Birthday Boy

Running Away

Jin's Birthday

Jin's POV

I woke up to the smell of food. I yawned as I stretched out and decided what Choon Hee was up to. I pulled the covers away and swung my legs to the edge of the bed to slip on my slippers. I stood and stretched my head before going to open the door.

I walked downstairs to find Choon Hee wearing an apron on top of some house clothes. She was cooking. She was actually cooking.

"What are you doing?" I asked in my morning voice. She slightly jumped before turning around.

She smiled warmly at me. "Happy Birthday Oppa!" I broke into a smile. She remembered.

She set the spoon that she was stirring with down and came to hug me very tightly. I pulled away to kiss her lightly on the lips. She scrunched her nose up. "Did you brush your teeth?"

I blushed slightly. Before shaking my head. Her eyes widened before pushing me away slightly. "Ew! Gross! GO!" she teased as she shooed me away.

"YAH!" I whined. "I'm kidding oppa... but," she paused before she smiled sweetly at me. "If you want to eat then you have to shower and brush your teeth,"

I gaped at her. "Yah yah yah!" I pouted. "That's not going to work," she turned around as she went to cooking the seaweed soup. But I knew she was blushing.

I went over and back hugged her. I heard her little gasp and chuckled slightly. I wrapped my arms around her waist and brought her close to me.

"Thank you," I whispered into her neck. I felt her shiver underneath me which caused me to smirk. She's so cute.

"You're welcome Oppa,"

I cupped her chin and turned her head to face me. I kissed her slowly because I really wanted to cherish the moment we have together. I pulled away and smiled.

"I'm going to shower now," I winked at her before letting go and turning around to head back upstairs to shower.


Choon Hee's POV

She was in a state of shock. She was caught by surprise by Jin back hugging her and then kissing her. But the real surprise was yet to come. Hopefully the boys were going to be finished decorating the venue that they decided to rent out for the evening by 2 o'clock because she didn't want Jin to think something was up.

Choon Hee quickly finished cooking and set table out while Jin was upstairs taking a shower. She served Jin the seaweed soup and placed the side dishes on the table.

She set a bowl for herself and took off the apron that she was wearing. She sat at the table to wait for Jin. Moments later Jin comes downstairs freshly showered.

His hair is damp and she assumes that he even washed his hair. Ahh... I can't wait for tonight. You're going to love it.

She didn't even realize that Jin was talking to her. "Choon Hee?" he asks as he waves his hand in front of her face. She snaps out of her thoughts.


"Are you okay? Did you hear what I said?"

"N-No... I'm sorry,"

He smiles towards her. "I said... Thank you a-and..." he seemed to trail off. He rubbed the back of his neck.

"I-I love you," he whispered before quickly grabbing the spoon and dipping it into the soup. He tastes it and his face seems to light up.

Choon Hee was in a state of shock once again. She couldn't believe that Jin already said the three words. She thought it would take longer for them to say it to each other. They've only been dating for two weeeks and it already seems like they are going a little fast. But never-the-less she's happy that Jin said it first.

"Wow! This is so good! It tastes almost like my moms!" he exclaimed. Choon Hee chuckled at his cute behavior.

She blushed at the thought of returning the same words. She wanted to wait until the surprise birthday as part of his 'gift'.

"Thank you... I guess. I didn't know if it was too salty or what," she replied.

She was worried that Jin might as her ask why she hasn't said anything about his sudden action but he remained calm and he continued to smile. But she some how had a feeling that he was wondering deep down if he should have even said it.

She didn't want him to worry but she really wanted to surprise him.


That afternoon

It was already 2:30 and Choon Hee texted Jimin to ask if they were done already. It was already thirty minutes past two o'clock and they should have been done by now.

She quickly texted Jimin.

Are you guys done?

She was out shopping with Jin for his birthday. She made sure to buy as much pink of anything as she could because she knew how much he loved pink.

When they were younger, Choon Hee thought it was weird that a guy like Jin would love pink so much. But now looking at him, it actually made him look manly.

They continued shopping going in and out of stores. They mostly spent it looking at the different merchandise before putting everything back and leaving. But they did manage to buy some things.

She was glad that Jin didn't think anything was off. Jin had texted his friends to join them at a near-by cafe. He even offered Ah Young and Eun Byul to join them.

They continued to look around and they finally decided to stop at a cafe to rest for a little bit.

Choon Hee told everyone to go to the venue around 5. And it was barely even 2:46

She signed heavily. Why is time going by so slow?

"Whats wrong?" asked Jin concerned as he came back with a tray of coffee and some pasteries. "Oh nothing Oppa," she smiled.

"Are you sure?" he asked as he set the tray down.

"Yeah. I'm sure. This looks yummy!" she chimed trying to change the subject. He's really going to think something is up.

He chuckled as he sat down in front of her. "I didn't know what you would like so I got what looked good," he shyly smiled.

"Yah... it's your birthday. You should think about yourself,"

"So you want me to be selfish?"

"I didn't mean that," she pouted. He laughed as he reached over and ruffled her hair. "Yah!" she pouted even more. "Aigooo... why are you so cute?" he smiled warmly. Making her heart skip a beat.

She blushed as she went to grab a cupcake. "Yah that's mine!"

"What?" suddenly Jin grabbed the cupcake out of her hands. She looked a thim shocked. "It has pink icing," he pouted. She burst out laughing. "Of course. Mianhae," 

Jin was seriously too much. He was so childish at times.


A few minutes later Jin's group of friends came in with Ah Young and Eun Byul.

They all smiled and waved at them as they walked over to them. Rap Monster and Suga pulled two more tables together for all of them to sit down.

"Are you guys not going to order something?" Choon Hee asked. "Aww. Noona is worried about us!" smirked Jungkook.

"Yah," she started. "No need cupcake. I was going to order something anyways," Jimin winked before walking off towards the counter. She blushed and turned to see Jin glaring daggers at the boy.

"Get me an Americano," shouted V as he sat down. Jimin waved his hand acknowledging that he heard him.

Choon Hee shooked her head. Ah Young and Eun Byul sat down on either side of her. Jungkook sat next to Eun Byul. While Rap Monster and J-Hope sat on either side of Jin.

Jimin came back with a tray full of drinks. "Here we are. You all owe me. Except the two ladies. This is on me," he winked towards Ah Young. Choon Hee knew that Ah Young mentally fainted or more possibly died.

The drinks were passed around and soon enough everyone was settled. "This is nice. Hanging out with everyone. Plus having a new member to the group," smiled J-Hope to Eun Byul who blushed.

"So what was your name again?" asked Suga who was next Rap Monster. "Choi Eun Byul," she said shyly. "Ahh okay. Nice meeting you and welcome to the group!" smiled J-Hope. She smiled once more. Choon Hee patted her thigh for her to calm down because she saw how tense the poor girl was.

"After this why don't we all catch a movie?" suggested Jimin from his place next to Ah Young. Choon Hee looked at the two suspiciously. She couldn't help but to nudge her.

Ah Young looked at her. "Are you two... dating?" asked Choon Hee. Ah Young smiled shyly. "No... not yet at least. We're talking. I finally told him though and he said he would consider it," 

"That's good right?" whispered Choon Hee. "I-I guess... I don't know,"

Choon Hee smiled and hoped that they would get togehter because it has been forever since Ah Young has had a crush on Jimin.

"What do the ladies think?" asked V all of a sudden. "I'm sorry what?"

"Want to watch Penguins of Madagascar?" repeated Jungkook hopefully. "Yeah," they all chimed.

"Alright!" fist pumped V causing everyone at the table to burst out laughing.


All ten of them made it to the movie theater after drinking all their coffee. Hopefully they didn't buy anything because they had enough food at Jin's surprise birthday party.

Choon Hee noticed that everyone had coats on covering their actual attire for the night. She smiled because the plan was going so well.

The Jin, Rap Monster, and J-Hope paid for everyone and handed them the tickets to head inside.


Jin's POV

After the movie they all walked out of the theater and they didn't seem to know what to do. I really had a lot of fun today even though Choon Hee was acting a little strange. But I really couldn't figure out why.

"Hyung why don't we go to Hongdae?" suggested Jungkook. "This late?" I asked.

"Why not?" countered Jimin.

"Alright," I shrugged. "I call shot-gun!" said Choon Hee. "Of course," Ah Young rolled her eyes before following us to my car.

Eun Byul got in the back seat with Jimin in the middle and Ah Young on the other side.

"How did this happen?" she whined. She obvously felt uncomfortable next to Jimin. "Aye come on," teased Jimin. "Leave the poor girl alone. She doesn't like your kind," Ah Young said as she smacked Jimin's arm.

"But you love my kind eh?" Jimin smirked as he wiggled his eyebrows. "YAH!"

I laughed at them as I pulled out. "You guys are something else," I laughed as I took off for Hongdae followed by J-Hope with the others in his car.

"How did all six of you fit in J-Hope's car?" I asked Jimin as I looked through the rear-view mirror.

"Oh. V took a taxi to the cafe,"


"V is weird," added Eun Byul. Jimin looked at her sideways."You're weird,"

Eun Byul looked at him like he lost his mind. "Why are you bullying her?!" Ah Young defended Eun Byul. "I was not!"

"Yes you were!"

I simply shook my head. I looked over to Choon Hee who was quiet the whole time. I reached over and grabbed her hand. I intertwined our hands. "Are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine," she answered. I knew something was wrong. But I really didn't know what it was.

"Are you sure?" I raised an eyebrow. "Yeah. I'm sure. Now keep your eyes on the road," she said smiling. I squeezed her hand left our hands intertwined in her lap.

"Awww look at the couple! How cute!" Jimin teased. "Cut your crap. If anything I should be saying the same to you and Ah Young-sshi," I smirked.

"That was harsh,"

"No it wasn't. You know it's true," Jimin huffed before turning away. I chuckled at the boy. It was hard to believe he was in his third year of high school.


Once at Hongdae, I parked my car and J-Hope parked next to me. We all got out and looked around. "Now what?" I asked.

"I know a place!" said Suga as he lead the way. I looked down at my watch and it was 5:30.

Hmm... I wonder what's going on? I thought we were going to have some cake at a bakery.

We walked for a little bit before Suga stopped in front of a shop that looked closed. "Why are-"

"Oppa Mianhae," I heard Choon Hee say before she put what I assume was a blind fold on me. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"You'll see," she said as she tightened the blind fold on my head. She grabbed my shoulders and guided me inside the shop.

I heard whispers from them but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

Suddenly Choon Hee untied the blind fold and it was pitch black. But then the lights turned out and everyone yelled "SURPRISE!!" they threw confetti everywhere.

I gasped. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIN!" yelled a number of people. Including my parents and my older brother.

"Woah... Choon Hee did you plan this?" I asked looking down at her. She nodded as she looked at me. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her. "Thank you," I kissed the top of her head and let her go. I greeted everyone that was there. My parents whom I haven't seen in a while as well as my brother and a few friends I haven't seen since high school. It amazed me that she was able to gather so many people.

Even Choon Hee's two older brothers, Kang Dae and Myung Dae were there. "Happy Birthday! And I hope you treat my sister right. I trust you," said Kang Dae as he smiled. Myung Dae hugged me before looking at me seriously. "Do anything hurt her and your well you get the point. Happy birthday man!"

I thanked him nervously. "Aye I heard about you and Choon Hee. About time!" said my brother as he came over. "Thanks bro," I replied.

"DJ start the music!" yelled V. The music started playing and everyone started dancing or just continued talking.


After a few hours a few people left but before leaving they all sang me happy birthday and we all ate cake after eating such a large meal before hand.

I was very happy with today. Not only did I get to spend it with Choon Hee but with everyone that I love and care about and then some.

I was finally able to have some alone time with Choon Hee at one of the tables at the fair back. "Did you like the surprise birthday party?" she asked.

"I loved it," I said as I grabbed her hand. "You're welcome,"

I leaned in and kissed her forehead. I couldn't forget how I told her how I love her and she still hasn't said it back to me. But I don't want to pressure her. I wasn't expecting her to return it just yet.


"Hmm," I said as I looked at her. She seemed to be collecting her thoughts. "I-I... love you," she said which took me by surprise.


"I said...-" "I heard what you said," I said quickly as I cut her off. I smiled before I leaned in again to kiss her on the lips this time.

It was a short yet passionate kiss. I could feel the love she had for me and I knew she felt the same. Today was the best birthday I have had in a long time.

We pulled apart and gazed into each other eyes. I couldn't be with anyone better than Choon Hee. "I love you too," I smiled.

Hello subbies!

Did you enjoy the update?

Are you all still alive? You're feels aren't going crazy are they? Hmmm? >:D ahaha

And I was thinking of ending the story in the next two or three chapters. Maybe even four more chapters. What do you all think?

Well until next time

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Jaslynn #1
Chapter 10: So adorable ♡♡>•<
-theirmusicismylifee #2
Chapter 10: This was nice. Thank you for it. ♡
DragonJewel #3
Chapter 10: love this story
Chapter 10: I had no idea that this was going to be so short but i immensely enjoyed it ^^ and the only person that should be hugging V is *cough me *cough
-theirmusicismylifee #5
Chapter 9: Yay! Things turned out ok after all .. I think.
-theirmusicismylifee #6
Chapter 8: Hehehe, so cute. ♡
C3cilia #7
Chapter 8: They are so cute. I wonder who eunbyul would end up with???
-theirmusicismylifee #8
Chapter 6: Damn, that lap scene tho got me squealing ㅋㅋㅋ
C3cilia #9
Chapter 6: Omg they are so cute together!!!
-theirmusicismylifee #10
Chapter 5: Ooooooooohhhhh.