Chapter 5

Forever Like Stars

“Throughout the laughter and tears, the only one who always believed in me was you” – Forever, Girls’ Generation


            “Jin don’t forget that this weekend, we’re going to the cemetery,” mom said during dinner. “Okay?”

            “Yes, I know,” I answered. I kept eating dinner. This Saturday was my father’s birthday. He would be turning thirty-five. I was only five when we head gotten into that car crash. I had been fatherless for ten years. “The one day of the year I get to be close to dad.”

            “I know sweetie,” mom said. “I’ll tell you what, Jin-ah. If you want you can bring Taehyung with you on Saturday. We’ll leave at about nine. And go out to eat a fancy lunch.”

            “Okay thank you,” I said. “I’ll ask him if he wants to go with us on Saturday.” I smiled, hoping Taehyung would be able to go with us to the cemetery. I felt like it was what I needed. I needed to have my best friend come with me to visit my dad. “I’ll ask him on the way to school tomorrow.”

            The next day I left my house meeting Taehyung who met me in front of my house.

            “Um so on Saturday is my dad’s birthday,” I said. “And my mom said I could invite you to come with us to the cemetery, if you wanted, then go out to eat with us after. So do you think you can make it?”

            “I’m free on Saturday,” Taehyung said. “But are you sure you want me to come with you and your mom? I don’t want to intrude, I know your father’s birthday is a special day to you.”

            “I want you to come,” I said smiling. “I think it’s time someone else visits him. He’s been gone for ten years starting this Saturday. And I want you to be there with me.”

            “Okay,” Taehyeun said smiling. “I’ll be there. I’ll look forward to visiting your father.”

            “Great,” I said. “I’m glad you’ll be coming with us. We’re going to leave at nine in the morning.” I smiled, I was so glad Taehyung agreed to come with mom and I to the cemetery.

            On Saturday we picked up Taehyung at his house. I got out of the car ringing the doorbell.

            “Oh Jin!” Taehyung’s mom said. “You look so handsome! Taehyung Jin is here! Honestly Jin, you not having a girlfriend or girls chasing after you, is still a mystery to me.”

            “Thank you Mrs. Kim,” I said smiling at her. I was wearing black skinny jeans that looked like slacks, a white button down shirt with a pink tie.

            “Hi,” Taehyung said. “I’m ready to go. See you later today mom.” He smiled at me as we headed out of the house going to my mom’s car. “Wow Jin. You look great.”

            “Thanks,” I said. “You look great too.” Taehyung was wearing almost the same thing as me except his tie was black and white striped with silver accents in it. With his orange hair he looked amazing.

            “Taehyung you look so handsome today,” mom said. We got into the car as mom drove off for the cemetery. “Thank you for coming with us today.”

            “Thank you for inviting me,” Taehyung said. “I am very honored to be going with you to the cemetery.” He looked around the car finally spotting my guitar. “Jin, are you playing guitar somewhere?”

            “Yeah,” I answered. “I’m going to play a song for dad. His favorite song ever was H.O.T. Candy. For whatever reason, but I’m going to play that for him.”

            “It’s true,” mom said. “When I met your dad in college, and that was all he seemed to listen to. I thought it was very strange for a man almost done with college to listen to a song like that, but after a while it grew on me too.”

            “When did you two get married?” Taehyung asked.

            “We got married right after we both graduated college,” mom said. “He was two years older then me. After I finished college, we moved in together and got married, then a year after I got pregnant with Jin. Jin’s father was such a handsome man, and he was so sweet when Jin was born. He was almost like a second mother to Jin.”

            “Mom don’t say anything embarrassing,” I warned her. “So no telling him anything he shouldn’t know.”

            “Ah Jin-ah,” mom said laughing. “You’re so easy to get flustered. Don’t worry any baby stories about you, will be kept secret.”

            We got the cemetery heading to my dad’s grave with the flowers, his favorite foods, and my guitar. Mom layed down a blanket, as I placed the flowers and food on his grave before we bowed on the floor and prayed to him.

            “Honey,” mom said. “I know you are watching over us, and seeing the fine man Jin is growing up to be. He brought his guitar to play Candy for you.”

            I unpacked my guitar tuning it before clearing my throat.

            “Hi dad,” I said. “I miss you a lot. You we’re a very important person in my life in a million ways. It was you after all who introduced me to the amazing sounds a guitar could make. So I’m going to sing for you know.”

            I began strumming the guitar humming a little before singing.


            I woke up to the morning sun blazing at me, suddenly everything changed, even how I felt for you it’s not that I don’t still love you. I will need to change myself, without your knowing it, I’ve compared you to other girls.

            When I dream about us each time the dream would vanish and I am left by myself. Crying so pathetic stuck in this position, I decided I’m leaving you.


            I finished singing the song strumming the last chords as Taehyung and mom clapped for me.

            “Jin-ah,” mom said wiping her eyes. “That was beautiful.”

            “Yeah,” Taehyung said. “Jin you sounded great.”

            After we said our goodbyes to dad we headed out to eat at a traditional Korean restaurant. When the food came it was an array of colors and different dishes.

            “Thank you, I will eat well,” Taehyung said.

            “Yes thank you mom, I’ll eat well,” I said.

            “Yes both of you please eat well,” mom said. We began eating the food, which was delicious. After my dad’s birthday Taehyung went with my mom and me to the cemetery each year after. We started a new tradition.


>_< ^_^


            Life continued on as normal for us in our first year of high school. The music club competed at many vocal competitions and won the majority of them. Taehyung tried out for the soccer team and was one of the star kickers.

            Both of us made quite a name for us around the school. I was known for my music and Taehyung for his soccer skills. Although over the course of the year, despite how many girls asked Taehyung out, he rejected them all, and as I wasn’t surprised no one asked me out. I didn’t care though.

            What was different though was, I was somehow entered in the yearbook for most-prettiest male alongside Luhan and Ren. The yearbook took our picture together, and they seemed pretty pissed that a first year gained so much attention for being pretty.

            Luckily for me, Luhan came around and we sort of hung out around school, which made a lot of his fans go crazy. Some hated me, and others thought it was cute. By the end of the year most of his fans seemed to ship me with him.

            Finally it was our second year of high school, and by bad luck Taehyung and I were put in separate homerooms.

            “I can’t believe we’re not going to be in the same homerooms this year,” I said. “Who am I supposed to have as my desk partner now?”

            “I’m going to miss you,” Taehyung said. “It’s going to be boring in class without you Jin? Want to hang out after school?”

            “Yes,” I said. “And hang out during lunch.” We said goodbye heading into our separate classrooms. I scanned the room looking for familiar faces. I saw a few people from the music club, Ren, and Luhan.

            “Jin,” Luhan said waving at me. He patted the empty seat next to him. “Sit next to me.” I smiled heading over to his table taking the seat beside me.

            “I guess we’re in the same homeroom,” I said. “That’s good. I was afraid I wouldn’t know anyone.”

            “Ah yeah,” Luhan said. “You always hangout with Taehyung. Can I tell you a secret?”

            “What?” I asked.

            “Would you be upset, if I went after him?” Luhan asked. “I mean, he is your best friend and all, so would you mind if I made it clear I wanted to be his boyfriend?”

            “I guess it’s fine with me,” I said. “I don’t know if Taehyung is gay, so it’s all up to you.”

            “Great,” Luhan said. “Believe me I think he’s definitely gay. So I’ll eat lunch with you today and make an impression on him.” I smiled looking at Luhan. I knew he was into guys, but I was worried if Taehyung would go out with him. What if he did and I became an awkward third link? But Taehyung was my best friend, he cast me aside for Luhan would he?

            I should’ve lied and said something to sway Luhan away. I was slowly starting to regret what I just told him. Second year of high school was going to be way more interesting then the first year. I could feel it. 

I know I fast forwarded their first year, but I wanted to move on. Please leave a comment. - Forever - Girls' Generation

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Chapter 12: Amazing story!
Chapter 17: Ending was so cute ^_^
kpopforlifexx #3
Chapter 17: Asdfghjkl this is so cuuuuute!!! Great job! XD
Chapter 17: this is so cute ;W;
i love taejin gosh
Chapter 17: Its finally ended? *fainted* theres not much TaeJin *cries* thnx author-nimm. Its a really good story indeed. Love it ^^ be proud of yourself :)
Chapter 17: Awww.. TaeJin's sweetness! This is the best!~ ♥
kookvkim #7
Chapter 16: Ohhh~~~~The past part so cheesy~~Oh..I cant...
Chapter 13: yes taejin. and omg that kiss on the ferris wheel is too cute and lovely. :3
Chapter 12: That was a pretty sweet break up if you ask me. don't worry Channy maybe you'll meet Baekkie? Neh? TAEJIN FOREVAH!
Jun_xi #10
Chapter 12: I love ur story! Plis countinuing! XD