Hanging Out

Running Away

Jin's POV

"Do you have a girlfriend?" she asked. As Choon Hee asked me if I had a girlfriend, I felt a little hurt that she would ask me that. Does she really think that this is because I have a girlfriend? Should I lie to her? I don't want her to get mad... ughh!

I just sat there. Thinking on something to tell her. I didn't want to lie to her and tell that I do, because I don't and I don't want her to get mad at me.

I looked at her and she was shifting uncomfortably in her seat. I smiled a little and I started to chuckle, which made her snap her head towards me.

"M-Mwol?" she asked. Obviously nervous.

"Lim Choon Hee, what makes you think I have a girlfriend?" I asked. Finally getting my thoughts together. She looked down and I knew then that she was fumbling with her hands out of habit when she gets nervous or anxious.

"W-well... oppa... I just... thought that, like since you suddenly asked me to hang out, you know, I assumed you wanted to introduce your girlfriend," she said muttering the last part.

"Well Choon Hee-ah, I don't have a girlfriend. It's just you and me today okay? So don't go thinking about those kind of things," I said lifting my menu up again to see what was good.

I looked over at her and she was blushing as she nervously grabbed her menu. Why is she being so cute?

I smile at myself and look over the menu. A few minutes later the waiter comes back.

"Have you decided on what you're going to order?" he asks. "Ne," I nod as I look over to Choon Hee who was immersed in the menus contents. "Choon Hee-ah are you ready to order?" I ask

The waiter turns happily to her. She slightly nods as she sets her menu down to show the waiter what she wants. "I want this," she said pointing to a steak with an option of sides.

"Alright. What two sides do you prefer?" he said pulling out his notepad. Choon Hee looked over the options once more before choosing exactly what she wanted. "Mashed potatoes, and coleslaw," she said smiling as she looked up at the waiter, which seemed to cause him to blush.

I clenched my jaw as he smirked a little before turning towards me. "What would you like to order sir?" he asked me.

"This pasta soup with a salad," I said closing my menu.

"Alright. I'll be back with your orders," he said nodding his head as grabbed our menus. He looked towards Choon Hee and smiled before turning away to head towards the kitchen, I presume.

I cleared my throat before saying, "He seemed into you,"

She looked towards me with wide eyes. "W-What?"

"You heard me," I said drinking some of my soda. "W-Why do you say that?" she asked. Obviously surprised that she saw the same. Which got my blood boiling. She was aware of the waiter was checking her out yet she wanted to seem oblivious to the situation.

I clenched and unclenched my jaw as I set the glass down. Why am I getting mad? Is it because I'm being overprotective?


After eatting at the restaurant, Choon Hee and I headed out the busy streets. "Where are we?" she asked looking around. "Hongdae," I answered as I shoved my handed into my pockets since it was rather cold. I loved the fall/winter weather. I looked over to Choon Hee who looked like she was freezing her off.

"You didn't bring a jacket?" I asked as she hugged herself. "Aniyo," she sheeplishly looked at me. I chuckled as I pulled my leather jacket off and handed it to her.

"W-Wae?" she said as her teeth chattered. I stopped her from walking and placed the jacket on her shoulders. I grabbed her left arm and pulled it through the sleeve; I then did the same with her right. I then zipped the jacket up. "There all better right?" I asked leaning down to be eye-level with her. She slowly nodded her head. "Alright," I smiled as I straightened up and patted her shoulders.

I looked around and noticed a store that Choon Hee would surely love. "Come on," I grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards the store.


Choon Hee's POV

She felt bad that Jin gave her his leather jacket. He was left in his gray hoodie. It looked really thin. She didn't expect it to be so cold out today. She was hoping it would be rather sunny and at least a bit warm. She didn't really like the cold. But she did love the snow. She knows that Jin is in love with the winter weather, but she prefers Spring.

Jin pulled her along through the rather busy streets of Hongdae. It was honestly her first time there. Since she has overprotective parents, she doesn't get to go out much and explore. She has heard so much about Hongdae that she even planned on coming to check out places and even take pictures. Speaking of which, she wished she brought her Nikon DSLR.

Jin opened the door and lightly pushed her in before following behind. It was a rather large store and it looked really expensive. It looked like a Hollister store but it wasn't. It was slightly different.

"What is this store?" she asked turning towards Jin. He simply shrugged. "I honestly don't know... I saw it and thought you would like it,"

Choon Hee couldn't help but to roll her eyes. "Hello! How may I help the both of you?" asked a rather young lady in skinny jeans, a casual t-shirt and vans.

"We're just looking," said Jin as he looked around. "Alright. If you need any help my name is Susan," she said. Jin looked at her weird but shrugged and pulled Choon Hee along. By then Jin was practically holding her hand, which to Choon Hee was a bit awkward but she didn't mind.

At this rate I'm probably never going to confess to him. Plus... will my parents allow it? I don't even want to think about them.

Jin lead her towards a rack full of T-shirts and jackets. "Try some of these jackets on," he said pulling some off the rack as he looked at them before putting them back on. He tilted his head at one and he seemed to thinking really hard before mumoring something to himself and then putting the jacket back where it belonged.

"What are you doing?" she dared ask from her place next to him. "Trying to see which jacket suits you. But the thing is... that jacket already looks amazing on you. I don't think any of these can compare," he said looking at her.

Choon Hee couldn't help but to blush at what he said. But she knew he was speaking from a best guy friend perspective. She didn't want to get her hopes up.


After hours of walking around Hongdae and going in and out stores, Choon Hee and Jin had a successful day.

They were on their way back towards Choon Hee's house to drop her off and the bags full of merchandise that they bought during the day.

"So did you have fun?" asked Jin smiling towards her. Choon Hee was looking out the window wondering if she would have another day like this with him.

"Huh? Oh... yeah! I did. It was nice spending the day with you finally," she said smiling back.

Jin smirked at her. "What were you thinking about?" he dared ask. Choon Hee gulped as she looked down at her lap. She was nervous and embarrassed that Jin even noticed.


"Really? I know your thinking about something by your expression,"

She didn't know what to say. She really couldn't lie to him. They've known each other for so long that Jin knows every habit that Choon Hee has.

"I-I was just thinking about how fun it was and was wondering when we might hang out again... like this," she whispered the last part.

He chuckled as he concentrated on the road ahead. "I see. Hopefully soon," he smiled. She loved the way he would smile towards her it would make her heart race inside her chest. She was afraid that if it were any louder Jin would hear her thumping heart.

She fumbled with her hands as silence between them settled. Choon Hee then decided to look out the window. It was already dark out and it seemed like it was going to snow tonight. I can't wait for it to snow...

She smiled at the thought of snow. "What are you so happy about?" questioned Jin. Choon Hee slightly jumped in her seat. She was so lost in thought that she failed to remember who she was with.

"It looks like it's going to snow," she said smiling. Jin smirked. "It does doesn't it? I hope it snows a lot so I don't have to go school," he chuckled.

"Me too. I really don't want to school anymore," she declared. This was the first she has ever said anything about not wanting to go to school to Jin. As far as he knew, Choon Hee loved school.

He looked at her before turning back towards the road. "What do you mean about that? Why? What's wrong at school? Are they bullying you?" he immediately started asking a lot of questions.

"No they're not bullying me. It's because of my... parents," she said. She didn't know how to tell him. For so long she's been thinking about running away. She doesn't want to face her parents afraid of their answer. Afraid that they won't accept her wants and want to push more for what they want for her. She knows she has her brothers support but the one support she wants... isn't there.

"You're parents? Oh... what you told me about earlier?" he asked. "Yeah,"

"Choon Hee-ah, I don't know what to tell you. Why don't you just tell them?" 

Choon Hee wanted to scream in frustration. Even her best friend, didn't understand. She was so done with her parents. She didn't want to hear what her parents had to say. She wanted to do what she wanted, like a lot of other kids. Why did she have to born into this family?


The rest of the ride home was silent. Jin had the stereo and played one of her favorite stations.

Once home, Choon Hee said her goodbye to Jin and went inside. She heard her parents and two brothers in the kitchen, so walked in. "I'm home," she said walking in to the kitchen. They were all seated at the breakfast table chatting. It actually seemed like they were arguing about something. She walked closer and noticed pictures that she had developed in the dark-room at the studio. She then noticed her small digital camera.

"W-Why do you have that?" she asked as she neared the table. Her brothers looked at her apologically. "C-Choon Hee-ah... mom... found it in your closet and we tried but..-"

Suddenly her mom interupted Kang Dae. "What is all this?" she asked sternly. "Nothing. Just some pictures I took," she said trying to gather her belongings but her mother stopped her.

"What do you mean by 'some pictures YOU took'?" she asked. Choon Hee looked towards her father who had a blank face. She gulped as she tried to stay calm.

"Mom they're just some pictures I took. Nothing serious,"

"Then how do you explain this?" she said pulling out a folder labeled 'Portfolio'. "H-How did you find that!?" Choon Hee said as she tried to grabbed it out of her mother's grasp.

"Now tell me, have you really been going to the extra classes?" Choon Hee's mother said raising an eyebrow. She didn't know how to answer to her mother.


"Don't lie to me. I just got a phone call about you cancelling the class," she said. Choon Hee was left defeated. She didn't know what else to do. She slumped her shoulders as she couldn't find the words to explain to her parents.

"Mom... I think that Choon Hee is tired," interjected Myung Dae looking towards Choon Hee. "I'm not done talking with you. Why didn't you tell me you weren't going to those classes? Did you not like the teacher? I can always find a -"

"Mom... I don't like the class period. I don't want to go to that class. I want to go to a photography class," she said finally speaking up. But that is when her father slammed his hand on the table. Scaring her and her brothers.

"No daughter of mine is going to do photography. You're going to a medical school and that is final," his voice booming in the kitchen. "See now you made your father angry and you know how your father is when he is angry," said her mother looking at her disgusted.

"I don't want to go to a medical school. I don't even like the hospital! I want to do photography and art! You might have made Kang Dae and Myung Dae do what you wanted them to do! But not me! I want to live my life. Not some life you paved for me!" she finally screamed out. Choon Hee felt better now that she spoke her mind. She was tired of always having to do what her parents said. She was 19. Not 9. She could make her own decisions.

"Excuse me? Lim Choon Hee. Listen to me. You're going to a medical school whether you like it or not. You're not doing any photography or art. You're going to do as we say okay?" said her mother.

"No. I'm going to do what I want," she said

That was when her father got up and raised his hand. His hand made contact with her right cheek as there was a loud slapping sound. Choon Hee stood there frozen in shock. Her brothers looked at their father surprised and angry. "DAD!" yelled Myung Dae.

"She deserved it. No one raises their voice at me or your mother. Understand!" he yelled.

Choon Hee turned around and ran upstairs to her room. She slammed the door and locked it. At that point she was sobbing and she quickly went and got her suitcase and started packing her clothes and a few valuable things including her DSLR and her portfilio. She grabbed both her laptops and some other things and shoved them all into her bags. She wipped some of her tears.

Why couldn't her parents just understand? Why couldn't they just accept what she wanted?

She kept asking those same questions over and over again

What am I going to do? Where am I going to go?

Hello everyone! Sorry for the late update!

I hope you guys enjoyed it! Hopefully it wasn't so boring!

Did you expect any of this? ahah ^^'

Until next time,

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Jaslynn #1
Chapter 10: So adorable ♡♡>•<
-theirmusicismylifee #2
Chapter 10: This was nice. Thank you for it. ♡
DragonJewel #3
Chapter 10: love this story
Chapter 10: I had no idea that this was going to be so short but i immensely enjoyed it ^^ and the only person that should be hugging V is *cough me *cough
-theirmusicismylifee #5
Chapter 9: Yay! Things turned out ok after all .. I think.
-theirmusicismylifee #6
Chapter 8: Hehehe, so cute. ♡
C3cilia #7
Chapter 8: They are so cute. I wonder who eunbyul would end up with???
-theirmusicismylifee #8
Chapter 6: Damn, that lap scene tho got me squealing ㅋㅋㅋ
C3cilia #9
Chapter 6: Omg they are so cute together!!!
-theirmusicismylifee #10
Chapter 5: Ooooooooohhhhh.