t know why, but I got  the familiar feeling, with my heart beat fast, as I got near the house that once was ours. This feeling, it’s what I always felt when I was around you.

I stopped my car, but hesitanted to get outside. This feeling, what is it means?

I took a deep breath then left my car. I walked toward the front door and gasped when I found a familiar figure there, leaned on my door, while burried his head between his knees.

It’s impossible, I thought, but my heart told me that it’s you.

I approached that figure. My hope was raised with the each step that I took.


That figure, now I was sured that it’s you, looked upward at me.

“Yunho,” you called me with the crack voice.

I kneeled down before you. My heart froze for second as I saw the bruises that covered your beautiful face.

“Yesungie? Oh God,what happen to you?”

You didn’t answer, but cried instead. I pulled you into tight embrace. How cold your body, baby. You were trembling slightly.

“Let’s get inside,” I pulled you up. Looked for the key and opened the door quickly. I never released my embrace as I guided you toward the living room.

I sat you on the couch, and took a seat next to you.

“Yesungie, what has happened to you?”

You cried harder, so I tightened my embrace.

It’s took a while for you to calm down.

Then you leaned backward, looked right into my eyes with your black orbs that I never got bored to look at.


I waited for you. Because I know, you need to compose your self.

“Yunho, I miss you,” you said.

Those words, they made my heart beat crazily. Your puffy eyes, that I could see the truth there.

“I miss you, too, sungie. Really miss you,” I answered.

You hesitanted for second, but took a breath before you leaned forward and touched your lips on mine.

The kiss, it broke all my self defense. The yearning, that I burried deep inside my heart came out, as I kissed you back.

I could feel your mixed feelings through the kiss. But I didn’t care, because what matter was you’re here, kissing me and showed me your love that I thought has gone away.

We broke the kiss. Flushed and flustered. But my heart was filled by the warmth.

“Tell me what happened, Sungie.”

“It’s ... it’s my boyfriend,” you answered.

Boyfriend..., my heart hurted slightly.

“So you have a boyfriend,” I said.

You looked downward and nodded.

“But why did you kiss me then?”

“That’s because I love you,” you answered.

“Sungie,” I called you, lifted your face to face me,”You make me confuse.”

“I still love you, yunho. Since I left you, my feeling for you never faded away, it’s getting stronger instead.”

You reached my hands.

“When I left you, I thought that I would be okay. That the time would heal my wounded heart. But that’s wrong, because in the fact, my heart is always craving for you.”

Your hand, that felt so cold. I squeezed it lightly.

“So, I decided to accept the feeling from the man that I met in my workplace a half and year ago. At first, he was all sweet. He treated me really well. I liked him, but never loved him.”

You sighed, looked aside.

“My heart could never love him, because it’s belong to you. And he realized that along the times that have passed. He started acted rude to me. I want to get away from him, but he never let me go. Once he has hurted me, he would apologized and acted so kind at me. But then he started acted rude again once I accidentally showed him how I just could love you. That cycle repeated time to time. And I got tired. So this morning I told him that we would never work out. Because the one that I love is just you.”

The tears formed on your eyes.

“He then beat me up, but fortunately I could get away. I couldn’t think another place but yours, so I came here. I’m sorry that I involve you on my problem,” you explained.

“No, Sungie. You make a right decision with came here.”

“Really? He must be look for me now. What if that he found me here and released his anger on you, too? I shouldn’t come here.”

“No, if he came here, I would be the one that make him pay for the all the things that he did to you,” I said as I caressed your bruised cheek gently.

“But Yunho..”

“Sshh, it would be okay. I promise,” I said.

You hesitanted for second before nodded.

“What about Jaejoong?” you asked.

“he was gone, Sungie. Eight months after you left. He finally give in to his disease.”

“I’m sorry...”

I shook my head, “It’s okay. He isn’t suffering anymore.”

You nodded and smiled slightly, “Yeah, I think so.”

“I’ve looked for you since then, but I can’t find you, Sungie. After a while, I give up, because I realized maybe you’ve found a better person. But see you like this, I can’t let my self to let you go again. So would you get back to me, Sungie? I’ll try to make up all the hurts that I caused to you the best that I can.”

“We both hurt, Yunho. I realized that you got hurt, too. But I was selfish that I just left you when I’ve promised that I would never give up.”

“I can understand that, Sungie. So just forget it. Let’s give ourselves a chance and make a new start for us. Can we?”

You took a deep breath and smiled sweetly.

Baby, it’s not just you that once get hurt.

But it’s just you that I would always love for the rest of my life.

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404 streak #1
Chapter 15: It's not fair for his lover actually
404 streak #2
Chapter 13: Soooo... Yunho is dead now? But! I want a happy ending! T^T
404 streak #3
Chapter 11: I'm glad it ended well
404 streak #4
Chapter 9: woah! Sungie did something wrong to Yunho. He should have been more open with Yunho. But well, I understand his feeling, that wasn't easy at all
404 streak #5
Chapter 8: wow, that's super fast! XD it would be funny if Sungie was a killer and tried to kill Yunho XD
404 streak #6
Chapter 7: I love how Sungie being so patient towards Yunho who don't want to be fall in love with anyone <3
404 streak #7
Chapter 6: oh! you made my day better even after reading My Only Hope! Cute story!
404 streak #8
Chapter 5: he cheated and you still want him? you're so stupid Sungie! T^T Just move on, be the best of you, and let them know that you're happy without them! T^T
404 streak #9
Chapter 4: >_______< Sungie being romantic <33333
404 streak #10
Chapter 3: aaaaw~ XDDDD cringe but lovely! XD and Leeteuk teasing Sungie was amazing, he did a great job by worrying his dongsaeng, such a great hyung!