
Running Away

Choon Hee's POV

A Week and a Half Later...

It's been about two weeks, since Choon Hee ran away from home. Her brothers helped out in bringing the remaining of her belonging to Jin's place, with the exception of the furniture because she really didn't need it.

Jin was kind and helped out the most he could, but with school and work he was busy for most of the time. Choon Hee helped out around the house once she would get home from the extra classes she actually wanted to take. She hasn't heard from her parents. She thought that they would freak and look for her or even put up a "Missing" poster. But they didn't do any of that.

She guested that her brothers did a pretty good job of covering her. Which made her smile but at the same time made her feel bad because her two cherished brothers were lieing to their parents. But according to Kang Dae they didn't mind because they wanted the best for her, even if it meant going behind their parents backs.

Since it was a late Saturday afternoon, Choon Hee decided to go out to get some fresh air. Even if it was really cold and snowing. She put on her coat, a hat, scarf and gloves. She shoved on her boots. She was seriously dressed for the weather. She grabbed the keys and her phone and headed out the door. She made sure that the doors were locked to Jin's house before heading towards the street to simply walk around.

She actually was starting to like the winter weather. Maybe because she wasn't cooped up in her room 'studying' or in some class she didn't want to be in.

She was surprised to find so many people out and about as they walked past her towards their destinations.

As she walked around and did a little of window shopping, she found herself in front of a cafe she didn't even realize that was even there.

I've been living in this area for a week and a half and I haven't even noticed this cafe at all? Is this how my parents had me? Blind to the rest of the world?

She was so lost in thought that she failed to realize that their was someone standing directly behind her. "What are you doing?"

Choon Hee jumped and whirled around as she held her breath, to come face to face with a smiling Jin. He looked amused at her reaction. Choon Hee let go of her breath and sighed as she tried to calm her beating heart. "Don't do that!" she said hitting him on the chest.

He smiled even more. "Mianhae," he chuckled. "Did you get off work early?" she asked

"Yeah. Plus our store owner had somewhere to be and the store manager was sick today so... we closed early," he said explaining to her why he was out so early.

She simply nodded in understanding. "Did you want to get some hot to drink? It is quite cold out," he said looking towards the cafe.

"Did you?" she countered. "This is what I like about you. You never answer my questions," he chuckled causing Choon Hee to blush uncontrollably.

He smiled before grabbing her hand and pulling her inside the warm and cozy cafe. It was fairly empty as they walked inside. A middle-aged lady stood behind the counter.

"Welcome! How may I help you?" she asked warmly. Jin looked down at Choon Hee causing her jump in surprise. He simply smirked before asking "What did you want?"

She shyly looked towards the menu to decide what she wanted.

"I'll have the mocha latte," she said. The lady smiled as she ringed up the order. "For you sir?" she asked. "I'll have an Americano,"

"Anything else?"

Jin looked at Choon Hee who was eyeing the pastries lined up in the display. "Choon Hee? Did you want one?"

"Huh?" she asked blushing. He chuckled. "Did you want a pastry?" he asked patiently.

She looked again and nodded slowly like a child who wasn't sure of what they wanted.


Jin's POV

Looking at Choon Hee eye the display was so cute. She seriously looked like a little kid. Which was even cuter.

"Which did you want?" asked the lady catching on. Choon Hee pointed towards a chocolate muffin. "Oppa did you want one?" she asked me this time.

"No I'm fine," I said as the lady placed the muffin on a tray. "Will that be all?" she asked.


"Alright. 10,000 won," she said. I handed her the money. "You're order will be out soon," she said

I nodded and both Choon Hee and I went towards the back of the cafe to sit down.

Once we sat Choon Hee was fidgeting a lot with her clothing. "Aren't you hot in that?" I asked looking at her. She had a hat, a colorful scarf, and gloves on with a pretty heavy looking coat.

She smiling weakly before taking her hat off, followed by the scarf and gloves. She then ed her coat and pulled it off. She placed her stuff on the seat next to her.

"Weren't you cold in just that leather jacket?" she asked eyeing me. "No. I was actually perfectly fine. Unlike someone," I teased.

Choon Hee glared at me while I chuckled.

After a few minutes the lady come with a tray with both our drinks and the muffin that looked liked she had heated it up.

"Here you two are. I warmed the muffin up for you," smiled the lady towards Choon Hee. "Thank you,"

Choon Hee smiled back at the lady as she placed our drinks in front of us and placed the muffin next to Choon Hee's latte. "Enjoy!" she smiled once again before leaving to go back behind the counter as more people seemed to stream in.

I took a sip of my Americano and it was actually pretty good. Other times I would order it somewhere else it was slightly bitter or too sweet. But she made it just perfect.

I watched Choon Hee take a bite of her chocolate muffin. She smiled gleefully as she then took a sip of her latte and she seemed to have like it very much as she smiled.

"Like it that much?" I smirked. She nodded. "Yeah. It's really good. Want some?" she asked offering her muffin. "No I'm-"

"Please?" she pleaded as she batted her eyelashes and pouted. Her aegyo seriously move anyone hearts. "F-Fine," I said as I gulped.

"Just please stop your aegyo. You're killing me," I said dramatically grabbing my shirt where my heart is.

She giggled and stuck her tongue out. "You know if you keep that up I won't be able to control myself," I teased. I saw her eyes widen and blush a crimson red.

I think I went to far... what if she doesn't even see me that way? We've been living under one roof for the last week and I feel a lot closer to her than I did before...

I shook my head trying to straight myself out. I couldn't tell her how I felt. What if that just ruins the perfect friendship we've had for the last ten years? There will be no going back.

I suppressed a sigh and smiled towards her. She was happily eating her muffin again. "Yah! Didn't you say you were going to give me some?" I protested.

"You didn't answer so I took that as a no," she stuck her tongue out. I rolled my eyes and proceeded to grab the muffin out of her hand. "Oppa!" she squeaked trying to grab the muffin from me.

"I want a bite,"

"Fine," she sighed defeated. I winked and took a small bite from the muffin. It was perfect. Not to sweet and it was moist and fluffy.

"Wow. This is good," I said about to take another bite when she leaned in and snatched it away. "You said you wanted a bite. ONE bite! That's it," she said glaring at me. I chuckled at her behavior.

"You're acting like a child,"


"How are you 19 and wanting to do what you want when your acting like this?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

She slightly blushed. "This has nothing to do with wanting to do what I want," she countered.


Choon Hee's POV

After finishing their drinks, they walked towards Jin's house. The sidewalks were just about empty, except for a few people walking fast through the snow. Jin and Choon Hee were slowly walking towards his house. Admiring the white blanket covering the street and sidewalk.

"Ahh.. isn't it nice out?" asked Jin looking up at the night sky. "I-I guess," chattered Choon Hee as she tried to get warmer. It seemed like the temperture dropped even more while they were inside the warm and cozy cafe.

She suddenly felt a strong arm wrap around her waist and pull her closer. She looked up at Jin who had a poker face on.

"W-Wae?" she asked. "Because you look cold despite the fact you have layers on,"

She blushed. "It's just so cold," He smiled at her.

He suddenly stopped, which confused Choon Hee. He then grabbed her left hand and pulled the glove off. She looked at him shocked. "Oppa -"

"Shh...," he said as he slipped the glove on. Even though she had small hands. It somehow fit his rather large hands.

Now her left hand was freezing, but what Jin did next shocked her even more.

He interlaced their fingers and then placed both of their hands inside his jacket pocket. His pocket was warm and so were his hands which were really soft.

Choon Hee felt as if she was imagining the whole thing, but she knew it was very much real. "What are you doing?" she dare ask even though it was obvious.

Jin looked down at her and brought her closer to him. "I'm trying to keep you warm. I don't want you to freeze to death now,"

His answer made her heart melt. Her feelings for him only seem to have grown twice as much now. But she didn't want to be the first to confess because she was afraid that he wouldn't feel the same or worst... already have a girlfriend.

But if he really did have a girlfriend than he wouldn't do this? Or maybe it's because we're best friends? But he promised when we were little... did he forget? But that a promise made long ago by foolish kids... now that we're older... does that still apply?


Flashback Ten years ago.

Choon Hee was nine years old while Jin was eleven years old.

It had only been a few months since they first met. Jin was Choon Hee's next door neighbor. They would spend a lot of time together.

Whenever Jin's parents weren't home they would go to the park and eat ice cream. Jin's older brother would sometimes even take them around and let them hang out with his friends, who seemed very friendly.

If Choon Hee didn't met Jin when she did, she would probably be stuck home while her two older brothers were out hanging out with Jin's older brother since Kang Dae was the same age as him.


Even though it had been a few months, Jin had fallen for Choon Hee the moment he saw her. But he never told her. He thought Choon Hee looked at him like an Oppa and nothing more.

But even so, he made a promise to her.

"Choon Hee... no matter what. We'll always be together. When we're older... I hope we can get married. I promise you that," causing her to blush.

"Really? You're kidding right?" she asked shocked.

"No. I'm being serious. I really want us to. Even if I'm away for the military or whatever, just know that I'll keep you in my heart. Don't ever forget that," he said looking in her eyes.


End Flashback


Jin's POV

Having Choon Hee so close made my heart flutter. I didn't know if I wanted to confess right now or wait it out.

My birthday is only in a few days and if I mess this up... I don't know what I'll do.

I decided, I'd rather enjoy the moment. She really had small hands and they were so soft. They felt perfect with mine.

Thinking of that, I suddenly remembered the promise I had made to her so long ago. I doubt she would even remember that. I was so young and in love.

I'm in love now, but I don't know if she'll even agree with us being more.

I slightly sighed as we neared my house.

Once we got inside, we let go and I felt myself heating up even more. I caught Choon Hee blush before she dashed of towards her room. I smirked as I went to my own room and took of my winter appeal.

I walked out of my room towards the living room to find Choon Hee flipping through the channels. I went around and sat beside her. Crossing my legs and stretching my arm around her. It was always a habit of mine, but now thinking about it made my heart race.

"There's nothing to watch!" exclaimed Choon Hee pouting. I looked at her and laughed. "What? You don't like any of the channels?" I asked raising an eyebrow.


"Well sorry. There's nothing I can do about it. I don't want to pay more for something I'm not going to watch," I teased

"YA! You're too much! Can't you at least for me?" she asked turning towards me doing her famous aegyo. I could feel a lump forming in my throat. I could never say no to her.

"No," I smirked as I looked towards the TV that was showing commercials. I could feel her staring down at me. "You're not going to win," I said turning my head towards her. But I didn't expect her to be so close to me. Her face was inches away. I could smell her sweet scent. She smelled like cherry blossoms.

I could feel my heart thumping against my chest and I was afraid that if she got any closer she could hear my heart. But I could help myself. She just looked so innocent and beautiful. I leaned in towards her, catching her off guard but it seemed like she regained her composure.

We were dangerously close and I could feel her hot breath on me. I took a quick glance towards her lips before I softly placed mine on hers.

Hello lovely subscribers!

I hope you enjoyed this update! A Lot of ChoonJin moments!
Ahaha that cliff hanger though >:D

How do you think they're going to be afterwards?

What's going to happen between them?

Well until next time

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Jaslynn #1
Chapter 10: So adorable ♡♡>•<
-theirmusicismylifee #2
Chapter 10: This was nice. Thank you for it. ♡
DragonJewel #3
Chapter 10: love this story
Chapter 10: I had no idea that this was going to be so short but i immensely enjoyed it ^^ and the only person that should be hugging V is *cough me *cough
-theirmusicismylifee #5
Chapter 9: Yay! Things turned out ok after all .. I think.
-theirmusicismylifee #6
Chapter 8: Hehehe, so cute. ♡
C3cilia #7
Chapter 8: They are so cute. I wonder who eunbyul would end up with???
-theirmusicismylifee #8
Chapter 6: Damn, that lap scene tho got me squealing ㅋㅋㅋ
C3cilia #9
Chapter 6: Omg they are so cute together!!!
-theirmusicismylifee #10
Chapter 5: Ooooooooohhhhh.