Chapter 9

Forever Like Stars

“Don’t worry about tomorrow, I’ll take care of that” – Love Come True, Vixx


            The rest of our second year of high school seemed to pass by easily. And pretty soon we found ourselves entering our last year of high school. (Based on the Korean system of three years) At the end of our second year they had the awards again and Chanyeol and I won an award for cutest couple, and Taehyung won the award for best sports player.

            That year Luhan won prettiest boy in school. I was glad I didn’t, finally I wasn’t being recognized for being pretty. Luhan had also started dating someone, having moved on from liking Taehyung. Luhan was now going out with one of Jonghyun’s friends Minho. Even though Minho was in university with Jonghyun, Baekhyun, and the rest of the music club leaders, Luhan still managed to see him.

            Taeyeon, Baekhyun, Luna, Jonghyun, and Kyuhyun all agreed that I was to be the music club president replacing Taeyeon. Jungkook was also one of the new leaders, and Chanyeol too, having the joined the club last year and impressed us all with his amazing guitar and rapping skills. Taehyung took over as captain of the soccer team.

            We all had a busy year ahead of us with our extra activities and our preparation for university exams. But we all sat together and ate lunch like always.

            “So you three are all coming on the class trip right?” Luhan asked. “We’re going to be going camping. It’s going to be so much fun.”

            “Of course,” Taehyung said. “It’s the big class trip for us. We have to go.”

            “Yeah,” Chanyeol said. “We’re all going. It’s going to be amazing. Swimming and hiking and eating.”

            “I’m excited,” I said. “I can’t wait to go and just take a break on school for the week to go camping.” Every year the upcoming graduating class takes a trip to the forest for a week long camping vacation. It is the best trip and everyone looks forward to it. What could be better then a week in the woods not worrying about school? And it was coming up in a couple of days.

            On the day of the drive to the forest we met at the school early in the morning to board the buses to take us to the forest.

            “Guys!” Luhan said excitedly. “One of the counselors is Minho! He told me he’s coming on the trip! I’m so excited!”

            “Wait,” Taehyung said pouting. “That means I’ll have to find a new seating partner.”

            “Sorry,” Luhan said. “I’m sure you’ll find a new partner. Sorry I didn’t know until such late notice.”

            We boarded onto the bus and found three double seats next to each other. Luhan clung to Minho’s arm sitting in front of Chanyeol and me while Taehyung sat across from us with Namjoon.

            “I hope is everyone is excited for the trip!” our teacher Ms. Park said. “It’s going to be the best trip all year for you all! We have unfortunately a six hour bus ride so get cozy.” She sat down as the bus took off leaving the school for the forest.

            “Six hours,” I said stretching my arms. “That’s so far away. I’m tired.”

            “Me too,” Chanyeol said. “We should take a nap so we’ll be energized for activities when we get to camp. Here.” He took off his sweatshirt placing it on his shoulder. “Use it for a pillow.”

            “Thanks,” I said. I got out my i-pod placing one of the earphones into my ear and the other in Chanyeol’s before resting my head on his shoulder. “See you when we wake up.” I laced my fingers with his on his leg before dozing off to sleep, feeling Chanyeol’s head resting against mine.


>_< ^_^


            “Wake up sleepy heads,” Taehyung said poking us awake. “We’re at the forest. Everyone’s already left the bus to the campground.” We got up getting our things heading quickly over to where everyone else was.

            “Ahh the music leaders are finally up,” Ms. Park said laughing. “Well here you go.” She handed us our tent pointing to the last open area. “Set up your tent now.”

            “Yes,” I said. We quickly unpacked the tent setting it up next to Taehyung and Luhan’s tent. “That was embarrassing.”

            “Oh well,” Chanyeol said. “At least we’re ready for something fun. Look at some of the other people they’re tired.” I looked around seeing some students yawning and dozing off.

            “So for the rest of the time you have free time,” Ms. Park said. “The forest and lake are for you to explore, just try not to get hurt, and be back at seven for dinner at the main site. Okay got it?”

            We all nodded as most of the students went in their tents to nap.

            “Let’s go take a look at the lake,” I said. Chanyeol, Taehyung, Luhan, Minho, and I left the campsite heading to the trail leading us to the lake.

            “Everyone should’ve napped like we all did,” Luhan said laughing. “They’re missing out.”

            “That’s for sure,” Minho said holding his hand. “More lake for us five then.”

            We reached the end of the trail standing in front of a big crystal blue lake.

            “It’s so big and pretty!” Taehyung exclaimed. “Let’s wade in the water.” He immediately took off his shoes and socks, rolling up his pants before stepping into the water. “Wow, there’s even fish in here!”

            “Be careful!” Minho yelled. “You don’t want to find the monster of the lake!”

            “What monster?” I asked looking at him as Chanyeol and I took off our shoes and socks, rolling up our pants up as well.

            “There’s a story they told us that in this lake lives a viscous monster that will come out at night and if anyone is in the lake eat them after attacking them dead,” Minho said. “A long time ago one of the students on this trip decided to swim at night and was never seen again. So be careful if you decide to come here at night. I even heard sometimes the monster likes to have a snack in the daytime.”

            “We’ll take our chances,” Chanyeol said completely unfazed by the story. “Don’t worry Jin, I’ll protect you from any stupid lake monster.” He grabbed my hand as we stepped into the water as Luhan and Minho sat on some big rocks swinging their legs in the water.

            “The water is nice,” I said. I looked down seeing fish swimming past us. We got to where Taehyung was standing with his hands in the water.

            “I want to catch a fish!” Taehyung said with a determined look on his face. “Have a smoked fish feast!” He kept trying to grab at fish, but they swam away quickly whenever he got close to catching one.

            “Good luck,” I said laughing. I stuck my hands in the water splashing Chanyeol. “Got you!”

            “Yah!” Chanyeol said laughing wiping his face. “I’ll get you back!” I ran away from him as he kicked water at me. We started chasing each other kicking water with Taehyung joining in when we got too close to him.

            “Look!” Taehyung yelled. “I got a fish!” Taehyung smiled at us holding a big fish above his head. “We got ourselves a separate dish for later!”

            “Way to go Taehyung!” I yelled back at him smiling. “We can cook it later tonight!” Taehyung nodded placing the fish in a plastic bag he had giving it to Luhan and Minho has he joined us back in the water to splash us.

            When it was time to go back to the campsite for dinner Taehyung carried the fish with us to the table.

            “Wow,” Ms. Park said. “You guys sure had fun today didn’t you guys?”

            “Yes,” we all said smiling as we ate dinner. Dinner was rice, soup, vegetables, and beef. I was glad Taehyung had the fish for us to grill later tonight. The meal today was bland and boring.

            After dinner the majority of the students went to roast marshmallows and talk around the main fire. Minho, Luhan, Taehyung, Chanyeol and I found our own separate campfire pit and extra marshmallows, Graham crackers, and chocolate for smores.

            “I got us a little table,” Minho said placing it next to the pit as Chanyeol got a fire going for us.

            “Who’s cooking the fish?” Luhan asked placing the fish on the table. “I can’t cook for .”

            “Me either,” Chanyeol said. He turned to look at me.

            “I’ll cook the fish,” I said. I grabbed the fish, putting it on a thick stick placing it in the fire to cook it. It was way different then cooking on a grill but I managed to smoke the fish before placing it on the plate as we sat around the table.

            “I have a few words to say,” Taehyung said standing up. “Oh great fish that I caught with my bare hands today. This is the first of many I will catch on this trip, since the dinners being served to us are bland and boring as hell. Thank you fish for being too slow, and thank you Jin my best friend for cooking it to perfection. By the power in me I command us to eat this lovely fish!” He clapped his hands sitting down grabbing his fork taking the first bite. “Delicious! Dig in!”

            We all picked up our forks digging into the fish eating it. It was delicious. I was so happy to be eating it.

            “It’s so good,” I said smiling. “Thank you for catching this fish for us.”

            “Anything for my friends,” Taehyung said. “I got you all covered!”

            Soon the fish was gone, all that was left was a pile of bones, and we moved on to roast marshmallows for the smores. All in all it was a good first night of our camp trip.


I don't know what to say here~ but I like camping and Taehyung is a beast for catching a fish with his bare hands. >_< Please leave a comment~~~~~~~~ - Love Come True, Vixx

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Chapter 12: Amazing story!
Chapter 17: Ending was so cute ^_^
kpopforlifexx #3
Chapter 17: Asdfghjkl this is so cuuuuute!!! Great job! XD
Chapter 17: this is so cute ;W;
i love taejin gosh
Chapter 17: Its finally ended? *fainted* theres not much TaeJin *cries* thnx author-nimm. Its a really good story indeed. Love it ^^ be proud of yourself :)
Chapter 17: Awww.. TaeJin's sweetness! This is the best!~ ♥
kookvkim #7
Chapter 16: Ohhh~~~~The past part so cheesy~~Oh..I cant...
Chapter 13: yes taejin. and omg that kiss on the ferris wheel is too cute and lovely. :3
Chapter 12: That was a pretty sweet break up if you ask me. don't worry Channy maybe you'll meet Baekkie? Neh? TAEJIN FOREVAH!
Jun_xi #10
Chapter 12: I love ur story! Plis countinuing! XD