Girl Time

Running Away


After school Choon Hee met up with Eun Byul and Ah Young at the front of the school.

"Are you ready to go?" asked Choon Hee towards Eun Byul. The latter girl happily nodded before the three set off towards the bus stop.

"So where are we going exactly?" asked Ah Young. "Hongdae. I hope that's okay with you?" asked Eun Byul shyly.

"Of course!" chimed Choon Hee. Eun Byul smiled.

"Oh thats right! I didn't introduce you two! Eun Byul this is Park Ah Young. She's been my best friend since grade school," Choon Hee smiled warmly toward Ah Young whom smiled and waved at Eun Byul.

"Nice to officially met you,"

Eun Byul smiled shyly. "Ne,"

"And Ah Young. Like I already said. This is Choi Eun Byul. I met her on the bus this morning,"

"If it wasn't for Unni, my legs would have hurting so much. Plus there wasn't much room,"

Ah Young nodded her head. "Ahh I see,"

Choon Hee knew that Ah Young was jealous. Ah Young was always jealous whenever Choon Hee would hang out with other people other than her.

They made it towards the bus stop and sat down on the bench. "So... what are you shopping for exactly?" asked Ah Young.

"Some new clothes and a dress," answered Eun Byul.

"Why a dress?"

"Because my family is hosting some party next week and I'm forced to go. By the way... do you two want to come? It would make it less boring. There aren't going ot be many people besides their friends and some business people,"

Choon Hee looked towards Ah Young to see if she was up for it. "I guess," shrugged Ah Young. "But that means I have to look cute if there is to be cute boys!"

Eun Byul and Choon Hee laughed at Ah Young. "What?" she asked innocently.

"Nothing," waved Eun Byul as she tried to contain her laughter.

Soon the bus arrived and they got on.


Once at Hongdae Choon Hee was still amazed on how amazing this place was. She thought back at the time that Jin took her here to spend some time with her. But that was also the time that she decided to run away from home. Something she didn't want to think about at a time like this.

Eun Byul lead the way towards a dress shop. It looked quite expensive but according to Eun Byul it was actually pretty decently priced for the brands that they offered.

"They actually have brand names here. But they sell them at an affordable price,"

"Seriously? I doubt that," said Ah Young. "You'll see,"

They walked in to be greeted by the a young lady behond the cash register. "Hello! Welcome! Can I help you three ladies look for some in particular?" she asked.

"Umm... no. We're just looking thanks," said Eun Byul as she walked towards the back of the store. "Alright then. If you need any help just come and ask,"

Choon Hee's attention was caught by a beautiful pink high low dress. She already knew that she wanted to wear it for Jin's surprise birthday party.

"This is so cute! I want to wear for Jin's birthday party," she told Ah Young to which she nodded. "He would love it!"

"Who's Jin?" asked Eun Byul curiously as she scanned through a few dresses. "He's my boyfriend,"

Eun Byul seemed a little shocked. "You have a boyfriend?... wait don't answer that. Of course you would. You're so pretty!" she smiled.

"Yeah... thank you,"

"Eun Byul do you want to come to his surprise birthday party?" asked Ah Young. Choon Hee glanced at her. I know I just met her... but come on! I don't know her well enough to invite her! But she did invite us to this party her parents are having so... it's only fair.

"Yeah! When is it?" she asked

"It's in about two weeks,"

"Oh okay. I think I have something at home I can wear," said Eun Byul as she continued to go through the dresses in the rack.

Choon Hee decided to look for a dress for the up coming event as well. 

They all decided on dresses to wear to the party that Eun Byul's parents were hosting. Ah Young chose a simple yet elegant maroonish red looking dress. While Eun Byul got a simple green lace dress. Choon Hee also got an semi polka-dot blue dress.

Eun Byul was right about the shop. The dresses were really cheap. Choon Hee was able to get both dresses which actually kind of shocked her.


They continued to shop around Hongdae. Mostly window shopping since they wanted to save the money that they had left for food.

By the time they decided to stop and eat it was already getting pretty late.

To which Choon Hee received a text message from Jin.

Where are you? It's getting late. Are you at an extra class?

Choon Hee wanted to hit herself. How could she have forgotten to text Jin what she was doing today.

She quickly texted him back. Mianhae oppa. I forgot to tell you that I'm out shopping with Ah Young and a new friend I made this morning.

The three girls headed towards a decent fast food restuarant. "This looks good enough," said Ah Young as they walked in.

They went towards the counter and ordered.

After ordering they sat down to wait for thier order to come out.

"Ahh... thank you to the both of you for coming with me today," said Eun Byul.

"Ayye... it's no problem. I actually made a new friend today as well. So if you want to hang out with us more you can," responded Choon Hee.

"Yeah you can. I'm always up for a new adventure everyday. Plus it was about time that we added someone new to our group," joked Ah Young. Choon Hee was actually surprised that Ah Young got along pretty well with Eun Byul. She thought that Ah Young was going to be very jealous and diss her. But this whole time Ah Young was very nice to Eun Byul and vice versa. They acted like they've known each other for a long time.

Choon Hee was happy that she was able to do stuff like this for once. If she was still with her parents... she wouldn't have met Eun Byul, she wouldn't have gone dress shopping, she wouldn't have done a lot of things she is doing now. It actually felt nice. She then suddenly felt her phone vibrant.

She unlocked her phone to see a message from her brother Kang Dae and Jin. She decided to open the message from Jin first.

Oh okay. I was starting to get worried. If they need a ride home just call me okay? And who's this new friend? Is it a boy or a girl? You must tell me every detail alright? <3

Choon Hee chuckled at his cute message. "Who's that?" asked Ah Young leaning towards her. "Jin," she answered as she turned off her phone.

"What did he say?" 

"Nosy much?" laughed Choon Hee. "I doubt he said that. What did he say?"

Choon Hee sighed. "He said if you two need a ride home that he would be more than happy to give you one,"

"Really? Ahh that would be nice. But I can just take the bus home," said Eun Byul. "Really? Its not a problem,"

"I want a ride home," interjected Ah Young. "I know you do," teased Choon Hee. Ah Young winked. "You know me so well,"

Soon their food came out and one of the employees came over with the tray. "Here you three are! Do you need anything else?" he asked looking at the three.

"No. We're good thank you," smiled Ah Young as she went to grab her food. "Alright. Enjoy!" he smiled before going back behind the counter.

"He was cute," commented Eun Byul.

"I suppose," shrugged Ah Young.

They are their food peacefully. "So Unni... does your boyfriend go to our school?" asked Eun Byul curiously.

"Aniyo. He's a second year at Seoul Art Institute," answered Choon Hee.

"MWOL!?" Eun Byul said in shock. "Yeah,"

"Woah... daebak! I'm happy for you!" she exclaimed.

Ah Young chuckled. "Yeah well.. you'll probably met him when he comes to pick us up. He is picking us up right?" said Ah Young as she turned towards Choon Hee.

"Yeah let me call him,"

Choon Hee dialed his number and on the second ring Jin picked up. "Ne?" he asked happily.

"Oppa can you come and pick us up. Ah Young wants a ride. And I told Eun Byul that you'd give her a ride too," explained Choon Hee.

"Sure thing. Where are you guys?" he asked. She heard him grab his keys and head out. She laughed slightly.

Aww he was waiting for my call. How cute.

"We're in Hongdae," she answered. "Ah that's not too far. Alright. I'll be there in like ten minutes,"

"Okay. See you then," she said before hanging up.

Choon Hee saw the previous message from Kang Dae and decided to open it.

Mom and Dad are looking for you. They said that if you don't come back they're going to file for missing person. But I already told them that you're actually doing a lot better than when you were with them. Which got dad upset but I calmed them down for now. Why don't you give mom a call? She seems worried but I can't tell for sure. But I think they're serious about filing that report. I'm going to try my best to stop them. If anything I'm going to ask for your custody even though you are nineteen now. You can make your own decisions. Which mom and dad don't seem to understand. This is going to take a while. So for the time being don't see mom or dad. Just try to talk to them on the phone. If anything... record the conversion if you can. Alright? Stay safe. I trust in Jin.

P.S I support you. No matter what it is. I support you now and I'll support you in the future. Okay? Love you.

Reading her brother's text message made her want to cry but she knew she had to stay strong if she wanted to get through the whole situation with her parents.

"What is it?" asked Ah Young. Choon Hee handed her the phone and once she finished reading the message she handed Choon Hee back her phone.

"That's really sweet of Kang Dae and screw your parents. They have to understand what their daughter really wants," said Ah Young.

Eun Byul seemed relaly lost. "I'll explain to you at another time," Eun Byul nodded in understandment.


Soon Jin arrived and picked the three girls up. Jin drove towards Ah Young's house first and dropped her off.

"Thanks for the ride! See you tomorrow Choon Hee and Eun Byul!" she said as she closed the car door.

Jin drove off towards the direction of their neighborhood. It turned out that Eun Byul lived close by to Jin.

"Nice meeting you Jin-sshi and thank you for the ride. Unni thank you for spending the day with me. I'll see you," she said

Jin then drove off towards the house. "How was it?" he asked looking at her. "It was nice. I actually felt like a normal teenage girl,"

"That's good,"

"But my brother texted me about my parents... I don't want to deal with them," she sighed.

Jin didn't seem to be able to say anything. "Everything is going to be alright," he said as he grabbed her hand. She smiled weakly and just hoped for the better.

Hello my precious subbies!

I hope you enjoyed the update!

Hopefully it wasn't too boring for you. Ahha

Until next time

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Jaslynn #1
Chapter 10: So adorable ♡♡>•<
-theirmusicismylifee #2
Chapter 10: This was nice. Thank you for it. ♡
DragonJewel #3
Chapter 10: love this story
Chapter 10: I had no idea that this was going to be so short but i immensely enjoyed it ^^ and the only person that should be hugging V is *cough me *cough
-theirmusicismylifee #5
Chapter 9: Yay! Things turned out ok after all .. I think.
-theirmusicismylifee #6
Chapter 8: Hehehe, so cute. ♡
C3cilia #7
Chapter 8: They are so cute. I wonder who eunbyul would end up with???
-theirmusicismylifee #8
Chapter 6: Damn, that lap scene tho got me squealing ㅋㅋㅋ
C3cilia #9
Chapter 6: Omg they are so cute together!!!
-theirmusicismylifee #10
Chapter 5: Ooooooooohhhhh.