
Fabricating Stardust In Oblivion


“I’m trying, Sehun!” I shouted back to him who was still stuck on the ceiling.

The invisible barrier was quivering and then I felt it move forward, moving closer towards me. I held my hand out to see whether I could stop it but the tingle of shocks shot up both my arms and around my body. I fell onto the floor.

“I think I know what it is.”

Lay helped me up and then pointed to something sitting on the windowsill above the entrance.

“What is that?” I asked.

“I think it’s some sort of gadget or projector which is creating this barrier.”

“Should we get it down?”

“Let’s give it a go.”

Lay ran back to his bag and took out a reel of rope. He whipped it towards the window and the object fell, releasing a sudden burst of purple smoke. It circulated around the room and I could hear Luhan and Sehun choking from the smoke yet I didn’t feel affected.

I flapped the smoke away from my face but it only got thicker until I couldn’t see anything at all.

There was no sound.

“Luhan? Sehun?” I shouted, but no one replied.

I tried to walk forward, being careful not to slip on the shards of glass.


And then I stumbled over something. It was a little doll. Not one of those freaky dolls you come across in horror movies, it was just a knitted doll with blonde wool for hair and it wore a little pink dress. Around her neck was the pendant which came as a package the other day. I lifted the pendant and placed it on my palm. It started to glow.

“Are you alright?”

I looked up from the glowing light.

“I’m alright,” I said, “Remember this pendant?”

“Where did you find it?”

“It was around the dolly, I think that was the thing on the windowsill.”

The pendant continued to glow, brighter and brighter. Having no clue what happened, Lay fell onto me. I tried to hold him up and from behind his shoulder I caught a view of a silhouette.

“Give me the pendant!”

The purple smoke was still lingering around us. It was difficult to see who the person was.

“I said give me the pendant!”

“Who are you?” I asked.

“You don’t need to know!”

“Then I won’t give it to you!”

The silhouette took a step forward and with a sweep of the arm, all the smoke cleared.

“Tao?” I stuttered, completely shocked.

“Give me the pendant!”

“Tao, what are you doing?”

“You’re not giving it to me, are you?”

“Tao, are you possessed?”

“That is none of your problem!”

His eyes started to glow like the pendant. Before I had time to settle Lay onto the ground, Tao let out an ear-spilling roar, shaking the whole building and shattering all the windows.

“I need the pendant!”

As I didn’t know what was happening, I threw the doll along with the pendant at him. He caught it.

“Now tell me what you’ve done to Tao!” I demanded in an angry voice but it trembled, showing my fear.

“With the pendant, I can take full control of this body!”

Then he let out an evil laugh. I’m not living in a clichéd horror movie, so what the hell is going on?

“Your two friends up there,” he stated, looking up at them, “Are not going to survive any longer.”

“No!” I shouted, “You are not going to touch them!”

“Tsk!” he spat, “You’re just an orphan who’s parents died and then hated by your aunt.”

“You don’t need to tell me about my own life!”

“You just bring bad luck to everyone you meet!”

“No I don’t!” I shouted back at him, I didn’t like where this argument was going.

“Yes you do!” he continued, “Your parents died, your aunt died in a car accident on her way to her meeting, you met Lay and you both died, as soon as you met the others, they started to go too!”

“What?” I said, replaying the sentence in my head, “My aunt is dead?”

“Dead as a dodo.”

“I’m just doing as I am told; I didn’t know these things were going to happen!” I sobbed and wiped away the droplets of tear.

“Look at you, so pathetic, weak and useless.”

The sun was starting to rise. I looked across the room and the others started to stir in their sleep.

“Give Tao back to us!” I shouted, trying to gain some courage.

“Never!” he bellowed, “I have been here for years, just waiting for a soul to possess and now a bunch of you has arrived, there is no way I am letting this good looking and fit body go.”

“Raine?” Chanyeol stood up and ruffled his messy bed hair, “What is going on?”

“Oh!” Tao said, “Another viewer!”

“Tao, what are you on about?” Chanyeol shouted from across the room, “Why does your voice sound so old?”

“It’s not Tao, someone has possessed his body,” I shouted back to Chanyeol.

“Sadly, the others are still asleep, otherwise they would enjoy the show I am about to put on.”

He stepped back and two pieces of rope fell from the ceiling.

“So…” he said, “Which colour?”

There was a red rope and a blue rope.

“What are you doing?” I asked angrily, I wasn’t in a mood for a magic show.

“Putting on a show of course,” he said in a happy voice but within a second it changed, “Now pick one”

“No I will not!”

“Red!” Chanyeol shouted to him.

“Very well then, this gentleman here chose the red rope, let’s reveal it.”

He pulled the red rope and a bed of nails appeared from the ground, directly below Luhan’s body.

“No!” I screamed, I dropped Lay onto the ground and rushed over but suddenly, a hole opened up below me.

“You monster!” I shouted at him.

“Monster?” he repeated, “I am simply entertaining your miserable life.”

The pit reached up to my nose and I tried to heave myself up but the surface was very slippery.

“Park Chanyeol!” I shouted, “Don’t just stand there. Get me out or try to stop him!”

Before he could take a step forward, another pit appeared and he fell in.

“Audience, please be seated, no need to rush around!”

“You beast!” I screamed, “Don’t you dare hurt Luhan and Sehun!”

“There’s nothing you can do, you can only be pathetic and useless for the rest of your life!” he replied and tugged the red rope again.

“No!” Chanyeol shouted and I screamed, but the horror as Luhan’s body fell from the high ceiling and onto the sharp bed of nails, it was horrible.

“Luhan!” I cried.

His blood was running across the ground towards me.

“And now for the blue rope!” he cheered. 


Happy Boxing Day! ^^

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Sorry!!! I will update as soon as I have 2 hours of freedom! College and work has taken over my life. My poor little fangirl life! XD


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gaianerd #1
Chapter 43: omg i love this! i subscribed to it ages ago, but only just have had the chance to read it! it's amazing :D <3
Chapter 33: Wohoo!! Finally an update xD ! And this chap is funny xD ! Hahah kiss or whatever :3 ? Nice, Raine xD !
Chapter 29: SUHO you left noooooooo I need you and Chen back all thirteen of you make a whole not 11
Chapter 26: Poor Suho. I just wish you didn't have to get bullied.