
Running Away

Waking up early was something that Choon Hee disliked the most. She could never get herself to wake up so early in the morning to go to school. She always would have to set an alarm for 5:30 in morning to try to even wake up. But it would take her about 30 minutes to even decide to get out of bed.

Groaning as she pushed the covers off her body, she rubbed her eyes as she yawned and tried to think of reasons not to go to school today. When she suddenly heard footsteps coming towards her room. She quickly pulled the covers to her neck and turned to face away from the door. She shut her eyes and pretended to be asleep as the door opened.

"Good Morning! Wake up Choon Hee!" her mother chimed as she walked towards the windows and opened the curtains to let the morning sunlight stream through into the room.

Choon Hee tried to remain as quiet as possible to make it seem she was asleep. She heard her mother make her way across her room towards her bed.

"Choon Hee-ah... wake up now. You need to get ready for school," her mother softly spoke as she nudged her.

Groaning she turned half way around with her eyes half closed.

"What?" she said trying to mimic her usually morning voice since she was already wide awake.

"Get up," her mother sternly said as she went over to the closet and pulled out Choon Hee's school uniform. Sighing she pulled the covers off herself.

Her mother smiled at her as Choon Hee simply rolled her eyes at her.

"Now... take a shower. You're going to miss the bus at this rate," her mother smiled and walked out the room.

Choon Hee couldn't help but to just roll her eyes. She wanted to throw a tantrum. Choon Hee didn't want to go to a SKY University, she wants to go Seoul Art Institute to major in Art and Photography. She already has a well built portfolio with all her best work. Yet her parents don't want to hear it. They want their only daughter to major in medicine at a SKY University, which to Choon Hee seemed very unfair. Not only do her parents want her to pursue something that she is not interested in, they don't even want to hear what their daughter really wants to do with her life.

Choon Hee raked her fingers through her bed head as she stomped towards her bathroom.

Ever since she was little a lot of her friends would always about her being rich because she practically got everything she wanted just because she was the only daughter and the youngest. She hated it so much. The only person that never about it because he knew the truth was her best friend, Kim Seok Jin. Ever since they met they have been inseparable. Now Jin goes to the school that Choon Hee dreams of going.

As Choon Hee finished showering and getting dressed into her school uniform her mother called from downstairs.

"Choon Hee-ah! Breakfast is ready!"

She couldn't help but to sigh. 

When is she going to understand that I can't eat too much in the morning?

Choon Hee finished getting dressed and brushed out her hair before putting on a headband. She sprayed some perfume on herself and did a thin line of eye-liner on her eye lids. She checked in the mirror to see if she was decent enough and went to grab her phone and bag.

She made her way out her room and down the stairs towards the kitchen where her father was on his tablet reading and her mother was humming as she poured juice into a glass.

"Good Morning Choon Hee. Did you sleep well?" her father asked as he glanced up from his tablet. She knew by the look of it that it was brand new. Her father was the type of person that had to have the latest technology no matter the cost, because according to him there is nothing better than to have something better than what you already had. Hence why people called her rich and spoiled. Her father would either donate his old devices, sell them or simple hand them down to either of his three children. They mostly went to her older brother, Lim Kang Dae. Who by now didn't need to get things from their father, even so he still did.

"Yes," she muttered as she made her way towards the table, which was nicely set. In front of her, her mother had sliced in half a grapefruit and lightly powdered sugar onto one of the halfs. Beside the plate was a glass of orange juice.

"I know you don't eat much in the morning, but you do have to eat something healthy and I saw online that this is a good breakfast," her mother said happily as she sat down beside her father.

Choon Hee looked down at awe. She was surprised that her mother even listened to her. "Thank you," she said as she set her bag down and sat down. She grabbed the spoon that was sitting beside the plate and dug into the grapefruit. She ate the grapefruit happily as it was sweet and the sugar made a nice contrast to the swet tartness of the fruit.

After finishing her breakfast, Choon Hee grabbed her bags and headed out. "Don't be home so late alright!" said her mother sternly.

"Alright. But I think I have after school studies... so I might be home late," she said. What her parents didn't know was that Choon Hee was actually going to an Art Class that she secretly enrolled in with her own money that she saved up over the years. Her mother gave her the look. "As long as you go for studies after school otherwise come straight home,"

"Mom... I'm 19. I think I can take care of myself,"

"Now now... I know honey. But even so... a mother can never be too careful,"

Choon Hee rolled her eyes.

"Bye mom," she said as she slipped into her school shoes and headed out the door towards the street to head down towards the bus stop. 

She took her earbuds out and plugged it in her phone and started playing VIXX's Eternity. She then pulled out her DSLR Nikon Camera and placed the strap around her neck. She started taking random pictures as she walked towards the bus stop. These would make perfect pictures for my "Everyday Life" folder.

Choon Hee smiled as listened to her music and continued to snap pictures. As she reached the bus stop she took a few more pictures before placing her camera back into her bag. A few other students were waiting there as well. Some were talking amongst themselves and others were like her, listening to music.

She tapped her fingers on her legs to the beat of the music. Choon Hee has always had an interest in the Arts. Performing Arts, Visual Arts, whatever was considered artistic, Choon Hee loved it, but her parents didn't like the idea because they believe that it wouldn't make her successful like her two older brothers. Lim Kang Dae was an established lawyer and has his own Law Firm while Lim Myung Dae was a successful Software Engineer for Samsung.

Soon enough the bus arrived and the other students started to board. Choon Hee filed into the line and pulled out her wallet for her bus pass. As she got on and scanned her pass, she went towards the back and sat down. The rest of the student who go to her school got on and the bus took off.


Once at school Choon Hee still had her earbuds in and was listening to G-Dragon's Coup D'etat as she walked across the court yard and slowly made her way towards her class 3-1. Despite not wanting to go to a SKY University, she was number 3 in her class. Many found that her wanting to go to Seoul Institute of Arts was a waste but she doesn't care because it is what she wants and no one can stop her, not even her parents. She was in fact very tired with her parents telling her how her future was going to be. She wants to shape her own future not follow the path that they are craving out for her.

As she reached the classroom, she saw the normal things going on; students gossiping others doing their own thing and what not. She slide the door open to her classroom and found the usual group people in their. The Wanna-Be popular girls talking and gossiping as she chewed on gum and twirled their hair. The nerds at the front of the class talking about something she really doesn't care about. The so-called bullies of the class. She sighed slightly and walked across the room towards her desk which was next to the window. She set her things down and sat down. 

She pulled out her phone and changed the song playing to Block B's Her. She then started scrolling through her feed on Instagram. She really didn't want anything to do with anyone.

Just then her friend, Park Ah Young sat down next to her. Choon Hee glanced at her before going back to her Instagram feed. As she was scrolling through her feed a little more her Ah Young tapped her on the shoulder. Choon Hee pulled out her right earbud and listened to her as she continued to look at the pictures posted.

"Good Morning Choon Hee-ah. Did your mother give you trouble again?" Ah Young asked.

Choon Hee signed and Ah Young knew automatically. Ah Young was close to Choon Hee but not as close as Jin. Ah Young was there when Choon Hee needed to talk about her problems. Girl-to-Girl. Jin was there to support her. They were the two most important people in her life, besides her two brothers and maybe even her parents.

"What did she do now?" Ah Young asked lowering her voice. It was loud in the class but even so, someone could be listening in. What Choon Hee hated most was people gossiping about her problems.

"You know the usual," she said as she closed out Instagram and paused her music. She took out her other earbud and placed it her jacket pocket.

Ah Young frowned.


"Waking me up early and making me breakfast, but strangely she gave me half a grapefruit with a glass of orange juice," she said as she turned to face towards the window to look out.

Ah Young nodded. "Well that a first. She finally learned huh?"

"Yeah I suppose,"

Just then the bell rang, and in came their home room teacher.

"Good Morning Class. Open your books to chapter 10 page 105," she said as she stood at the podium.

Everyone sighed as they got into their seats and pulled out their books. Choon Hee least favorite subject... Ethics.


After three classes it was finally lunch.

"So have you applied to any universities? I know your parents want to go to a SKY University," Ah Young said as they sat down at their usual table.

"You know where I'm applying," she muttered as she ate her food.

"Right. Seoul Institute of Arts,"

After a few minutes Choon Hee's phone vibrated in her pocket. She grabbed a napkin and wiped her hands and mouth with it before pulling it out to see who it was.

She smiled when she saw it was Jin. She quickly opened the message.

From: Jin

12:14 PM

Hey! I was wondering if you wanted to hangout this weekend?

Smiling she quickly replyed. 

To: Jin

12:15 PM

Of course Oppa! I would love to! What time?

She was so excited that she didn't want to finish her food.

"I'm guessing its Jin, judging from your expression," Ah Young inquired.

"You know me so well,"

Ah Young snickered.

"Well I mean... by the looks of things... you like him and he likes you," she shrugged. Choon Hee couldn't help but to look at Ah Young shocked.

"W-Why do you say that?"

Ah Young shrugged once more.

"I don't know. It just seems that way. Besides Jungkook and Jimin even said the same thing a few days ago,"

Choon Hee couldn't help but to slightly laugh. "Excuse? Please... Jin is my best friend how could I possibly..." but then a thought hit her. What if she really did like Jin but never admited it?

I must be losing my mind.

But the thought stuck in her mind. 

"Just admit it Choon Hee. I think everyone around you two see it but the two of you," said Ah Young matter-of-factly as her phone vibrated again. "But... I only see him as a friend. I'm not you, who is after Jimin," Choon Hee said as Ah Young blushed a deep crimson. "I-I don't know what you are talking about," she said munching on some bread.

Choon Hee chuckled as she opened the message.

Is... noon okay? ^^'

Choon Hee wanted to squeal but she suppressed the urge. 

Ne Oppa! ^~^

She smiled a little more this time. Maybe she did... or maybe it was because she hasn't seen him so often like she used to. She would sometimes (Because of Ah Young) hang out with Jungkook, Jimin and with the occasional V who seemed like a ghost. He would disappear and reappear at the strangest time and the times that she would hang out with Jin on his free time, Rap Monster, Suga and J-Hope would tag along.

She just hoped that it would be Jin this time. Don't get her wrong... she loves the three other guys but sometimes she just wants to have a good time with an old friend.

Sighing slightly, she thought about her life and how far she has come. She really hoped that her parents will see eye-to-eye someday about her future, but for right now... she has to "muse" them.

Hello everyone! I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter!

I hope it wasn't too boring! aha

Like I said in the forward.. this story isn't going to be very long. So it's going to be a little fast but hopefully all of you enjoy it!


Until Next Time

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Jaslynn #1
Chapter 10: So adorable ♡♡>•<
-theirmusicismylifee #2
Chapter 10: This was nice. Thank you for it. ♡
DragonJewel #3
Chapter 10: love this story
Chapter 10: I had no idea that this was going to be so short but i immensely enjoyed it ^^ and the only person that should be hugging V is *cough me *cough
-theirmusicismylifee #5
Chapter 9: Yay! Things turned out ok after all .. I think.
-theirmusicismylifee #6
Chapter 8: Hehehe, so cute. ♡
C3cilia #7
Chapter 8: They are so cute. I wonder who eunbyul would end up with???
-theirmusicismylifee #8
Chapter 6: Damn, that lap scene tho got me squealing ㅋㅋㅋ
C3cilia #9
Chapter 6: Omg they are so cute together!!!
-theirmusicismylifee #10
Chapter 5: Ooooooooohhhhh.