Who Knows

Nobody's Home. [HIATUS]


No, things like that just don't happen. At least, not to me! I'm just a girl, that doesn't even has a home! I'm jabbering here without even explaining properly. This afternoon I, once again, was propping some random wall playing guitar. I didn't even realize that tears were streaming down my cheeks. You know, when I play, I never notice what's going on around me. Therefore, all of my lyrics come right through me, through my heart and soul. I just sat on the ground not seeing the car that'd been parking a few meters away from me for good 15 minutes. Tinted window was a tad open. And then, when I began to pick all my stuff up and put my guitar in it's case, a man stepped out of the car and walked towards me. He looked really good and I couldn't help but to think what could he possibly want from such a scallywag like myself?! He walked over and started to say something, but I just stood there looking at him blankly, hearing nothing, and if hearing - not understanding a single thing. After a couple minutes the meaning of his words finally reached me - he was asking me to come with him. Said that he had a small recording studio and he wanted me to try singing there. I refused, of course. What am I - stupid to agree to something like that? Me might be serial killer for all I know! He tried to persuade and convince me... So, I began thinking. In general, I had nothing to lose, because I literally had nothing. Why not? Maybe, I'll turn out to be a "Cinderella reboot"? Hm, It's be funny. And I went with him. Jintaek turned out to be a very nice guy. Studio was in his house. I was surprised - he had such a big place! He said that he had no family and lived there alone. He asked someone to go to the store and buy new clothes for me. I didn't even have time to say anything and the man was already gone. Jintaek asked me play something, anything I wanted. So, I played what was bothering me the whole night. He looked like he liked it. He said that I needed to eat normal food and led me to the kitchen. While I was eating and he was telling me something, a man came back with a new set of clothes. I couldn't accept such a gift. How could I? I had nothing to pay back with! But he made me take the clothes and I went to take a shower. Finally, civilization. Hastily drying my now clean and shiny black hair, I was surprised to realize that they were much longer than I thought. After I got dressed in new clothes, I caught myself thinking, that I haven't worn normal clothes in almost 2 years. Jintaek was waiting for me in the kitchen in the company of spaghetti and his friend. I was so embarrassed. They reassured me that they weren't serial killers or freaks. It was the first time I was in such a room. They went with me into a small hall-like room. My guitar was already there, leaning on the chair. Jintaek said just to sing about I want and play how I want. So I did, and at some point his friends turned to him saying that Jintaek was absolutely right! Wonder what that meant. Jintaek said that I'll like at his place for a while or so. And... it's not like I wanted to refuse. I loved this place. Not because of the posh stuff he had here or anything. It just felt like... home.
Also, I decided on something. No one knows what can happen any day, so just keep doing what you're doing and keep your head up. I know one thing - there's always a new day. So, I'll like like it's my last day. Within reason, of course.

Who knows what could happen. 
Do what you do, just keep on laughing 
One thing's true, there's always a brand new day 
I'm gonna live today like it's my last day. ©

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So happy to finally post the "Smile" chapter! I love this song so much! I have so many memories with this song.


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Chapter 4: I like the story, keep it up! (: