Chapter XVI


Author's POV

After Luhan left, Sooyoung decided to go back to the hospital and see her sister's condition. She stopped on her tracks when she heard a cry coming from Sulli's room. Sooyoung leaned her body to the door and listen to know what happened inside.

"Doctor, please do your best." a woman said. 'Mom?' Sooyoung thought.

"Sorry, madam, but a month and a week has passed already and the patient is not giving any signs of waking up." a male voice said. 'It must be a doctor.' she thought but right now, she's getting confused.

"Can't you give any extensions? Don't you think four months is too short?" a man asked. 'Probably my father.'

"Four months is the longest we could offer, sir. I'm sorry." Sooyoung stepped back and pretended that she didn't hear anything. The doctor just gave her a smile.

After the doctor was out of sight, she went in. She was horrified when she saw her mom bawling out.

"D-Dad?" her voice cracked, "Why is mom crying?" a tear escaped from her eyes.

"Four months." her mother mumbled. She knew what 'Four months' meant. She knew that the hospital gave her family four months of spending quality time with Sulli, four months of hoping that Sulli will wake up, four months to talk to Sulli, four months of saying 'I love you' and 'I miss you' to Sulli, and four months to be happy with Sulli. She can bear those but what she can't bear is that seeing her loved ones crying and suffering for four months.

"I heard about it." she said. Her mother looked up at her and gave her an angry look.

"You heard what the doctor said but you didn't even bother to ask him to extend that four months!" she shouted. Sooyoung can't take it anymore. Why does she have to be the bad guy here?

"Mom! Can't you see it? It's supposed to be five months. Last month was the first! You wasted your first month by taking care of that business. We spent the first month with Sulli with tears being shed. We planned to spend the next months with her without any tears being wasted!" she shouted. Her mother couldn't say anything but she did something... Something that shocked her... Her mom just slapped her.

Sooyoung found her left hand on her left cheek as she nursed the pain. She smirked, making the older woman confused.

"So is this the way on how you pay me? This is how you say you took care of me and loved me throughout my 25 years of existence? This is how you say 'I'm your mother and I love you, my daughter'? This is how you say your thanks to me after I took care of YOUR. ONLY. DAUGHTER for five freaking years?" Sooyoung said, keeping her cool.

"Wait, not five but seventeen years of her whole life, mother, I was the one who took care of her! You were there when you needed something from us, not the other way around." she furthermore said. Her mom was silent. She even forgot that her father was there to witness the whole scene.

"Heck, mom, do you even know who she likes? What her favorite color is? Her favorite food? Her favorite kind of music?" she ranted.

"Soo, you're overreacting." her dad interrupted.

"No, dad, I'm not overreacting. I bet you didn't even know that she already has a boyfriend?" she smirked when she saw her mom's eyebrows were meeting.

"Well, now you should. Didn't you know she almost called me 'mom' and forgot you? But luckily, I told her I'm her SISTER and her GUARDIAN. And let me ask you, in a year, how many times do you go home, huh mom? How many times?" Sooyoung raised her voice. Her mom couldn't answer.

"That's right. You sometimes or never go home. Why didn't you bother to visit us? Why did Dad had the time to visit us when you hadn't? We understand that you had some business to take care of but you also have daughters to look after! You can't expect Dad to be our mother. We don't want him to act as our mom as if our mother was dead when in fact, she's travelling the world to do business without thinking how her daughters are doing!" she took a deep breath and continued, "Mom, for once, let me experience being a daughter. Let me try the feeling of being a 25-year-old woman." with that, she left, tears streaming down her face.


When the elevator opened for Sooyoung to come in, Minho was inside. He made way for her and took a step forward. But Sooyoung stopped him before he takes his second.

"I need to talk to you." she said whilst wiping her tears.

"O-okay." he muttered. Different thoughts came running to his mind. And yet, even if these things came running in him, he knew one thing - he's nervous. He's nervous of what will Sooyoung say.


They went to Starlight Café. A man came to their table. Sooyoung ordered tea while Minho ordered coffee. Not long than 5 minutes, their orders came.

"Minho..." she called Minho's attention, who's playing his fingers below the table.

"Y-yes, noona?" he looked up. Sooyoung took a sip from her tea.

"I know you love Sulli and she also loves you..." she paused whereas Minho nodded.

"But you know, something devastating happened." said Sooyoung as she wiped the tears that fell from her eyes.

Minho was afraid of knowing something about Sulli, especially when it's negative. "What is it?" he gulped. He braced himself to whatever Sooyoung might say.

Seeing her sister's boyfriend being nervous made Sooyoung sigh. She has to tell him what happened to Sulli, especially when he saw her crying.

"The hospital gave her four months. If they can't see any improvements on her waking up in four months, they have no other choice but to cut all those wires that helped her breathe and live." she said.

Minho was too shocked. He couldn't move, he couldn't blink his eyes. He somehow hit the 'pause' button. His world stopped for a minute.

"H-How could this be, noona?" he quivered. Sooyoung only shook her head.

"They said they were supposed to give her a month but since mom begged them, they gave another four months. Four months was all they could give. They can't give more than that." she said sadly.

Minho stood up from his seat and walked out. All Sooyoung could do was sigh. After seeing no more of Minho's figure, she silently cried. After five minutes, she exited the cafe and went to a nearby park to unwind herself.

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zangsia1 #1
Chapter 20: Sulli is alive and now lives as Choi summer?
Chapter 20: End. I hope have sequel ;)