
Fabricating Stardust In Oblivion

“Stop!” I shouted at Tao’s body which was occupied by a heartless demon, “Just stop. Why are you doing this?”

“Why?” he asked and then answered, “Merely for fun of course, I couldn’t live life to the full extent while I was alive, and to be given the chance to live between life and death is great, I can do whatever I want and this place is my territory. It is your own fault that you came here. You can’t blame anyone other than yourself for having such fate.”

“Why can’t you spare me some sympathy?” I sulked, “Like my life isn’t miserable already, why do you have to make it worse?”

“Sympathy?” he repeated in a sarcastic tone, “I’m sorry little girl, but that word does not appear in my dictionary.”

“Please don’t hurt Sehun,” I begged, “I’ll do anything for you.”


“No, Raine!” Chanyeol shouted from the ditch he was in.

“Anything,” I replied.

“Alright then, let’s see...” he said and started to walk around while tapping his chin, trying to come up with something.

“No Raine, whatever he says, you cannot agree to it!” Chanyeol said furiously, “Lay wouldn’t be happy when he wakes up.”

“If I can save Sehun and the rest of you, I will do it.”

“I’ve got one!” the possessed body said happily, “Stay here in this museum with me.”

“No Raine! You cannot do that!” Chanyeol shouted at me, “You still have the rest of the mission to accomplish with Lay, you can’t just abandon your task, and you have to stay with Lay, not him!”

“So, what you going to chose?”

“You’ve already taken Luhan; you have to promise me that you will let Sehun and the rest of them go if I stay here with you.”


“Stop being so stupid Raine!” Chanyeol continued to shout.

“Now let Sehun get down and let us out of the ditch,” I said, while I still had some courage and power over him.

He walked over to the wall and pressed a button. The ground below me slowly started to rise upwards and I climbed out.

“D.O, Xiumin!” I heard Chanyeol shout to the others who were still asleep, “Get up!”

I looked at Luhan’s body; it was lying on the bed of nails. I wanted to vomit. I wanted to go and punch Tao but I knew it wasn’t him who did it. Whatever it was that possessed him, I want to beat him up and pull his guts apart. I looked away.

“Lay,” I patted his face.

His eyes fluttered open, “Raine, what happened?”

“Luhan is gone.”

I helped him stand up and he saw the horrific scene in front of him. He stumbled a few steps back in shock that I had to hold him up. Before I had an idea of what was happening, Lay sprinted across the room and punched Tao in the face. Blooding was oozing from his nose and the corner of his lips.

“You monster!” Lay shouted as he pushed Tao onto the floor, “You killed a brother, are you that inhumane?”

“Lay!” I ran up to them, “Stop.”

I prised Lay away from Tao but he continued to punch and kick the air in anger, “Stop it Lay, I’ve made a deal with him, he’s going to let Sehun and the rest of you go.”

“Deal?” Tao shouted angrily, “You think that deal is still on?”

“You can’t say no!” I shouted back.

“That deal is off, little girl!” and then he walked over to pull the blue rope.

“No!” I screamed.

A hole appeared below Sehun. I heard faint sounds of water splashing around underground.

“Please!” I begged again, I fell onto my knees and begged, “Please don’t!”

“Tao, what the hell are you doing?” Kris shouted from the other end of the room.

They were all awake, to witness the horror.

“More people!” Tao cheered and clapped his hand, “More the merrier!”

“Don’t you dare do anything to Sehun!” Kai shouted at Tao.

Kai and D.O was about to head towards Tao but he shouted back at them, “Don’t move or I will pull this rope!”

“Kai, D.O!” I said, “Stay back!”

I turned to Tao and pleaded again, “I said I’ll stay here with you, you promised that you won’t hurt them.”


“Yes, you promised.”

“Did no one teach you that you shouldn’t believe in promises?”

“I was taught to not break a promise,” I said.

“Well, I guess you’ve learnt a new lesson today then,” he said and pulled the rope again.

Whatever was below the ground started to rise. It was a tank. They all started to run toward Sehun but there was no way of getting him down from the middle of the ceiling. The tank continued to rise until Sehun was enclosed within the glass walls.

“Piranhas,” Lay whispered.

“Start the countdown from ten now.”

“No!” I got up and shook him, “Why are you doing this?”

He pushed me away hardly and I fell back onto the floor with a thump.

“Don’t you dare push her!” Lay shouted and was about to punch him again when we all heard a splash.

“Sehun!” everyone shouted, but it was too late as the water slowly turned red.

Those piranhas were hungry. I buried my head into Lay’s chest as I sobbed loudly. Then I heard the sound of something clattering at the bottom of the tank. I didn’t dare look. The pain in my chest felt like someone was trying to pull my chest apart, it felt like the skin was trying to stay intact but the hand was stronger as it punched my chest. My head was hurting; it felt like someone was hammering nails into my skull. Lay was patting my back but it wasn’t effective.

“This can’t happen!” Chanyeol shouted through his tears, “This was supposed to be Tao’s vacation, no one is meant to die, and this is all messed up now!”

“Face reality, nothing is going to go as planned,” Tao said.

A streak of sunlight filtered through the smashed window. Tao’s body started to shimmer.

“You’re not Edward!” Kai shouted, “give us back Tao, you nasty, body-possessing beast!”

Before long, Tao’s body disappeared completely. Left on the floor is a pile of grey ash.


Just like that?



And Tao too?

It was too much, I fell into Lay’s arms and everything went black. 


I feel reeeeeeally bad! :'( Sehun biased here :'(


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Sorry!!! I will update as soon as I have 2 hours of freedom! College and work has taken over my life. My poor little fangirl life! XD


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gaianerd #1
Chapter 43: omg i love this! i subscribed to it ages ago, but only just have had the chance to read it! it's amazing :D <3
Chapter 33: Wohoo!! Finally an update xD ! And this chap is funny xD ! Hahah kiss or whatever :3 ? Nice, Raine xD !
Chapter 29: SUHO you left noooooooo I need you and Chen back all thirteen of you make a whole not 11
Chapter 26: Poor Suho. I just wish you didn't have to get bullied.