
Running Away

Choon Hee woke up and looked at her clock. It was 12:30 in the morning. Her parents would be fast asleep and her brothers either left or are sleeping as well.

She gathered her bags and proceeded out her bedroom. She looked around and sure enough it was pitch black in the house.

Choon Hee carefully brought everything down the stairs. She went over and turned the alarm off. She then got all her belongings out the front door. She went to put the alarm back on. She was careful not to make so much noise. She pressed the 'stay' button and proceeded out the front door. She locked the door with her keys and went out.

Once out she didn't know what to do. She wasn't sure if there were any taxis running this late. She knew the buses weren't. She grabbed her stuff and decided to walk.

It was rather cold and luckily for her she had grabbed her jacket, hat and gloves.

She got her phone out and dialed the one person she knew that would take her in.

She dialed the number and waited for him to answer. "Choon Hee. What's the matter?" asked Jin. He was clearly asleep.

"Oppa. Mianhae for doing this to you, but can I stay at your place?" she asked.

It seemed to take him a moment to registar what she had just said. "What?"

"I ran away from home. Can you please come pick me up?"

"YOU WHAT!?" he boomed. "Please understand," she said as she breathed the cold air.

"Where are you?" he asked.

She told him where she was and he told her to stay where she was. He then hung up.

Come quickly...


Ten minutes later...

Jin's car pulled up to where Choon Hee was. He got out the car and put her stuff in the back.

He then opened the door for her and she got in. He ran around to the drivers side and got in. He then put the car in drive and turned out to go to his house.

"Why?" he asked suddenly.

"Why what?"

"Why did you run away?"

Choon Hee didn't know how to tell him. "I already told you why,"

"You could have at least worked it out," he said.

Since it was late at night there was no traffic so the way to his house was really fast.

"What took you so long?" she asked trying to change the subject. "Traffic lights," he said blankly. He was clearly disappointed in her.

She sighed and they remained slient for the remaining way to his house.

Once at his home, he parked the car in the garage and got out. He went and got her belongings out from the back. It was her first time coming to his place. It was a nice villa in a really nice neighborhood.

"Wow this daebak," she said looking around. "Thanks,"

He brought through the kitchen and lead her towards a spare bedroom. "You can stay here," he said setting her bags down. "I'm guessing you're going to be staying here for a while so... luckily I kept all the stuff we bought yesterday. They're in this room," he said

Choon Hee the lights and saw a bed neatly made and all the basic furniture. "This is nice," she said. The walls were painted a light blue with different patterns on them.

"It used to be my brothers before he moved out and left the house to me. So you can use it," he said awkwardly.

"Thank you," she said as she went to hug him. He seemed to be caught off guard but he then hugged her back. "Anything for you," he said causing Choon Hee to blush. What he didn't know was how much Choon Hee truly loves him, but she doesn't want to risk ruining their precious friendship.

They broke apart and Choon Hee ducked her head so he wouldn't see her blushing face. "I'm going to organize my stuff," she said

"W-Wae?" he asked dumbfounded. "I'm going to... stay here," she declared.

"What?" he seemed to be shocked. "I'm not going back to that hell house," she responded. "Choon Hee," started Jin

"No. Don't even start. I'm not going back. Not until my parents comes to term with what I truly want. Plus I brought all my stuff. That's why my bags are so full," she said pointing towards said bags.

Jin sighed. "Fine. But you're going to have to get a job to pay bills as well," he said smirking. Her eyes bulged. "Really?"


Jin's POV

Seeing Choon Hee's reaction was funny. Of course I wasn't going to allow her get a job.

"Aniyo. I was kidding. You need to focus on studying," I said. "You sound sooo much like my parents," she pouted.

He smirked. "I'm sorry. Only if you want to. It's up to you. It's your life," I said as I leaned on the door frame.

She smiled. She seemed to be relieved that someone was finally letting her decide what she wants and not think for her.

"If you need anything, my room is down the hall," I said as I stood up straight and turned to go. "Oppa,"

"Ne?" I slightly turned to face her. "Thank you,"

"No problem," I smiled and walked down the hall to my room. Once inside my room, I closed the door and layed down on my bed.

Why did she run away? Why did she come here? Does she really not anyone else? What about her brothers? Couldn't they have taken her in?

I was so confused. I didn't know what to think or do. I didn't how I should even help Choon Hee. Should I tell her parents? Should I just let her stay until she feels that she needs to talk to them? Is she even going to go to school Monday?

I was at a lose. I didn't want to be the bad guy to her but I didn't want to her parents to hate me if they even found out. I sighed as I looked at the ceiling.


Later that Morning

I woke up and looked at my clock. It was barely 10:45 in the morning. I rubbed my eyes and yawned as sunlight was streaming into my room creating a soft yellow glow in my room.

I sat up in my bed and realized that Choon Hee was at my house. I had momently forgotten about that fact. I stood up and went out my room towards the spare room that she was staying in. I knocked on the door and slowly opened it.

I found her to be fast asleep still. I smiled and walked into the room. She had actually cleaned the room up. It was nice and clean and it smelled liked warm vanilla beans. Just like her...

I didn't even realized that I was smiling down at her. I walked towards her bed to see her facing out as she softly snored. The sheets were down to her waist and luckly she was wearing a tank top... but by the looks of it she wasn't wearing a ... bra...

I blushed as I looked away and cleared my throat. She didn't react at all. Oh... I forgot she's a heavy sleeper.

Looking down at her again, I bent down and looked at her. She was so beautiful. She's grown up so much... What am I thinking? She's my best friend...

I shook my thoughts away and stood up again. I pulled the covers up to her neck and walked out the room.

"Might as well make breakfast," I muttered to myself as I closed the door to the room. I went towards my room to take a shower first.

After taking a shower, I went over to the kitchen to prepare the both of us some bunch since it was about to be noon anyways. I looked around and decided to make some cold noodles. One of my favorite foods and hopefully Choon Hee still likes it.


Kang Dae's POV (Choon Hee's eldest brother)

It was about to be eleven and I was about to leave to go back to my house when mother came down. "Kang Dae-ah... have you seen Choon Hee?" she asked

I shook my head. "Aniyo. Waeyo?" I asked as I pulled my coat on. "Because she's not in her room,"

"Did she perhaps have something to do today?"

Mother looked around, obviously thinking. "I-I don't know. Maybe she wanted to think things over and went somewhere quiet since... you know what happened last night," said Mother obviously she felt like she had won.

But knowing Choon Hee this war wasn't over. Not for Choon Hee of course. She would go out of her way to find a way to get what she wants no matter the costs. Even if it means getting mother and father upset.

"Maybe. Well Umma, I have to go. I have to take care of somethings," I said as I gathered my belongings.

"Alright honey. Is Myung Dae leaving with you?" she asked looking around for said boy.


She nodded and smiled. "I've never had a problem with either of you. I love your sister but she can be too much sometimes," sighed Mother.

"What are you trying to say?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "I'm tired of her being so bratty and trying to get everything she wants without even considering what others have to do to get her what she wants,"

I sighed. I didn't have room to comment but I felt the urge to. "You raised her like that. That's all she knows. So maybe should think how she feels instead of always seeing things from your point of view," I said.

My mother looked at me shocked. "Kang Dae... what... what do you mean?"

I sighed. "Maybe you should let Choon Hee choose what she really wants. Instead of controlling her life,"

Mother looked bewildered and I saw the angry boiling inside of her.

"Hyung! Are you ready to go?" asked Myung Dae coming down with his luggage. "Yes. I was about to wait for you in the car," I said turning towards my brother.

"Oh alright," he smiled.

"Bye umma," I took one last look before going out the door. I knew she was going to be angry but so be it. I live on my own. I may not have someone yet I know I'll met someone soon. And hopefully Mother doesn't get in the way of it.

I loaded my belongings into the car and started the car. It was a cold and it looked like it was going to snow even more. I waited in the car for Myung Dae to come out. Not even a few minutes later he came out with a blank expression on his face.

He loaded his belongings into the trunk and then got in the car. I drove down the street towards the main street.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Mother. She said to find out what you and Choon Hee are doing but I refused. Now she's angry at all three of us. She has to let Choon Hee do what she wants. She might have controlled our lifes but Choon Hee is different. We really couldn't go against them," he sighed.

"But we turned out pretty okay," I slightly smiled.

"Yeah I guess. But I wanted to become a Firefighter not some Software Engineer for Samsung. I like my job but I don't feel satisfied with it," he spoke up.

I sighed. We each had our dreams and goals but our parents ripped it away from us. And now we don't Choon Hee to end up like us. And it's obvious that she isn't going to let our parents get in the way like we let them.

"We were foolish to let them tell us what to do. I like being the boss of my own law firm but I don't really like it either. I wanted to be a Businessman, have my own shop," I said.

"Why didn't mom and dad let us do what we wanted?" asked Myung Dae sighing. "Pride,"

Myung Dae looked a little shocked. "Pride? What do you mean by that?" he asked after a few moments of silence.

"Basically... our parent's friends are of high social status. Dad being a successfull businessman proves that we deserve to be on the top. All of his people's sons and daughters are lawyers, doctors, engineers, etc. So it's all about who has the most successfull children. Mom and Dad are trying to prove that. But since Choon Hee doesn't want to become a doctor, and wants to become a photographer and an artist, they look down on that because how can someone be so successful? But what they don't see is that people who don't even go to college become successful artist. So yeah," I said trying my best to explain to him.

He simply nodded him head. He sighed. "Screw this system. We have thoughts and dreams too," he sighed.

"I know I know brother,"

A few moments later I recieved a text message. "Myung Dae do my a favor and see who it is," I said handing him my phone.

He unlocked it and pressed on the message. "It's Choon Hee," he said as he read the message. "What did she say?" I asked

"Oh my god! Choon Hee left home!" He exclaimed as he looked at me with wide-eyes. "WHAT?!" I shouted as I quickly glanced at him.

"She said: 'Oppa... I'm sorry to say but... I left home. I couldn't take mom and dad anymore. I'm tired of always being told what to do. I'm 19 now. I can do as I wish. So... I'm staying at a friends house. Please don't tell mom and dad. Just tell them I'm alive and well. I'll finish school but I won't be going to a SKY University but the college of my choice. I hope you all understand. We can still met up if you want. Love always Choon Hee.'," he read

"I can't believe this. She has more guts than the both of us," I smirked. "I'm actually kind of proud of our sister," he said smiling

"Ask her if there is anything that she needs from the house?" I said as I came to a stop at a red light.

I looked over to Myung Dae quickly typing away. "Sent," He announced proudly. I chuckled at him. 

Hopefully she's okay. Is she staying at Jin's place?

That seemed like the only logical place she would stay at...

Hello everyone! I hope I didn't keep you waiting for so long!

Aha. My birthday was Sunday so this whole weekend I was pretty busy going here and there.

How have all of you been? Is school tough on ya'll?

I seriously want to get this year over with already and go to college. I really can't wait.

Have you seen Super Junior's new music video 'This is Love' and 'Evenesce'?? I loved them both! ahah

Well Until Next Time

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Jaslynn #1
Chapter 10: So adorable ♡♡>•<
-theirmusicismylifee #2
Chapter 10: This was nice. Thank you for it. ♡
DragonJewel #3
Chapter 10: love this story
Chapter 10: I had no idea that this was going to be so short but i immensely enjoyed it ^^ and the only person that should be hugging V is *cough me *cough
-theirmusicismylifee #5
Chapter 9: Yay! Things turned out ok after all .. I think.
-theirmusicismylifee #6
Chapter 8: Hehehe, so cute. ♡
C3cilia #7
Chapter 8: They are so cute. I wonder who eunbyul would end up with???
-theirmusicismylifee #8
Chapter 6: Damn, that lap scene tho got me squealing ㅋㅋㅋ
C3cilia #9
Chapter 6: Omg they are so cute together!!!
-theirmusicismylifee #10
Chapter 5: Ooooooooohhhhh.