Chapter XVII


Author's POV

After hearing the news, Minho was afraid of going back to school. And since it was still early, he went to a nearby park and relax. There, he saw Krystal sobbing.

He sat down, "Hey, Krys.."

"Oh, Oppa. I haven't noticed you there. How long were you here?" she asked while wiping her tears.

"I just came." he answered, "Why are you here?"

"I was just here when I found Sooyoung-unnie," she paused and focused on the playground ahead.

"By any chance, did she tell you something?" he brushed the back of his neck.

"You mean the hospital giving Sulli four months to live?" she looked at Minho and made the latter nod.

"Yeah.. She told me. I wonder how her parents are coping in this situation." Krystal sighed.

"Why?" Minho was confused.

"Oppa, I've known Sulli and her family for a long time. Longer than you thought. During the process of knowing them, Sooyoung-unnie and Sulli's parents gave me the impression of being strict and uptight but nevertheless, I could see that they love their daughters." Krystal started to explain. Minho nodded, a sign for her to continue.

"When Sulli was young, they were lovable. They were like any parents out there; kind, loving, and understanding." she paused and looked up at the sky, "But that was before."

"Why? What happened? How about now?" he asked.

"I don't know what happened either. In the beginning, they're like those normal parents but there are times they weren't there. They go out of country and sometimes, out of town. But when Sulli turned 11, everything changed. Her parents seldomly come home. In a year, they almost never come. Heck, she even thought that Sooyoung-unnie was her mom." she flashed him a bitter-smile.

"They must've been feeling guilt and regret because after all, they didn't spend some quality time with her." Krystal sighed.

"I've always thought that her family was perfect. In fact, the whole school thought they were. Blessed with looks, intelligence, kindness and riches. Anyone would thought she's perfect. How can life be this unfair?" Minho leaned his back.

"Life IS unfair, Oppa. You can't expect Sulli to be that perfect. Every person has flaws." she stated.

Minho nodded and soon, the two of them were lost in their own thoughts.

"Hey, how did you meet Luhan?" Minho asked out of the blue. Krystal stiffened but soon, relaxed.

"How did you know him?"

"We met at the hospital. Remember?" 

"Ohh.." was all she could say.

"So how did you two know each other? I'm expecting you knew him a long time ago."

"Okay, fine, the day after your flight to Hong Kong, I decided to visit Sulli but instead of a maid to greet me, Luhan and Sulli were there to welcome. I went inside and he initiated the introductions. After some time, we became close. To think that he stayed for three months, it was indeed a feat to be close with him. Well, who wouldn't? He's happy going. Two weeks before he's leaving, he told me that he likes, no, scratch that, - he loves Sulli. I was really happy because he kept denying and stuffs like that. He planned on telling her the day before he leaves and so he did. I knew how he confessed and how he got rejected." Krystal laughed. "After the rejection, he didn't even shed a single tear but I think he's just bottling those feelings. I even heard when he got to China, he became a playboy but I don't know the details of it."

Silence came back. And after some minutes of self-reflecting, they decided it's time for school.


*at school*

Minho and Krystal entered school together. After hearing the shocking news, they were down. Even their friends noticed it. They knew that the duo were close to Sulli. So close that even people thought that they were siblings.



"Hey, Minho, wanna join us for recess?" Taemin asked him. 

"I think I'll pass. I'm still full because of breakfast." he smiled but sadly, it didn't reach his eyes.

-at the same time-

"Stal, join us for break." Amber invited Krystal.

"Sorry, guys, I think I'll just eat here." she said but instead of going back to her seat (because she just went to her locker), Victoria and Luna had to drag her.

"Eonnie, I'm fine, seriously." she tried to escape from Victoria's strong grip.

"No, you're not." Victoria said.

"Eonnie, I'm not a child anymore." Krystal tried to laugh to ease the atmosphere.

"We know but you can't fool us. We've known you for a long time. You can't concentrate not even the simplest Math equation!" Luna threw her hands in the air.

"What are you trying to say?" Krystal raised an eyebrow.

"What we're trying to say is that don't shut us out. We know that this is the darkest time of our friendship with Sulli in a comatose state but please, whatever it is, tell us. We're all in this together." Amber pleaded. [A/N: Too much HSM... -_-]

Krystal had to give up. Amber was right. She shouldn't keep this a secret. f(x) should face this problem together.

"Fine.." Krystal sighed, "But please, release me first, eonnies"

"Okay. Now don't try to escape." Victoria said.

"Sooyoung-eonnie told me as well as Minho that Sulli..." she took a deep breath to prevent tears from streaming out, "had four months to prove that she's waking up."

"I don't get it." Amber said. Honestly, she knew what it meant but what she want was confirmation. Luna started to cry while Victoria had to fan her eyes to prevent tears but it failed.

"The hospital gave Sulli..." Krystal started tearing up, "... four months to live. If they can't find any improvements in her state, they had to cut those wires that supported her breathing 'till now."

The three girls can' t help but cry.

"What are we going to do now?" Luna asked in between sobs.

"We're visiting her." Victoria said.

"What? But what about our classes?" Krystal widened her eyes.

"Don't worry. I'm on it." Amber said as she wiped her tears and fished out our phone.

What they don't know was that the boys heard it all. From the four months of Sulli to visiting her in the hospital.


"No wonder Minho was so down." Onew said.

 "Yeah.." Key looked down.

"So what are we going to do? Now that we knew what happened to Sulli." Jonghyun gathered s' attention.

"We're dragging Minho and we're visiting Sulli." Taemin said in determined voice.

"Are you really sure that you're Taemin? I mean the Taemin we came to know was that he's grade-conscious." Key said.

"Yes." Taemin answered trying not to roll his eyes.

"Uhmm.. Guys, how long do you plan of keeping this from me?" Minho came out of nowhere.

"Oh, uhh, we're planning to tell you, right guys?" Onew nudged them.

"Really? Because from what I've heard you're going to DRAG me not TELL me." Minho raised an eyebrow. He can't help it. He may be down but his friends sure know him.

"Fine, so are you coming with us?" Taemin asked.

"What about the remainder of our classes?" Minho asked.

"I already told the principal that something urgent came up." Jonghyun said.

"Really? I don't know that the principal was too dumb to take the bait." Key monotonely said.

"I know." Jonghyun nodded. And they started to exit the school grounds with Minho's car.


When SHINee arrived, f(x) was shocked to see them.

"Why are you here?" Amber stood up from her seat.

"Uhhmm.. We were.. uhhh.." Key was rubbing the back of his neck, "Guys, a little help here?" he whispered.

"I told them what happened to Sulli." Minho said.

"Ohh.. We thought you overheard us or something.." Luna looked down.

"By the way, can I see her?" Minho asked Victoria who was still watching the door of the ICU.

"Krystal's inside. She's talking with Sulli's mom. Her dad just went out." Victoria said without looking up.

Just then, a middle-aged man came. He went near Minho.

"Minho, can I talk to you." he said sternly.


"Well then, follow me." he turned around and started walking towards the elevator. Minho followed him.

The elevator ride was silent when, suddenly, the man spoke, "Where do you want to talk?"

"Anywhere would be good, sir." he answered.

"How about Starlight Cafe?" the man suggested.

"That'll be fine." Minho answered.

"Okay, then."

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zangsia1 #1
Chapter 20: Sulli is alive and now lives as Choi summer?
Chapter 20: End. I hope have sequel ;)