Moving Forward

Running Away

Christmas came and gone and so did the new year. It was now the second week of January and Choon Hee couldn't be anymore happier.

She had gotten approval from her parents to officially move in with Jin and pursue the career that she always dreamed of and not only that but she got accepted to Seoul Art Institute because they loved her portfolio and wanted someone like her to attend.

Jin had helped her out a lot and she was grateful for it. Graduation was around the corner and she couldn't be anymore excited for it.

"Ahhh I just want this school year to end already," she smiled as she placed her chin on her hand as she looked off into space. They were seated at the breakfast table just sitting. around instead of actually doing something.

"Waeyo?" smiled Jin as he looked at her. "Because!" she looked at him with round eyes. "I want to start college already!" she exclaimed.

"Enjoy the time you have left in high school. You'll end up missing it,"

"No I won't. I don't have fond memories of the place. I rather just start college so I can..." she trailed off as she blushed and turned to look away from Jin.

"Can what?" he asked looking towards her with curious eyes as he leaned back in the chair to stare at her.

"N-Nothing. Ahh, I'm tired. I should probably get ready for bed since I have school tomorrow," Choon Hee said as she faked a yawn and stretched out her arms as she stood up and quickly ran upstairs to her room.

"Babo! Tomorrow's Saturday!" chuckled Jin.

"Shut up! I knew that!" she yelled back making Jin laugh even more.

Once she close the door to her room, she breathed a huge sigh of relief. Even though its been more than a month since they've been dating, Choon Hee still felt embarrassed about expressing herself fully to Jin, solely because she didn't know how he would react to it.

I'm just being a babo...

She didn't know what to do so she thought that maybe doing some homework would get her minds off things.


The following Day...

Choon Hee woke up to the smell of bacon. She rubbed her eyes as she yawned. She her lips and her stomach starting growling in response.

She decided to get out of bed and shower before heading downstairs. She went to her bathroom and the water. She waited for it to heat before getting undressed and slowly getting in as her body adjusted to the rather hot water. She felt relief going through her body as she calmly took a relaxing shower.

Once out of the shower to got dressed in comfortable clothing. She wore a gray pair of sweats with an oversized t-shirt. She tied her hair in a messy bun and decided she looked decent enough. She didn't feel the need to apply make-up so she opened the door and headed down.

Only to find that the boys were over and they were being rather loud. Before anyone noticed her, she rushed back upstairs to change out of her clothing. She instead wore a cuter oversized t-shirt and gray legging.

She left her hair in a messy bun and applied light make-up. She felt better and headed back downstairs. The boys were now goofing off and they were louder than before.

Choon Hee quietly went towards them as they didn't seem to notice her. She went behind Suga and J-Hope to see if she could scare them. She tapped their shoulders and moved to one side so they would notice her. They looked at each other confused and shrugged. She did it once more but to her disliking, she got caught by Jimin.

"You're not so slick," he smirked as he grabbed her wrist. "Let go,"

Suga and J-Hope turned around and smiled widely at the sight of her. "CHOON HEE!" chimed J-Hope as he hugged her tightly. Jimin had let go and before she knew it she was receiving hugs from all the guys. "Morning," smiled Jin as he continued to cook. She smiled widely at her boyfriend. "Good Morning!"

"You seem extra happy this morning," remarked V. "Yeah well," she blushed as she didn't even know herself as to why she was so happy this early.

"I hope you don't mind us being here. Jin invited us over for breakfast since its been a long time," said Rap Monster. "Yeah I don't mind. You guys have fun," she responded.

"We'll meet up with the girls later though," smiled Jungkook. "Sounds like a plan,"


After eating breakfast, they ended up meeting up with the other two girls at the COEX mall.

Eun Byul seemed to be getting closer with Jungkook while Ah Young was slowly making some sort of progression with Jimin. They all ended up splitting up though.

The older ones went in one direction while the younger ones of the group went the opposite direction.

"Meet up by the food court in two hours," instructed Rap Monster.

"Ne," the younger ones answered as they walked off to shop.

Choon Hee was actually glad to spend some time with the guys. "How have you been Choon Hee?" asked Suga as they walked along simply window shopping.

"I've been great. I can't wait to graduate," she laughed.

"That's good. I heard you've parents approved of you going to our school and staying with Jin," added J-Hope. "Yeah they did. Which shocked me. But I have to really thank my brothers for supporting me," she smiled

They all nodded. They knew how important her brothers were to her.


Two Hours later...

They all met up in the food court just like Rap Monster had told them. Jimin, V, Jungkook, Eun Byul and Ah Young were already there waiting for the rest of them.

"Took you guys long enough," said Jimin as he stood up.

"Hush up and respect your seniors. Why don't you go with V and J-Hope to buy the food then," said Suga as he sat down. Jimin rolled his eyes as he clapped V on the shoulders as the latter stood up and went to follow.

"Did you guys have fun?" asked Choon Hee as she sat next to Suga and Jin sat across from her. "Yeah!" seeing how Eun Byul was so happy, Choon Hee knew that Jungkook had bought her something.

"But," Ah Young sighed as she looked towards the direction that the three boys had left. "V was being really weird," she whispered.

Which caused the rest of them to burst out laughing. "That's not funny," defending Eun Byul as she looked at us bewildered. "Waeyo?" Choon Hee said as she caught her breathe.

"Because V is seriously something else. I don't even understand him. I don't see how he's a third year," she pouted. Which made them laugh even more.

"V is from another planet, but he just won't admit it," added Suga as he caught he breathe as well.

Soon after the boys came back with three trays full of food.

They each set it down and everyone grabbed a drink and whatever looked good to them.


Two Years Later

Choon Hee was having fun taking random pictures of Jin while he watch tv since she had a project due in a week.

"Would you stop?" he said as he covered his face with his hands. "But you're being so cute!" she chimed as she continued taking pictures.

"Am I really?" he brightened and looked up at her with those brown eyes of his. "Yes," she blushed as lowered the camera in her hand.

He smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist cauasing her to fall on his lap. She carefully placed her precious Nikon on the coffee table and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Jin quickly pecked her lips causing to blush even more. Even though it's been two years since they've starting dating, she still felt it to be surreal.

Even her parents were being nice and they were now going around telling everyone they knew that their daughter was going to be a photographer and a painter.

To which some people actually approved. But she really didn't care about those other people. She just cared that her parents approved and she was now living out her dream.

"Choon Hee,"


"I have a favor to ask,"

"Favor? Jin asking for a favor? This is new," she teased causing him to huff. "Yah~~,"

"I'm kidding what is it,"

"Well since all of us. You know the guys are at the Art Institute now and majoring in the same thing, we have this project..." he trailed as he looked her in the eyes.

"Okay. What about this project?"

"We have to make a video and we thought that having a girl in the video would be nice. Originally we were going to ask Ah Young but then we realized that she doesn't really V that much and Jimin is very much the jealous type,"

Choon Hee laughed at the mention of Jimin and Ah Young. It took them weeks to get to together and when they finally did, it didn't even seem like they just started dating. Everyone at school had thought that they were already dating from a while back.

"But what does V have to do with anything?" she asked as she looked at Jin. He tightened his hold on her which kind of confused her.

"Well... at the end of the video, you'll have to hug V,"

She looked at him shocked. "What why?" 

"Because it's a music video and the song is called War of Hormone. And we need a girl. But somehow the girl chooses V. Soo... if you don't want to its okay!" he rushed.

Causing Choon Hee to laugh. "Ask Eun Byul. I'm sure she'll do it. Plus Jungkook is pretty chill so it wouldn't be a problem,"

"True. She is taking acting classes," said Jin. "Exactly. I wouldn't be too much of help. But I can take pictures if you need them," she winked as she kissed his cheek and stood up.

"Where are you going?" he asked confused. "Going to call Eun Byul," she laughed. She loved how Jin was somehow always confused and never really got the situation quickly.

She was surprised that they even made it this far. She was afraid her parents would go back on their word but they've kept it. She should have talked to them from the get-go instead of just running away like she did. Which caused even more problems and caused everyone to worry and do things they normally wouldn't do.

But in the end it turned out pretty okay. She still felt a little guilty but that was all in the past now.

Like they say "Running Away from any problem only increases the distance from the solution,"

Hey guys!

I hope you all had a Happy New Year!

As you can see, this fic has come to end!

(Sorry if it feels rushed or if it went by too quickly!)

I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it for you all!

If you need something else to read please check out these two stories that I'm co-authoring with my best friend!

I'm sure you'll like it!

Our Adventure with EXO (Which is now Completed)

So We Go On (Currectly working on it)

As well as it prequel! If Only

Thank you all again! Hope to see you all again.

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Jaslynn #1
Chapter 10: So adorable ♡♡>•<
-theirmusicismylifee #2
Chapter 10: This was nice. Thank you for it. ♡
DragonJewel #3
Chapter 10: love this story
Chapter 10: I had no idea that this was going to be so short but i immensely enjoyed it ^^ and the only person that should be hugging V is *cough me *cough
-theirmusicismylifee #5
Chapter 9: Yay! Things turned out ok after all .. I think.
-theirmusicismylifee #6
Chapter 8: Hehehe, so cute. ♡
C3cilia #7
Chapter 8: They are so cute. I wonder who eunbyul would end up with???
-theirmusicismylifee #8
Chapter 6: Damn, that lap scene tho got me squealing ㅋㅋㅋ
C3cilia #9
Chapter 6: Omg they are so cute together!!!
-theirmusicismylifee #10
Chapter 5: Ooooooooohhhhh.