
Into My Life
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"So if you add the square root to each side of the equation it becomes... "

I was in the study room in the school library with Chanyoung while he was solving the last mathemathics problem. The last question was always the big deal. I put my head on my chin as Chanyoung continued to explain. My eardrums were droning out him voice into a flat, boring, monotonous sound. "I'm getting a headache," I muttered.

"This question's easy," Chanyoung swirled the pen between his fingers.

"Yeah. Easy for you." 


Bona entered the room but when she met eyes with her boyfriend she ignored the both of us and quickly turned back out the door.

"Lee Bona where are you going?" I asked but she didn't pay attention to what I had said and slammed the door. I looked at Chanyoung for a reaction but nothing came back in return. I took notice of the weird atmosphere and poked around, "What happened this time?"

"Hey, don't make it sound like we fight everytime."

"Well, I know and I know you know, that whenever Bona gives you the cold shoulders it's for two reasons. One, you did something big or two, you were talking to other girls, looking at other girls, listening to other girls, there was another girl within a metre radius of you. And of course the last four reasons are all catorgorised as the second option."

Chanyoung calmly scribbled down the solution to the mathematics problem and put down the pen. "It's nothing big. She'll get over it by the time I take her home."

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Chapter 3: :( the images aren’t appearing for me
Chapter 3: Why i can't see the picture/gif?
jiminismybabes #3
I likeu fighting... authornim
choco_angel1 #4
Chapter 26: Which drama are the Chanyoung + Bona gifs from ?
Sorrowablasa #5
Chapter 57: One of my favourite ff...thanks author-nim for this wonderful story...
Chapter 58: Thanks for all the memories and good times~ I'll be anticipating your next fic haha
angelicatamara #7
This story is cliche but the kakaotalk makes it so unique. Anyways I love your story! :D
ichalibel #8
Chapter 58: Too bad i can't read most of the convos :(
Chapter 55: i almost died from heart-attack, you know... i thought "what the hell was that?"