
Unspoken Jealousy
Chapter thirteen.
if you live in fear of the future because of what happened in your past, you'll end up losing what you have in the present.

e was here again.

Not that he absolutely wanted to, of course.

But he's just here again.

He. Choi Jun Hong. Here. The police station.


Jun Hong was telling the truth when he said that he isn't very fond of this particular place he's currently at, and he wasn't planning on doing so, either. At least for now. And he clearly wasn't telling lies when he said that he isn't comfortable being trapped inside this building, again.

Nothing much changed here. At least from Jun Hong's point of view. And from the same view, it looked like nothing much will change in the chain of incidents from the last time he showed up here, after all.

Ah, Jun Hong and his stupid luck.





"Sorry to keep you waiting, Jun Hong-bun,"


They say that among all the people in the world, you will remember most the voices of those you dislike. And right now, that Choi boy over might want to acknowledge that.

"I'm Detective Cha, if only you'd forgotten,"

Tch, forgotten? Who? Him? Yeah right.

"No, of course I remember you, Detective," Jun Hong answered. All too well, perhaps, he inwardly added, a glint of sarcasm splattering all over that last sentence. "So, what is it today?"

Detective Cha winced for a bit. Clearly, Jun Hong was indirectly asking him to just cut off any unnecessary things and just get down to the real business. It was quite obvious that he was trying to make himself leave the place as soon as possible without having to spend the night behind the bars first for talking too harshly to a police officer. This boy, thought Detective Cha, he is really something. He hasn't change a bit from the last time they met. Well, except maybe that his complexion got a slight bit paler and his eyes emitted pure stress and exhaustion. Could it be because he's facing his exams right at the moment? Detective Cha decided not to bother finding out any more.

"Don't worry, it's nothing big," said Detective Cha, trying to ensure the younger boy that his wish of leaving as soon as possible would be granted. "Just a few papers to sign; you know, from last time,"

He meant the papers the older man lost when Jun Hong was supposed to sign them after taking away his English notebook last time.

Jun Hong rolled his eyes. It was clearly the Detective's fault; why do I have to be the one troubled all over here? Well, welcome to the world of adults, kid.

Though, Jun Hong decided that it might be best if he'd just play along safely, thinking it might lead him closer to his wishes of getting out of here ASAP. So with an obviously forced smile, he took the pen Detective Cha handed him and pulled the papers closer to him.

"Of course,"

There were probably around three or four papers that he had to sign, but as Jun Hong had set up his hand to a full speed, it didn't even take him more than two minutes to finish them all. For not bothering to read at least a word written in them, it wasn't surprising.

Seeing how determined the boy was to leave, Detective Cha decided that it might be best if he would just seal his mouth shut as he took the papers below Jun Hong's hands and started stamping them one by one. He now understood that at least right now, trying to get to the boy's good side wasn't the best option to choose. So he didn't.

Though, the older male noticed as Jun Hong's eyes started to wander around the place, before stopping at one particular direction: the board hanging from his cubicle wall. The board contained informations from his latest cases, and one of them was the case Choi Jun Hong was here for: the Jung Hee-Jung Chae case. No wonder he got interested.

Well, it was his bad being a little too lazy to tear away the evacuation pictures and the random notes, so he wasn't going to let Jun Hong take the blame after all.


After a few minutes of awkward silence (at least between the two guys), Jun Hong finally spoke up.


"Why do you still have these pictures on? I thought the case was closed a while ago,"

Jun Hong wasn't even looking at him as he spoke; the boy's eyes were securely locked towards one of the pictures, though Detective Cha couldn't particularly point which one. Hence, it spoke loud enough of the young man's reawakened sorrow.

Suddenly, Detective Cha felt a lush of guilt breezing through his chest.

"Ah, that? I was... a little bit too busy to take them down; office's been swarming with nonstop cases these past few days..."

Well, a part of it was true. The number of cases the office took in was increasing in a quite sufficient amount lately.

Oblivious to the fact that the Detective was partly lying, Jun Hong only mumbled a soft 'oh' as a sign of understanding.

There it comes again, that lush of guilt in Detective Cha's chest.

After that, it was that awkward silence again that enveloped the two of them. Well, at least for Detective Cha it was a little bit too awkward for his liking; while Jun Hong only continued staring at the pics with a sad face.









"Can I have these pictures?"

Detective Cha looked up. He did not see that coming.


Jun Hong shrugged, for the first time turning his head to face the older. "No reason," he said, "just though it'd be nice to have some memorials of my late best friend,"

One of Detective Cha's brows tilted upwards, considering the idea. It didn't really take long for him to finally decide to approve of the boy's wish. I don't really need them anyways; there are more copies of them in the files, right? He thought, unconsciously trying to defend what he was about to do.

"Fine, I guess you can have them; I don't really need them that much anymore anyways,"

A small, yet sincerely grateful smile graced Jun Hong's lips as he heard the deed.

"Thank you... Detective,"




Jun Hong was literally locking himself in his room. He had ordered the maids and butlers not to let anyone interrupt him; not even if it was his grandfather who demanded to see him (which he highly doubt since the rotten old man have always been at work, never paying attention to whatever damned crap his precious grandson was doing). It was really nothing special, but a small part of Jun Hong's heart had told him that it might be best if he stayed alone while he reopened his slowly healing wounds again, and Jun Hong couldn't argue against that. He knew at some point, eventually his memories would be taken back to the bitter sides of Jung Hee and Jung Chae's memories, and somehow he'd crumble and fall. And for tears? Depending on the situation. He'd say the tears had about 40% the chance; pretty small, but it wasn't impossible. He had regained newly produced tears in his tear gland, and he was going to look through those evacuation pics he had gotten from Detective Cha the other day, where he'd seen his best friend plus the girl he had liked since forever, their bodie covered in blood, and pretty much lifeless.

Yeah, that just dropped his pride dead. 75% now?

Jun Hong shook his head furiously, trying to shake off any thoughts he was having that weren't supposed to be there in his head in the first place. And boy, he had lots.

"Get it together, Choi Jun Hong!" he fist-pumped inwardly. It didn't help much, but at least he was slowly regaining his pride and confidence now.

Then with a sigh and a firm nod, Jun Hong slowly opened the brown envelope Detective Cha had carefully sealed the pics in before. This time, his hands weren't shaking as furiously compared to that last time he tried to open the package of his English notebook. Though it was definitely no piece of cake, but eventually he managed to pull out the envelope's contents to open air.

The first picture laid on the very top of the pile was only a picture of the car Jung Hee and Jung Chae rode on the day of the accident. It was ruined and all, but was already empty. Jun Hong would've guessed that this pic was taken after the bodies were pulled out, and thus didn't entirely scare or shock him for a first glance. Inwardly, Jun Hong thanked either Detective Cha or fate who had purposely put this kind of picture on the top of the pile just so he wouldn't break down from shock as much. He'd hate that very much, of course.

The next pic though, was nothing to hide anymore.

It was still the car, but with the passengers still inside. A few rescue crew members were seen drilling off the car doors off its hinges just so they'd be able to pull the people out. And behind the crew members' working positions, laid inside the two unconscious girls, helplessly waiting to be rescued.

Jun Hong froze. He recognized the girl seated on the back left seat of the car, with the closest angle to the camera to be Jung Chae.

How did he know? Simple. There's that hair clip he'd seen her put on just as she went off earlier that day at school, though in the picture was loosely dangling from a few strands of her mid-length hair. He could never missed that.

So despite the flowing blood streams rolling down the girls' heads, he could point out now, which is who, and who is which. picture by picture, and he had never missed a guess. He could just simply point out which body belonged to which girl. So nevertheless of the creeping feelings he had as he slowly familiarized his eyes with every picture, he was glad enough that he could still recognize his best friends by their names.

There were about ten pictures already scattered on the desk beside him where he threw the things he had seen when he came across one particular picture.

That one from the first day he went to the police station; the one that previously had the 'Jung Hee Evacuation' post-it on it.

Jun Hong tilted his head to give his eyes a better examination of the picture. Though it was really not much different than how he remembered it. Only Jung Hee's limped body being carried to safety on a rolley-thingy by two rescue workers, and that's it. Nothing really special.

Hence, there was something inside Jun Hong that told him to look even closely. Just for this particular picture. Jun Hong himself wasn't very sure of what he was supposed to find or expect, but he did anyway, paying attention to every inch of the scene captured in the photo paper in his hand.

Inch by inch, and he found nothing really worth observing for. He slowly got discouraged and was this close to just throw that pic with the other ones he had finished and move on to the next pic when something finally caught his vision.

"Wait... this is..."

Jun Hong could not believe what he was seeing. It was almost as if it was fake, but at the same time it felt so real. What the heck does this supposed to mean?!

To be sure, he took a closer look.

Nope. However he looked at it, it's still the same. His eyes weren't playing dirty tricks on him this time.


Hurriedly, Jun Hong grabbed his laptop and started its power button. His palms were wetted by cold sweat as he plucked a modem into the device. He just prayed that there would be something... just something that could give him answers right now. And he thought that Google wasn't there for nothing. Moreover, the Jungs were popular chaebols here in Korea, so there's bound to be a load of news and investigations about their daughters' accident; especially when there was death involved. Even if it was only nonsense talks about who would take up Jung Chae's share of the company now that she was gone; he didn't care. There had just got to be something for him among all these nonsense.




Jun Hong looked like a mess. A big ball of confusion and frustration.

At least right now to her view he was.

The layers of anxiety and fear written on her effortfully expressionless face gradually increased as the number of pictures Jun Hong took out from his pile of pictures continuously added. Both her pale white hands were clenching into fists as she helplessly watched Jun Hong, who was once her best friend, scavenged through the evident memories that she thought he had long forgotten about, rummaging through every bit of it in the back of his mind, and trying to find out about the secret she was trying to keep.

No. This is bad. This is dangerous.

Oh, how much she had sacrificed to keep that secret a secret, and now what she had much sacrificed for was on the verge of torn and broken apart, just by the simple careless act of this boy that has never seemed to grow up.

Wait no, scratch that. He was just growing up at the wrong time:


For in her view, Jun Hong was definitely thinking like that of an adult as he finally latched his eyes to that one picture she had been quite worried about.

She had those people back at the police office to thank for telling him what she wanted him to hear right out from .

"You can't see it. Throw that away, Jun Hong." she insisted inside.

Too late.

Her lips thinned as a sparkle of complete shock appeared to Jun Hong's eyes.

Shoot. He must've seen it already.

She let both her hands released back from the fists as her expressions now slowly molded all the anxiety and fear to a natural cold one. Frozen shack was her expression. Her wine orbs sparkled in a glint of her usual murderous aura.

Take it slow. She hasn't murdered anyone in her life form, and she certainly didn't plan to dirty her half-transparent hand with blood in this shape too.

But again, with this power, when she's cornered, she just might do it. Who knows?

Luckily, right now it didn't seem like she had any plans on murdering anyone or anything; not when she wasn't all as cornered and pressured to her limits. Right now just wasn't the moment.

Though a glint of anger rose inside of her as she now watched Jun Hong furiously typing away 'Jung Chae car accident 2014' in the search box on the Google page he was currently on.

Depending on gadgets too much will not get you anywhere, best friend. She retorted inwardly. Oh how much more was she going to tell him that?

A sly smile rose to her lips as her long arms reached out without the conscience of the boy, and as she simply touched the corner of his laptop screen.





The laptop screen flickered a few times before it went completely dead.


Jun Hong was confused. His laptop has been fine before, so... why now? Why was it acting up right when he needed it? Why?

He slammed a fist on the desk lightly in his obvious frustrations.


Then roughly, Jun Hong put both his elbows on the desk, just near his laptop, and rested his aching head on both his palms.

His body felt very numb, yet his whole head felt sore. He wondered if he still had some aspirin left from his last trip to the hospital. He was sure he bought a can full of it, though...





Wait. Forget aspirins.

If it's electronics breaking down, then it shouldn't take drug store aspirins to solve. It needs a different kind of aspirin.

And luckily, Jun Hong knew just the thing.

As quick as his wits, Jun Hong snatched his phone, and hurriedly scanned through the contacts. It wasn't long before his finger stopped on top of a certain name.

Bingo. Moon Jong Up. The electronic brainiac he knew from middle school.

Gosh, he should really thank whoever it was who suggested the early high school reunion three months ago...



Okay, thanking can wait. Right now its calling-for-help time.


With a smirk of victory, Jun Hong held up the phone to his ears after pressing the 'Call Jong Up' button on his i-phone screen.

'beep'... 'beep'.... 'beep'....

It was indeed a tad too many rings for the impatient Jun Hong, and a tad bit of torture for his rushing soul. But hey, he was the damsel in distress here in this situation (aside from the fact that he's after all not a damsel), and as any fairytale stories go, the damsel has to wait for her knight in shining armor, and not the opposite, isn't that right?

But damn, those fairytales' storytellers sure knew how to make the knights' horses went faster; though unfortunately for 'damsel' Jun Hong, his knight in shining armor was running a little late with more than ten call waiting rings already, seemingly not noticing that the only thing shiny enough in Jun Hong possession right now was his shiny fists, probably prepared for hitting something already.





"Hello? Jong Up hyung? It's me, Jun Hong. Choi Jun Hong."

"Jun Hong? Ah, aren't you that freakishly tall boy who's always with the Jung twins?"

Jun Hong's eyebrow twitched. Tch. Some impressions.

"Yeah, that's me," he finally gave in.

Oh well, he was the Dude in Distress here, so gotta talk nicely if you want someone to help you, right? Politics; gotta know how it works.

"So, anything I can do for you?"

"Actually, yeah, I do have something to ask to you about,"

"What is it?"

"Honestly, my laptop just broke down, and I need it super urgently. Like, right now. So I can't take it to the reparations because it might take weeks. But I remembered you to have quite some talent with things like these, and so I thought you could help me. If that's okay with you, of course,"

Jun Hong's expectations boiled up for a few seconds as the other line went silent for a moment, seemingly considering the younger's plea. It wasn't long though, before an 'okay' slipped out from Jun Hong's speakers, sending him into a slight moment of victory.

With a big smile on his face, Jun Hong thanked Jong Up before he opened his mouth again, wasting no more precious seconds and asking the older what he should do first.

He sure seemed eager to get his device starting again, huh?

Jong Up excused himself with a small hum as he thought the situation through.

"Try the the power button. Maybe it just hung up for a sec. Your brand's known for the occasional hang-ups," Jong Up instructed. Jun Hong quickly nodded before his head started to search for the power button on his laptop.

"Ah, here it i-...l






What the-...




As quick as it shutted down, suddenly Jun Hong's laptop magically lit up again.

Okay, what is this darned laptop trying to do to him? Crushing his sanity? Coz if it was, it seemed like the black flippy thing had suceeded in the most glorious way.


"Jun Hong? Everything alright? Jun Hong?"


Truthfully, Jun Hong wasn't even exactly in the most capable shape to realize that Jong Up on the other line was calling his name quite a few times now. Heck, his phone wasn't even in his grip anymore; it had hit the ground seconds before, just in time with Jun Hong's also dropping jaw.

Jun Hong's face paled. So pale it looked like almost every drop of blood had left his now shocked looking face completely.

His condition was the exact result of the words now written in red fonts in an email he just received from an anonymous sender.






'stOp Or I wIll tAkE hEr wIth mE'









Unknown to Jun Hong, the figure of a girl, as pale as he was, was watching with a satisfied smirk on her face.

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Chapter 16: I already am in love with this story. I can't wait for the future chapter.
Hello there!

I’m the host of the Solstice Writing Contest and I’d just like to remind you that the deadline is coming up on June 21st. Your entered work has yet to be completed.

You may request for a two week extension here:

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Of course, you may always withdraw from the competition but I highly recommend the previously mentioned options instead!

Thanks again and we hope to have the chance to read your entry soon.
itsllllliiiiinnnnnhh #3
Chapter 4: Helloooo ~
I really like how you put the quotes at the beginning of your chapters! I also am in love with the layout of your story because it's so neat o3o. I's just like to point out (I don't mean to hurt your feelings or anything T.T) that you should probably put in some capital letters for the beginning of sentences. Your punctuation is pretty good so far, it's just that one thing that's bothered me >.< I'm sorry! just trying to help ~ Keep going, though, I like the story so far ^.^ Farewell ~