Chapter Thirteen

Our Love Story

I turned to see what the big deal was.  JiYong was smiling brightly behind me. ‘Of course’.



The lady stepped out of the counter.  She forwards herself to us.  I smiled thinking that she realized who I was but it quickly faded when she past me and went heads over heels for JiYong.

She was crying and hugging him and even tried to pull a couple of kisses on him.  After a while of watching them I turned around.  “I WANT MY BREAD!” I yelled to the back room, behind the counter.  A young man rushed over to the register and smiled brightly.  “Hello, What would you Like toda-”  I cut him off.  “Anything”

As soon as I received my order of bread, I rushed out of the door.  I couldn’t watch these two behind me anymore.  The sounds of the lady sobbing and JiYong saying ‘don’t cry’, while patting her head to comfort her.



I patted the lady’s head to calm her down.  She was crying and every time I ask her something, she wouldn’t respond back.


I heard the bell from the door rang.  I looked at the spot where Bom was standing but she was nowhere to be found.  I looked over to the window and saw Bom crossing the streets.  ‘Why is she leaving?’  I thought then I saw her with a bag of bread.  ‘Aishh… I was supposed to prevent her from bread!’  The lady that worked here was still on me but I just pushed her away and bow a couple of time.  ‘I know I’m good looking and all but…..’

/ / / /

Moments later I found Bom eating bread at the bench by the park.  I smiled as I went forward to her.  I was now behind her  I was about to cover her eyes but then, “Sit down” Bom said. ‘eh?’

“I’m not stupid, your shadow is right there.”  She said without looking up at me, but pointed to the sidewalk where my shadow appeared.  I went to her side and sat down next to her.  I broke the silent.  “Why did you leave?”



“Why did you leave?”  JiYong said.  I was frustrating on what to say.  I couldn’t possibly tell him I was, I was…. Jealous? O_o

“I… I…I got my load of bread already.  Why shouldn’t I come out?” I said and lift up the bag I was carrying.  “Well, you left and YOU DIDN’T EVEN PAY FOR IT.”  He replied.  I smiled ‘That’s what boyfriends are for; Umm… well ‘friends’ in this case’.

“It’s okay; I paid for it already.  Now I just need $9.50 from you.”  He lean forward his hand in front of me and curled his fingers up and down.  “Aishh...  I don’t even have my wallet.” I tint my head down in disappointment and then innocently look up at him.  I saw a smirk appear on his face, and I knew he was up to something, something bad.

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kwongbom #1
Please tell me that even though its been a few years you are still coming back *puppy eyes* please please please >.<
gbomtopfans #2
Chapter 15: update plez... Π.Π
angielol #3
Chapter 15: GBOM hwaiting please update soon
gbomtop #4
Chapter 14: Update please!!!!!!
anime_freak_here #5
Omogosh <3
Rukobee #6
Chapter 1: is the guy Teddy? because I've always thought that he had a thing for Bom while watching 2NE1 TV
hmmmm...such an adorable story :D
It'll be a waste if it has no ending kekekekeke

I'll subscribe now and I hope it'll give you an idea to continue this story ^-^
nikang #8
When next chapter release? Adorable !!!
nikang #9
I am now reading chapter 1. N i thought it was jiyong they talked abt lol.
When this story will be update authornim??
I hope u dont forget ur this great fic..fighting..