Chapter: II

Football ± Theatre ± LAN = Us


"Are you mad at me?"

Kiky raised her head, "No"


She nodded.

"Good," Seungcheol said with a sigh in relieve "I thought you were mad at me"

"Why would I be?" She asked.


Kiky shuts tight as Seungcheol mentioned her name. She looked away, trying to avoid Seungcheol to see her irritated look. She wasn't suppose to feel this way. She was rude at Jeje to just leave her like that, but what can she do? Even when there's no love based or any other feelings, she couldn't help but to feel annoyed with it.

Not to mention, Jeje talks quite too much.

"I'm not mad," Kiky said "I just don't want the guests to think bad of our marriage. It wouldn't be funny if our marriage only lasts for 20 minutes"

Seungcheol only nodded in agreement. He doesn't have anything to say, anyway. He was never a good speaker for such situation. He likes to open conversations, but with jokes and laughter. Not in such tensed atmosphere like this. Besides, he knows that even when Kiky said she wasn't mad, she's still quite annoyed at the scene. So instead of saying wrong stuffs, it's better for him to just shut his mouth, right? One wrong word might lit up a new argument and Seungcheol wouldn't want that to happen. Especially when they're still at the wedding.

The two of them are now dancing in the middle of the wedding venue. A slow paced romantic song was played and their parents couldn't help but to force them to dance to it. Not only that they think the two of them would look cute to dance together, their parents also sense the doubt and confusion of the guests when Seungcheol showed too much contact with Jeje, so they hope this dance could wipe off that bad gossip off of their minds.

Kiky and Seungcheol obviously objected the request, but what can they do? Even when they're married like this, the two of them are still teenagers who're afraid of their parents. So like it or not, the two finally dance to the song, hand in hand, body pressed to each other, and move their feet as the music guide them. They were awkward from the sudden close contact, that's for sure. But as the time goes by, they kinda like the warmth of each other's body and they would be lying if they say they didn't like it.

Being someone who has a leading trait dominating his DNA, Seungcheol couldn't help but to open up a conversation. Trying to decrease the awkwardness as he become the first one to do so, "Why didn't you invite anybody? I mean, not even a close friend or your boyfriend"

"I don't have a boyfriend" Kiky cuts "Close friend? I don't think they need to come. They'll know eventually. And if they really are my close friends, they would understand why I didn't invite them"

Seungcheol raised his eyebrow, "Wait, you don't have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah.. What's with the face?"

"Nothing. It's just amusing how a girl like you doesn't have a boyfriend just yet" Seungcheol said, amused "But if you take a second look, I kinda understand why you're still single. No guys would ever want to get stuck with such a Ms. Know it All and Always Right Girl like you"

Kiky scoffed, "Excuse me, but I'm not the one with such huge pride, okay"

"Yeah, but I still have a girlfriend, don't I?"

"Jerk" Kiky rolled her eyes.

Seungcheol chuckled and made her did a turn, causing the guests to 'aww'-ed them from the sight. The two actually look like a real couple by this time. No more awkwardness could be sense from these two. They look like they're really enjoying the time, dance, and each other's company. The expression on their faces say it all.

"But seriously, why don't you look for a boyfriend? You're not that bad for a guy to consider you as their girlfriend. I mean, you know, you're quite a fun person to hang out with"

Kiky raised her eyebrow. This is by far, the loveliest words Seunghcheol ever said to her. Even when it's still full of sarcasm and a different way of showing compliments, this is still the best words Seungcheol had ever spoken to welcome her ears. "Well there are quite some reasons, I can say," Kiky begins. She cleared cause talking about boys were never her thing, but well. It's a better topic than to talk about how irritating Jeje was, right? "But mostly because no matter who I'm gonna date with, it's just not gonna work"

Seungcheol knitted his eyebrows, "Why?"

"Because," she sighed "Since we were little, our parents had arranged this marriage and they constantly remind me about that. They just stopped reminding me by the time you drifted apart from me. I once thought that the arranged marriage was called off, but then it turns out that it was just a snooze from the alarm. I still have to marry you in the end"

"So you keep on being single, cause you know your gonna marry me, eventually?" He smiled, amused "You know that I'm such a gentleman, don't you?"

"Don't flatter yourself, it's actually a sarcasm that I'm doing this for you" Kiky said with such annoyance "I just don't want to waste my time and energy with someone that I would obviously not gonna end up with. I mean, why bother? If I really grow some feelings to him and vice versa, wouldn't that only cause pain and vain in the end?"

Seungcheol remained quiet. The same condition also occurs to him. The constant reminder about the wedding, how he's gonna be marrying Kiky at the age of 17, their parents's agreement, everything. He just thought that, maybe, if he finds the right girl, he can somehow break upon the marriage. Jeje seems like the right girl for it, right? I mean, she always take good care of him on matches, watch him practice, spend good time with him when the two have their time off. Doesn't that make her the right girl, then?

But of course, getting a girlfriend other than Kiky costs him a lot of pain. His parents were beyond range when they knew that he's dating someone else than Kiky. His dad even got into violence, if only Hansol didn't hold their dad back from further pain and bruises, back then. Seungcheol surely paid great deal of troubles when he told their parents that he's dating Jeje. He hasn't showed her to his parents, of course, or else she wouldn't be allowed to get into the wedding. He just told his parents that he's in a relationship with someone, from the same school, and the person who always cheer for him on his matches. Literally. 

At times, Seungcheol would feel that Jeje's surely the right girl for him, not Kiky. But on the other times he would miss those memories he spent with Kiky before they go to separate school and lost contact eventually. Seungcheol always think of Kiky that she's kind of girl who'd go into the field and literally hug him when he won a match, even when he's still sweaty and muddy cause she's not the type of girl to complain much. While Jeje's the type of girl who'd just cheer for him from afar and hand him water and towel so he can clean himself first before they can do any skin contact. Both ideas actually please him cause the girls care for him, anyway. But the different way somehow bothers Seungcheol cause it would be a lie to say that he likes all hygiene and lady like girl like Jeje better than a down to Earth person like Kiky.

But then, another question came to surface. What if Jeje wasn't the one for him all along? What if Kiky was the girl that was created by God from his rib cage? What if they really are meant to be? Doesn't that mean he's only wasting his time and energy, like Kiky said, to the wrong person? And how will he act later to Jeje when everything seems to fall in the right places, but it wasn't for her, it was for Kiky?

"Hey, Kiky to Retarded Captain, do you copy?" Kiky joked as she snapped her fingers in front of his face.

"Don't call me that. It sounds really retarded"

Kiky smiled, "It matches your face, right?"

Seungcheol rolled his eyes and slap her hand away from his face. "You're such a pain in the , you know" he scoffed yet Kiky now smiled and placed her head on his shoulder. It's not that she's trying to be clingy or anything, she just wanted to enjoy the dance. Seungcheol was surely surprised from the sudden close contact. He look down at her hair which was some braided beautifully yet the rest were just let loose in a messy curl. 

Kiky's quite pretty, actually. It had been years since the two haven't seen each other and he was quite surprised at how puberty done her good. Her childish face's now turned into a mature beauty and he was quite in awe that he literally dropped his jaw when they first met again. Funny how someone could turn into such a different person by certain time only, huh?

"Kiky," Seungcheol called, which only received a hum from her "I didn't mean to drift apart from you, you know. I just got too busy with the whole team schedules right after I join high school. I didn't mean to cut off our friendship"

Kiky sighed, "Don't worry about that. I never get bothered with it anyway. Besides, we can't be separated now, so don't worry about that" she said as she stared at the wedding ring on her left hand. It was beautiful, sure. But she didn't feel the beauty to warm his heart because it was placed not by the warmth of love, but only because of the force from others.

If only things weren't arranged this way..


"First and ground rule, no interfering each other's life. Unless the other asked for help" Kiky said as she stood in front of the bedroom's door. Her and Seungcheol had changed into comfortable clothing as they got home. Not to their private one, but to Seungcheol's parents's cause his parents want to make sure that there's no disturbance from his girlfriend for the first week. The first week is always the most painful time of the marriage, you know.

Seungcheol nodded on the rule as he sat on the edge of the bed. He was tired as hell and he's always been known for a heavy sleeper, but he needs to post-poned his sleep or else Kiky's gonna put random rules to their marriage. He knows that he would be the one to break them the most, but he'd still want to know what they are so he wouldn't cross the line later on.

"Then, no skinship is allowed unless your parents or mine are around"

"What, why?" Seungcheol asked. Being a big fan of skinship, he would obviously object this one rule. He loves to hug and cuddle. That's what he does the most with Jeje in their relationship, anyway. But now he can't get any skin contact with Kiky, even when she's legally his wife now? 

"Because," she glares "I don't want you to cling on me 24/7. I don't like skinship, Choi Seungcheol"

"Oh come on, you do love skinship. Everyone does. I mean, not even a hug? Come on, Choi Kiky, you just haven't met the right guy to hug you if you say you don't like skinship"

"Never, call me Choi Kiky. My surname is Kim" she throw deathly glares.

"But you're married to me now"

"Psh, don't talk like you're happy about that fact" Kiky retorded "Whatever. I just don't want skinship. I won't allow any. You must obey this rule cause it's specially requested from me. You wouldn't break this rule cause you're such a gentleman like you said when we danced, right?"

Seungcheol rolled his eyes, "Fine. But then I'd want to have a request rule too"

Kiky nodded, encouraging him to continue his talk.

"You must go to my matches, my team party, my hang outs, everything. You must also obey what I said for daily chores" he requested "Like it or not, you're my wife now so you have to act like one"

"Daily chores? Pfft, I'm your wife, Seungcheol, not maid" Kiky scoffed "Besides, last time I checked, you don't want to admit our marriage so why bother acting like one"

"I don't favor this marriage doesn't mean I won't try to be a good husband for you. Eventhough I'm still in a relationship with Jeje, I'd still treat you as what you're suppose to be treated" Seungcheol said sternly. The look on his eyes showed real commitment and will, making Kiky to somehow feel like she can trust him in this one.

"Fine, but you must not give me troubles. If I tell you to help with the dishes, do it. If I tell you to clean your stuffs, do it. If I tell you to bathe, do it. Cause damn, you smell like a skunk, okay" she said "And if I ask for help, you must help me out"

"Woah woah wait, doesn't that make you have 2 requested rules?" He raised an eyebrow.

Kiky sighed, "What's your other request?"

Seungcheol stood up from his seat. He began to walk around his room which is now rearranged cause Kiky's stuffs were coming in. The bed was also changed into a king size one that it made the room look smaller. Seungcheol tapped his chin, thinking of another request rule, but he got none. "I don't have any now. I'll tell you when I have it"

Kiky rolled her eyes, "Okay. Now for school. Since I'm living here for the first week before we move to our home or apartment later on, I'd need a ride. Dad wouldn't give me my own driver nor car, so I would need a lift"

"But your school's miles away from mine!"

"Then would you love to see your parents complain that you're not treating your wife well by making her ride a bus?! The bus station's still far from my school too so I'd need to walk. Do you want me to do that?!" Kiky complained "Do you want me to tell your parents that you're not treating me well?"

Seungcheol glared, "Don't you dare"

"Then drive me to school!" Kiky demanded and throw him a pillow.

"Fine," he groaned "but I'll drop you off a few blocks before your school. I don't want people to draw suspicion on us"

"My school friends wouldn't care about us, Seungcheol. Don't flutter yourself. You're not that much of a famous footballer" she snorted "But okay, I'd walk from the place you dropped me at. Just don't drop me too far!"

"I won't" he said quickly "Then how about after school? Do you need a lift too? I always have late practices, so I can't promise to fetch you home. Also dates and other hang outs with Jeje. We're such a clingy couple that we can do 4 dates in a week, not including weekends, parties, and after match dinners. So I really can't promise to fetch you home"

"It's okay. I can go with my friends or ride a bus since you're busy" she said, quotating the word 'busy'. Kiky was honestly confused at that point. Did he just promised to treat her well as husband and wife yet he just informed her that he's gonna have frequent dates with Jeje? What kind of marriage does he think this is?!

"Okay. Is that all the rules?" Seungcheol asked, completely unaware of how quite annoyed Kiky is.

"No. But for now, I think we can live with those several ones"

Seungcheol groaned and jump to the bed, "Great, now I can sleep"

"Who said you're sleeping on the bed?"




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choigogi #1
Chapter 5: 잘한다♡♡♡♡♡ 너무 고마워요 디 ♡~♡
Ellie__Song #2
Chapter 5: Ohhh OmG!!! ~~ <3 can't wait for the next chapter!! :O