Weekend Plans

Running Away

The weekend came around fast. Choon Hee was looking forward to hanging out with Jin. She had told her parents about her plans. They agreed only because they knew Jin otherwise they either would ask her a million questions or not let her go at all.

She didn't feel the need to dress up because she was hanging out with him, but even so she wore her dark blue skinny jeans and a blouse. She brushed out her hair and braided the front of it across her head. She then wore dangling earrings a white necklace, her favorite white and pink bracelet. She sprayed perfume and made her makeup was perfect.

She grabbed her phone and purse and looked at the time. 11:45. He'll be here soon.. or maybe he is already here?

Smiling, Choon Hee made her way downstairs. She went into the living room to hear some chattering. She curiously made her way towards the living room to find Jin already sitting down and talking to her parents and her... two brothers. What are they doing here?

Her eldest brother, Kang Dae noticed her. "Oh Choon Hee-ah!" he chimed as he smiled brightly. Her parents looked towards her and Jin turned around. Myung Dae stood up and made his way towards her with Kang Dae.

"How are you?" asked Kang Dae leaning down to hug her. She smiled and hugged her brother as well. She missed his warm embrace. "I'm fine," she said trying to bit back the urge to tell him what she wants to do. Kang Dae and Myung Dae understood Choon Hee and her desires to go to the Art Insititute.

Her two brothers are the only ones in the family to support Choon Hee's dreams and goals, but her parents were against it. She never understood why her parents were so against the fact that she wanted to go to Seoul Institute of Arts.

Kang Dae let go of Choon Hee and was replaced by Myung Dae. She missed seeing her brothers every day. Always coming home and ending up playing games on the Playstation 3 or goofing off.

"I'm so glad to see you!" chimed Myung Dae as he let go of her. She looked towards Jin who was smiling towards her. She then looked towards her parents were looking so warmly at their three children.

"Ahh... so Jin, you're going to bring back our Choon Hee by 10 right?" joked her father. Choon Hee couldn't help but look at her father crazy.

"Why even have a curfew with those two? I trust Jin," said her mother. At that moment Choon Hee could hug her, but she held back.

"Yeobeo," said her father sternly.

"Jin, Choon Hee... be careful. And it gets too late by the time you realize what time it really is. I give permission for Choon Hee to stay at your house Jin. Okay? Just don't do something you might regret," said her mother.

Her brothers nodded. "We trust Jin, so there is no need for us to worry," they both said.

"Alright. Off you two go," said my mother as she pulled Jin up and grabbed Choon Hee's arm as she walked past her and dragged them out the door.

"Have fun!" her mother closed the door on them. Leaving them dumbfounded.

"What was that about?" questioned Jin

"I-I don't know... but lets just enjoy this... where are we going first?"


Jin's POV

Once we got into the car, I drove off towards the restaurant that I wanted to take Choon Hee. We've been friends for ten years and now that I'm in college, I don't spend as much time with her like I would like to.

Ever since we met, we've been really close. The only times we were apart was when we had to go to school. As well that I am two years older than her so when she was in her first year of high school, I was already in my third year. I'm just glad that she wants to go to Seoul Institute of Arts like me and my three other friends.

I've always thought of her as my sister. She would come to me about anything and I would try to help her the best I could. Whenever it came down to girl things, she would go to Park Ah Young. Her best girl friend.

"So how is school?" I dare ask. Knowing Choon Hee she would complain about something.

"It's... okay. I guess," she sighed as she looked out the window. "What do you mean you guess?" I said raising an eyebrow

She shrugged. "It's the same ol' same ol'. Nothing new really," she sounded down. Like something was getting to her.

"What's wrong?" I ask as I came to stop at the light. She seemed to be thinking weather or not to tell me. There was a silence in the car. It wasn't awkward at all. It was comfortable but I knew she was holding back on me.

"Lim Choon Hee. You know you can tell me. You're best guy friend for ten years. I've always been there for you. Now tell me what is wrong?" I urged

She sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"I-I'm tired of my parents," she finally said.

"What do you mean?" I was shocked that she would say something like that.

"I mean... they won't let me do anything. They want to keep me under their wing. They're forcing me to apply at a SKY University. When I clearly don't want to. They want me to major in medicine, when that subject doesn't even interest me the slightest bit! You know my dream!" she said looking at me. The light turn green and I took off.

I didn't know that she felt that way about her parents. Everything seemed fine between them. I guess this is what happens when I'm gone and not around as much...

"You never mentioned this to me," I said a little sad and disappointed. She looked me shocked and then it seemed like realization dawned on her.

"I'm so sorry Oppa! I've been meaning to, but you know.. they've been keeping me busy with all these extra classes that I don't want. I've been lieing and telling them that I've been going when in reality I've been going to a photography class and an extra art class," she said.

I smiled at her. I knew that she was serious about her dreams and I knew that nothing, not even her parents, were going to stop her. Even if it might make them angry, but it seems like Choon Hee has it under control.

"But you should at least do what your parents want you to do," I said as I turned into the parking lot. She looked at me like I had hit a bad note. "Oppa, I thought we were on my side," she huffed. She was being so cute.

"What I meant is... attend some of those classes and see if you actually like it. If not, just tell them that you don't and that you want to attend some other classes," I said chuckling a little nervously.

Why am I being this way?

I parked the car and turned it off. Choon Hee got out first and I followed.

"Did I say something wrong?" I asked a little concerned as I went towards the front of the car where she was waiting for me. "Ani," she answered blankly. "Yah Lim Choon Hee, is that how you talk to your Oppa?" I joked.

She sighed. "Mian," I tousled her hair and she pouted as she tried to fix her hair. "OPPA~~~" she whined.

I chuckled as I walked towards the restaurant. "Come on," I smiled.


Choon Hee's POV

Choon Hee hated it when Jin would mess up her hair. She knew it was his way of affection, but even so she didn't like it.

But when he smiled at her, she felt like melting. His smile was so adorable and she loved the way his eyes would look like tiny crescents. But she mentally shook her head. Ani... what am I thinking? Get a grip! Who knows... maybe he has a girlfriend. But if he had a girlfriend than he would have told me! What if... he taking me to met her now!?

She wanted to freak out. What if he really was taking her to met his girlfriend? Would his girlfriend like her being around Jin? Would his girlfriend not allow him to hang out with Choon Hee?

Her mind had gone into over drive. By the time they stepped into the restaurant, she was tense, on high alert. Seeing each girl in the restaurant as a possible threat.

The waiter had brought them to a booth and set the menus on the table. Choon Hee sat across from him, seeing if anyone else would join them shortly.

"What would you like to drink?" asked the waiter. "Umm... Cola would be fine," she answered automatically. The waiter turned to Jin. "Spirit,"

The waiter nodded before heading towards the kitchen to get their drinks. "What's the occasion?" she dare ask. Jin looked up from his menu.

"What do you mean?" he asked confused. "You text me and ask to hangout today... I was just wondering..." she trailed off. She didn't know how to ask him if he had a girlfriend or not.

"You were wondering what?" he asked raising an eyebrow. Now setting down his menu to look her straight in the eyes. She knew that he was curious about what she was going to say. But Choon Hee didn't know how to ask him. What she didn't understand was why she was nervous and tense all of a sudden. They knew each for ten years, there shouldn't be any secrets between them. Let alone let some girl get in the way. What if he really does have a girlfriend?

Choon Hee sat there gulping and nervously tapping her fingers on the table. "Uhh well... I mean like -"

"Here you go! A cola for the lady and a Spirit for the gentleman. Now... are you ready to order?" asked the waiter cheerfully. Choon Hee sighed in relief.

"I think we both need a little more time," smiled Jin towards the waiter. "Alright then. I'll be back to see if your ready by then," smiled the waiter before going to another to check on.

"Now what was it that you were saying?" asked Jin turning his attention towards her. Causing Choon Hee to squeak in surprise as she had lifted her menu up to see what looked good. Jin chuckled as her. She puffed out her cheeks.


"What? You're not answering my question so why do I have to answer to yours?" asked Jin amused.

Choon Hee sighed. She really didn't want to ask him afraid that she might cause some awkwardness between them.

"Oppa truth is, I was wondering if you by taking me out to hangout with you is your way of saying that..." she trailed off again as she looked for the right words to say.

"Saying what?" he asked. He seemed fully interested on what Choon Hee had to say and would keep asking about it until she answered him.

Taking a deep breath, she wasn't sure if she should say it or not but she did anyway.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" she blurted out.

Choon Hee didn't know how he was going to react. She didn't want to witness it. There was a moment of silence between them. The one thing that she dreaded the most. She looked at Jin who had a poker face on. She was getting more and more nervous as the time ticked by.

Hello my lovely subscribers! I hope you enjoyed this update! Sorry if updates seem kind of slow. School and Band practice have been draining me.

I feel like I have no enegry left! Ahaha. Thank goodness this is my last year in high school! ^~^ lol

Have you guys heard about whats going on in SM? Man... things don't seem to be going good for them this year. Hmm I wonder what will happen next.

Well until next time

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Jaslynn #1
Chapter 10: So adorable ♡♡>•<
-theirmusicismylifee #2
Chapter 10: This was nice. Thank you for it. ♡
DragonJewel #3
Chapter 10: love this story
Chapter 10: I had no idea that this was going to be so short but i immensely enjoyed it ^^ and the only person that should be hugging V is *cough me *cough
-theirmusicismylifee #5
Chapter 9: Yay! Things turned out ok after all .. I think.
-theirmusicismylifee #6
Chapter 8: Hehehe, so cute. ♡
C3cilia #7
Chapter 8: They are so cute. I wonder who eunbyul would end up with???
-theirmusicismylifee #8
Chapter 6: Damn, that lap scene tho got me squealing ㅋㅋㅋ
C3cilia #9
Chapter 6: Omg they are so cute together!!!
-theirmusicismylifee #10
Chapter 5: Ooooooooohhhhh.