
Running Away

Two Weeks Later...

Choon Hee's POV

Choon Hee jolted up from her deep sleep when she heard her phone ringing from the night stand next to her bed. She looked at the caller ID to see it was her mother. The one person she did not want to see or hear.

She reached over to silence her phone as it keep ringing. She wasn't in the mood to talk to her mother this early in the morning. She quickly glanced at the clock to see that it was about time she should be waking up. She groaned as she pulled the covers up to her face. She did not want to go to school today.

But she knew that Jin then would be worried and want to stay home to accompany her but she knew that he had finals this week or the coming week and she didn't want to hold him back from studying.

She groaned once more, before finally deciding that she should go to school. She pulls the covers off of her and swings her legs over to the edge of the bed to herself off the bed. She slowly went towards the bathroom to shower. Once showered she went out with a towel wrapped around her body and another around her hair. She went towards the closet to look for her uniform.

"Hmm I know I saw it here," she muttered to herself. Upon further thought, she realized she had washed it and left in it in the laundry room to dry.

Without thinking she went out of her room and went towards the laundry room to get her uniform. She opened the door and saw it hanging. She smiled and went to grab it.

She happily walked backs towards her room but not before she heard a slight gasp and she looked towards her left where Jin was standing with his mouth open.

"Wae?" she asked innocently

He gulped and she saw that his eyes were moving rapidly. "What?" she asked a little irritated now. "Y-You... should go and put some clothes on," he muttered as he looked away blushing.

She looked down and realized she was just in a towel. She turned a beat red. "O-Okay I was on my way," she said walking fast back to her room.

She slammed the door close and leaned against it, trying to catch her breathe and stop her heart from beating so fast.

What was I thinking?

She shook her head and went to get dressed. Once having her uniform on and doing her make-up, she toweled dried her hair and put a head band on.

She grabbed her school bag and phone and headed down towards the kitchen.

"Good Morning!" she chimed as she neared the kitchen. She found Jin slicing some fruits and placing them into a bowl.

"Good Morning Choon Hee!" he chimed as well as he sliced the remaining pineapple and out it in a bowl. He turned around and saw her standing there and she swore that he blushed before going towards the table to place the bowl of fruits on the table.

"I know that you don't eat so much in the morning. So I thought some fruits and orange juice would be okay," he said as he sat down. She smiled happily towards him.

"Of course!" she sat down and grabbed the fork that Jin had set on the table for her. "Thank you Oppa!" she smiled as she took a bit of grapefruit.

"N-No problem," he stuttered as he too went to eat the fruit.


The bus ride to school was pretty normal. Eun Byul sat beside her as always and they talked and laughed the whole ride to school. Eun Byul had a lot of funny stories to tell.

Once they were at school they split to go to their respective classes. Which always seemed to sadden Eun Byul but Choon Hee always remained her that they would see each other at lunch and after school, to which the young girl would brighten up to.

Choon Hee went towards her classroom and found that Ah Young was still not in her seat. With a slight shrug, she went and sat down at her seat and placed her bag on the floor beside her desk.

Soon enough Ah Young came but something was off. "What's wrong Ah Young?" she asked as she pulled her earbuds out.

"You're parents are here. I think they're looking for you," she breathed.

"What?" Choon Hee felt like she couldn't breath. "What do you mean you think that they're looking for me?"

"They seemed pretty determined. I saw them talking to one of the administrators asking them if you were still here and stuff like that,"

Choon Hee felt like her world was crashing down. She was trying to avoid this very thing and here were her parents looking for her. She knew that she should have stayed home today.

She grabbed her bag and ran out the class. "CHOON HEE! WHERE ARE YOU GOING! LIM CHOON HEE!" yelled Ah Young as followed her out.

Choon Hee was afraid to go by the front, so she went towards the back of the school because she knew there was an exit. "Choon Hee!" she heard Ah Young.

"Leave me alone!" she yelled back as she ran towards the exit. "You can't always ran away from your problems!"

That made her stop in her tracks. "What makes you think that?" she asked as she turned around to face her best friend. "Maybe if you talk things out with your parents, they come to understand you," Ah Young said

What Ah Young said made her very angry. It reminded her of what Jin at once told her. Why does everyone think that just by talking to my parents help resolve everything? They clearly don't know my parents.

"What do you know? You don't know my parents like that," she spat as she teared up. "Choon Hee, I've known you long enough to know how your parents are. I've met them and honestly they really aren't the nicest people but they probably love you a lot. You just don't see it,"

Choon Hee grew even more angry to what Ah Young just said. She doesn't know what she had to go through, no one knows but her brothers.

Choon Hee sighed... she would have to face her parents whether she likes it or not but she really didn't want to do it now.

"Let's go back to class huh?" asked Ah Young as she slowly walked closer to Choon Hee with her arm extended out. Choon Hee wanted to turn away and walk off but she didn't want to be rude to her best friend that has helped along the way through thick and thin. She sighed as she reached for her best friends hand.

Ah Young smiled and they both walked towards class. "I'm sorry if I don't fully understand you. I really just want to help," mumbled Ah Young as she looked down towards the floor of the school.

Choon Hee looked at her crazy. "You don't have to be sorry about anything. You're right about what you said earlier. But I just have the courage or strength to do it now," she responded.

"You have me, Jin and all the boys. Plus you now have Eun Byul. You have all of us to support you along with your brothers who care so much about you,"

Hearing Ah Young's words made Choon Hee feel better.

As the both of them neared the their classroom, she noticed two familiar figures standing outside with one of her teachers. Choon Hee gasped in astonishment at the two figures.

They both turned to face her and their eyes grew big for a split second before hardening. "We've been looking for you," said her mother through clenched teeth.

"Where have you been young lady?" asked her father now glaring at her.

"I was staying at Ah Young's," she lied as she remembered what her brothers had told her. She didn't want her parents to come to dislike Jin after so long. She couldn't do that at all not when he meant so much more to her now.

"Do not lie to us," said her mother. "We called the Parks and they said that you weren't there at all this whole time," finished her father. She gulped because she didn't know how to respond.

Suddenly her brother showed up, much to her relief. "Mom, Dad," said Kang Dae "What are you two doing here?" questioned my mother shocked.

"We came to show that we have full custody of Choon Hee now," answered Myung Dae. "Excuse me?"

"We're her legal guardians now,"

"Impossible. We would have to have gone to court for all this!" retorted my father. "Well I pulled some strings and I was able to get permission to be her legal guardian. She's 18 so technically speaking she can make her own decisions, but she choose to have me has her guardian until she graduates," explained Kang Dae.

Choon Hee was glad to have a brother like Kang Dae. Without him she wouldn't have gotten far. Her mother looked like she was going to faint.

"How could you do this to us! We did so much for the three of you and this is how you repay us?" asked mother as she started tearing up.

"If you would have let me do what I wanted, None of this would have happened. It's your own fault. You wanted something for me that I didn't want. You had dreams that are yours not mine. Just for your stupid status. Art is a status. It shows how one can express themselves. And I like that. I can be myself with art," she said as she started to cry.

"But you wanted to take that away from me. You wanted me to be someone that I am not! You can't change who I am! You may have taken my brothers dreams away from them but you're not about ot take mine! I'm going to live my life the way I want to. I'm not going to let my parents weigh me down to something I don't even want. If you don't like it then so be it," Choon Hee said as she turned to go into the classroom.

By then her mother was crying and her father looked her with a stern look. Ah Young grabbed her arm and stopped her. "Please," Choon Hee pleaded.

"You have to somehow work this out iwht your parents," she said searching her eyes. Choon Hee sighed, she wasn't mentally ready for this.

The teacher decided to step in and guided them to a conference room near-by.

"So to my understanding... Lim Choon Hee ran away from home and this is the first time you are seeing after about a month?" he asked her parents.

"Yes," nodded her father. "Choon Hee, um, can you explain as to why you decided to ran away,"

She sighed if it wasn't for Ah Young being there, Choon Hee would have probably gone off and walked off. She didn't want to deal with her parents. She wanted to be far far away from them, but she knew in the back of her head that one day she would have to face them but not right now.

She started to explain everything. Why did what she did. She left one important detail out, that she was living with Jin and they were now dating. She didn't know how her parents were going to react to all that.

"See now was that hard?" he asked. "Yes,"

He chuckled before getting up. "I'll leave the rest between all of you," he said before exiting the room.

"Are you happy Choon Hee?" asked her mother. "Yes,"

"Fine. We'll consider your dreams. But if it fails well just know,"

Choon Hee lit up. "Really dad?"

"Yes. I'm sorry I didn't hear you out before. I'm sorry it had to come to this. If you're happy then... we both happy. I'm sorry we failed to notice that. I'm sorry that I went off on you. I'm just really sorry," her father started tearing up.

"See? All you had to was talk things out," whispered Ah Young as she rubbed her back.

"And for the record... we knew where you were. Why do you think we didn't really go after you?" smiled her mother. Choon Hee's face paled.

"We want to see if you would tell us, but you didn't. That means you don't trust us. Which we don't blame you. It's our fault. And tell Jin we said Hi. And if he hurts our little girl in any way well... he knows whats coming," smiled her dad.

Choon Hee couldn't control the whirlwind of emotions going through her body. "Y-You knew all along?"

"Of course hun. We couldn't just let you go off like that. We sent private investigators to go look for you and then they found you coming out of Jin's place. He has a nice house by the way," complimented her mother.

She couldn't believe her ears. "Who are you and what did you do to my parents?" she asked causing everyone in the room to laugh.

"Sis... I think mom and dad have changed," said Myung Dae. She sighed and this time she was actually happy.

"We'll let you follow your dreams hun. And you can stay at Jin's. I know he'll take good care of you. I'm not so worried about that, plus I know he'll help you get into the Art Institute. And hopefully along the way I can get some grandchildren since your brothers are lacking," smiled her mother.

"Dear," her father looked at her mother. "MOM!" she shrieked as she blushed.

"I did say along the way. It could mean a few years from now. So now you two should go back to class. And your brothers shouold go back to work," her mother stood up and hugged Choon Hee. "I'm so sorry. I should have been more considerate a long time ago. I wish there was a way to make it up to you,"

"I think there is," she smiled as she hugged her mother back after so long.

"What would that be?"

Choon Hee simply smiled.

Hello my loyal subbies!

I'm sorry if it taook a while to update! I was so busy with school and what not. But now I'm on winter break so I'll have more time to update!

Have you guys watched Gayo Daejun? I didn't even know it was like yesterday or two days ago. Uhhh I'll watch it on youtube though! ^^ ahah

Until next time

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Jaslynn #1
Chapter 10: So adorable ♡♡>•<
-theirmusicismylifee #2
Chapter 10: This was nice. Thank you for it. ♡
DragonJewel #3
Chapter 10: love this story
Chapter 10: I had no idea that this was going to be so short but i immensely enjoyed it ^^ and the only person that should be hugging V is *cough me *cough
-theirmusicismylifee #5
Chapter 9: Yay! Things turned out ok after all .. I think.
-theirmusicismylifee #6
Chapter 8: Hehehe, so cute. ♡
C3cilia #7
Chapter 8: They are so cute. I wonder who eunbyul would end up with???
-theirmusicismylifee #8
Chapter 6: Damn, that lap scene tho got me squealing ㅋㅋㅋ
C3cilia #9
Chapter 6: Omg they are so cute together!!!
-theirmusicismylifee #10
Chapter 5: Ooooooooohhhhh.