His and Her Gestures

The Infinite Paradise


As night comes, Infinite members went home from their hectic schedule. That day, it was only Hoya who didn't have any schedule.

“Ahhh what a tiring day!!!” Yelled Woohyun as he coming back home.

“Is it that tiring when you're only sat and showing abs everywhere?” Asked Sungyeol.

“Just shut up!” Said Woohyun in annoyed.

“Hey chill guys.” Dongwoo come to stop them before getting serious. “Come on, everyone is tired. Can we call it a day? Now let's just go to sleep.” He said.

“Yeah, I'm tired too hyung, let's just sleep.” Said the magnae Sungjong.


“Where's Hoya?” Asked Sunggyu.

“I'm here hyung!!!” Hoya said as he shouted from his room.

“Where have you been today?” Asked Sunggyu. “I heard that you went out today.”

“Yes, hyung, I went to Hongdae today. It was a great refreshment.” He said.

“Of course, what could be more best than hanging out? Great for you! Wohooo!” Sunggyu said in excitement.

“Uh... Hyung? You're ok?” Hoya asked. It's not like his hyung at all. Sunggyu would just stay cool everywhere.

“Of course I am! Can't you see? I'm healthy and happy! HAHAHA” He answered in randomness. Is he drunk? That's a question that comes up from Hoya's mind.

“Ugh... You should go to sleep hyung and so do I.” Hoya said.

“Uh-huh. Good night Howonn~” Sunggyu said to his dongsaeng with his failed aegyo.

“Wow, what got in to him?”



In Sistar dorm the girls are waking up early ready to go to their schedules. Their managers were preparing their stuffs while the girls were having breakfast.

“Dasom, here's your breakfast. Want me to pour you some milk?” Soyou offered her. The 3 other girls were looking to each other as Soyou was so different than she used to be. Dasom only nodded to Soyou. “Here you go~”

Hyorin then testing her dongsaeng. “Soyou, could you please get my phone in my room?” If its Soyou she would say that she's lazy and asked Dasom to do it for her.

But this time her answer is a 180° different. “Sure unnie! Wait ok!” She ran to Hyorin's room and took her phone. “Here unnie.” Hyorin was surprised and looked to Bora and Dasom direction.

Hyorin whispered to Bora. “There must be something happening.” Bora just nodded.

“Ok, girls if you have finished your breakfast let's just go now or we'll be late.” Bora announced.

“Let me wash the dishes!” Soyou volunteered. And again Soyou maked the 3 members mouth opened wide.

“Let just let her be like this. It's an advantage for us.” Said Bora.


After a while their schedules happened to be related with Infinite. They're invited in the same program as well. Sistar met Infinite in the hallway both of the group bow to each other and greet. Hoya and Bora looked awkward they're not talking that much while Soyou and Sunggyu talked to each other quite long.


Bora's POV

I walked with my girls to our waiting room but suddenly on the way there we met Infinite. I looked to the seven members and spotting one guy that I wished to meet. It's Hoya. I looked at him and smiled. He looked at me too and smiled back. I love his smile. He just adorable.

“Annyeong haseyo, Infinite!” Hyorin greeted them.

“Annyeong haseyo, Sistar!” Sunggyu greeted back.

Then both of the group start chit-chatting. But one of both group members only looking to each other and initiate a move. They moved, getting closer to each other then walked silently to a silent place. Hoya and Bora escaped from the group meeting.

“Annyeong Hoya!” Bora greeted with her signature smile.

“Annyeong!” He answered back. “Well, why are we escaping from them?” Hoya suddenly asked.

“I don't know, you're the one who make a look to escape.” Bora answered.

“I just feel that I need some time with you.” He said honestly.

“Hoya, is it another cheesy line?” Bora asked.

“Of course not, It always great when I'm with you.” Hoya said as he sat on a table while Bora standing. Bora face getting red and she just smiled shyly.

Hoya thought that today must be the day. He told her to come closer. “Come close to me...”

“Why?” She asked.

“Just because.” So then she walked half a meter. But not close enough to Hoya. “Come close a bit.” He said again then Bora came and stood in front of him. Hoya was sitting in a table while Bora standing in front of him. He caught her hand and moving her body really closer to him. He looked at her face and smiled. Suddenly, he caught her lips and kissed it gently. He moved his hands to her waist. Bora responded with her hands moving to Hoya's neck and deepening the kiss. They kissed like there's no tomorrow. Bora was a little bit . Hoya just smirked and he moved his mouth to her neck kissing her and savouring her neck. Bora was in a deep pleasure. As Hoya was going to move further, Bora caught his hands and said no to him. He obeyed her and continued kissing her.


While the both group was still chatting, suddenly they noticed someone have been missing. They looked around and they saw no Hoya or Bora's present.

“Where is Bora?” Asked Hyorin. Dasom and Soyou didn't say anything.

“And where the hell is Hoya?” Asked Woohyun.

“Great, it's Hoya again. He always likes to escape at a time like this.” Said Sunggyu. He looked to Hyorin and said, “Don't worry, Bora must be with Hoya. They'd come back sooner.” He convinced Hyorin. Then he looked to Soyou and it's hard to act like there's nothing between them. But they try hard. They decided to have a backstreet relationship even to their members. So they just gonna hide their relationship until they're ready.

“Infinite, Sistar, are you guys ready?” Asked the PD.

“Ah ne...” Sunggyu answered and looking worried as Hoya and Bora haven't come back but then just in time they went back together with a happy face.

“Yah Yoon Bora! Where have you been? Come on the recording is going to start soon.” Hyorin yelled to her group mate. Then Bora ran to her and saying sorry. Hoya just scratch his head and got a smack on his head from Sunggyu which causing laughter from both of group.


The recording went well, both group decided to have a friendly lunch in a restaurant. They sat wherever they want. Hoya sit facing Bora while Sunggyu sit in front of Soyou. The rest they just sat randomly including the managers.

“Whoa it's been a long time since we have a great time like this.” Said Sungjong.

“Me too, Sungjongie. It's been a long time since we went out with other group like this.” Said Dasom.

“Though it's only Hoya who always spends a lot of time hanging out.” Dongwoo said,

“Why only Hoya?” Asked Soyou.

“Because he doesn't have a lot of schedules these days.” Dongwoo answered.

“It's great you know, resting for a while after a lot of schedules. Right, Bora?” Hoya looked to Bora who's drinking her water.

“Eh? ne... Hoya.” She answered.

“Bora unnie is also having a lot of rest time these days. But a lot of proposals coming for her recently so, she will be full of schedules around next week.” Hyorin explained.

“That's good for you Bora, we'll see you a lot in tv show.” Woohyun said. Bora just smiled and laughed.

“Hey, it'd be great if we had some snacks... who'd like to go out to buy it?” Sunggyu said.

“Let me, I want to buy some stuffs too.” The others nodded. “Anyone would like to accompany me?” He asked the others. None of them would like to accompany him. “Bora?” He asked, the others looked at Bora.

“Uh... Sure.” She said yes perforcely.


Both of them went out together, exploring the road and searching for the nearest mini market. Hoya didn't forget to hold Bora's hand while walking and let her stay close with him. Bora just smiled.

“look it's the mini market, Hoya.” she pointed to the market she saw.

“Good, let's go there.” He said.


They chose a lot of snacks and even playing around for a little there. They quickly chose some snacks to buy and paid. They brought two plastic bags with full of snacks inside of it. Hoya hold both of it, Bora want to help him, but Hoya keeps saying that let him do it. Bora just let him do what he want.

As we arrived at the restaurant. Hoya can't open the door then he looked at Bora asking to open it. Bora decided to .

“I don't want to, why don't you open it by yourself?” She said,

“Bora, will you help me please?” Hoya asking her nicely and he even used his aegyo.

“Hoya, stop. You're aegyo is a major failed.” Bora said to him.

“What about this then...” Hoya leaned to me and caught my lips for a good 5 seconds. Bora froze. She looked at him in shocking face. “Come on, opened it for me, please...” He begged. Bora in a flash nodded and opened it for him. Then he passed her and whispered, “thanks babe.” Bora just stood there in surprised. Her mind is everywhere, her heartbeat is beating faster... Hoya seriously likes to surprise her.

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great job!
Chapter 20: Oh my god!! It was so good.. I like you. I like you as my STAR1 and FF friend. Can you be my co-author for my story. You're the best author for sure!
Umaimah #3
That was good , reading the title now .... ehe _
Loving this story :D ~~~ :)
woohyunism #5
adorable omg ;; <3
tommy26 #6
oh, i really really lov ur ff! so cool
wow,i'm too late but i love your fic <3
AHH~ That was such a good story!!! T.T Sad it's over though. PROMISE ME THAT YOU'LL KEP WRITING SISFINITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol~ Thanks and STAY TUNED FOR MY SISFINITE ONE-SHOT COLLECTION!
that was awesome ^_^<br />
it was a good story<br />
thank you for your hard work