
Baby hold on


Chapter 6:






"Absence makes the heart grow fonder,

but it sure makes the rest of you lonely."

- Charles M.Schulz 











It was finally this day of the year that Yeori hated the most and this year it was even worse. Valentine Day. She wished she could just sleep through the whole day and wouldn't need to deal with all the happy people around her and all the advertisement but of course it had to be a school day so she just couldn't ignore it. Every students around her seemed so happy, enjoying this special day with the one they loved while all Yeori could do was watch from afar the one she loved.


Every time her eyes would land on him she would feel a bang in her heart, it ached so badly and she could do nothing to stop it. After all it was her choice to still love him when she knew that he didn't belong to her. But then again, he wasn't helping her at all by coming to see her and having was definitely a bad idea.


But even if it hurt she managed to go through this day without much trouble.


A long sigh escaped her lips as she was laying on her couch with a teddy bear stuck between her arms. What kind of day was that?


When she expected the less, the doorbell rang making her jump from the couch. One day she would die because of this damn bell. Lazily she crawled to the door and what was her surprise to see no other than Byun Baekhyun.


"What are you doing here?"


"Ouah, so not y." He commented her clothes without even replying to her question.


Usually she would get embarrassed but tonight she was more annoyed than anything. This day of the year was definitely making her all grumpy and even the sassy Baekhyun couldn't save her fron her negative emotions.


"What are you doing here?" She repeated


"You don't let me come in?"


She groaned as just like always he would ignore the questions he didn't want to answer, yet she let him in. It was a bad idea, a really bad one but how could she resist her own heart?


She couldn't.


"And to reply to your question I'm here because it's Valentine day."


"Aren't you supposed to spend it with Hee Young?"


"Yeah  but she's in China right now."


Of course it would be too perfect if he wanted to spend it with her. But no, she was just here to replace his girlfriend. She felt another bang in her heart. "Deal with it Yeori, you're the one who accepted this relationship."












It had been two weeks since the last time Yeori saw Jongdae and she had to admit that she missed him terribly. Of course she wasn’t supposed to be so attached to him but it wasn’t completely her fault right? Especially after the kiss they shared and the promised he made.


Then why did he leave without a single word?


She tried to not think about it, she tried to persuade herself that he was probably really busy with his work or maybe his life to the point that he had not even a single moment for him and of course for her. But even if she tried to understand him it was hard. It was selfish from her to be mad at him right now but at the same time she knew that she was just terribly missing him. If only he could reply to her messages.


Today again it was another of those rainy days and it wasn't helping her to get better at all. She tried hardly to concentrate on her class but every time her mind would get lost and she would think about Jongdae and their date. It was so frustrating.


She had one more class before she could go back to home but for once she decided to not go. She simply sat in the stairs watching the rain pouring. Her mood was just like the weather.


"Where are you Jongdae? It's not funny being alone again..."


Without realizing it, her fingers touched her lips, slowly as she remembered the kiss, the sensation of his lips against hers. It felt like heaven and she wished she could taste it once again.


Her phone rang and brought her back to the reality; she opened the message hoping that it would be from him but it wasn't.


"Cheer up sis."


She raised her head and saw that Sehun was the other side of the college, looking at her with a small and cute smile. "No, life isn't that bad." She was glad that her relationship with Sehun was back to normal, she missed it and in a way he was the support she needed the most recently. Of course they didn't show openly that they were close but since the day he visited her, he started sending her cute messages,  cheering her up every time and would always crack some jokes in order to make her smile.


And he succeeded every time.


She couldn't help but smile and wrote quickly an answer.


"You're my hero you know?"


"Am I? It's a honor then! I'm noona's hero."


He sounded so like a five years old kid but she didn't mind at all, it was cute and she liked it. Surprisingly, a chuckle escaped her lips as she looked at her brother from afar. It felt really amazing to have a family once again. "I'm not alone."


"Hey Sehun what are you doing here?" Chanyeol called him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.


"Nothing. Just speaking with my sis." Sehun replied while a smile crept on his lips. Chanyeol blinked few times and looked at his friend. Was it really Oh Sehun here? It was such a hard work to make him smile but here he was, smiling like a creep just because of the mention of his sister.


"Ok, you definitely need to introduce her to me because heck she makes you smile just like that while I wasted so much of my time!" Chanyeol complained


"Tsk shut up." Sehun snapped back as he noticed that Yeori was getting closer to them. He was actually afraid that she would hear Chanyeol's words, it would be so embarrassing.


"Oh, isn't it Yeori? She's really cute, isn't she?"


" off."


"Wow, are you in love with her?"


It was probably the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard and it made him burst into laughter. Park Chanyeol always managed to amuse people.


Sehun wasn't the only one to laugh as Yeori heard his question. She tried really hard to oppress her laugh but it didn't escape Chanyeol's ears. He looked at Sehun and then back at Yeori and then everything seemed completely clear to him. "Wait, are you his sister?!"


"Sorry Sehun, but it was so hilarious.» Yeori apologized but Sehun only shook his head.


"I don't mind but Chanyeol you can't tell it to others, especially not to Baekhyun. "


"Why not?"


Yeori bit her lips as she didn't want to tell him more about it and Sehun got the message quickly. He sighed and pushed his friend away only to get closer to his sister. He reached her ears and whispered "You should go to the gate, someone is waiting for you."


Would it be weird if she thought immediately about Jongdae?  But then how could Sehun know about him? She didn't think long as she ran away, her heart beating so fast that she was sure that it would kill her soon.


Sehun at the other hand smiled when he saw how happy she looked at this moment.


"I still want to know why do you hide her from us." Chanyeol said seriously this time


Sehun sighed and looked at his friend. It wouldn't hurt if he told him the truth right? "Baekhyun is the father."


"He...What? But he has Hee Young."


"Thanks, I know. But this didn't realize that she's using him since the beginning. Hee Young hates Yeori for years now and all she wanted was to hurt her and it worked."



























When Yeori arrived at the gates she was panting hard. All she wanted was to see him, to scold him and kiss him. She was even thinking right at this moment, she felt even like crazy just because she ran all this way to see him. Probably that people would even more think that she was crazy but at this moment things like that didn't matter at all.


Her hands were resting on her knees but as soon as she felt better she raised her head and widened her eyes. Jongdae was here and it wasn’t some kind of dream. He was leaning against his car, a different one from last time. His smile grew only wider when he saw her while her eyes got even darker. It was the right moment to make him regret for messing with her.


But weirdly her anger stayed stuck in .



"No need to run you know? I wouldn't disappear."


"Sure. Geez where were you? Was it so hard to send me a message? I almost thought that everything was just a dream!" Yeori scolded him


"A dream? What was a dream?"


"Well... You know... The date."


"The date? What date?"


Yeori realized that he was making fun of her and teasing her without hesitation. She didn't reply to him or else she would manage to embarrass herself even more. Biting her lips she avoided to look at him as if it could save her but obviously it wouldn't. Anger was back in her chest and all she wanted was to hit him and make him regret for leaving her without a word. She hated being alone or more like she hated being left without a word. He made her feel just the same as when Baekhyun left her and never again she wanted to feel that way.


"Don't you dare doing it again." She whispered



He approached her and pinched her cheek gently.


"Why are you so cute Yeori?"


Cute? She wanted to slap his hand away but when she tried he simply grabbed her wrist gently and pulled her against him capturing her lips at the same time. Once again Kim Jongdae got her.


And once again she tasted heaven.


"Don't worry me like this ever again." She managed to whisper against his lips. It took her effort to speak as all she wanted was to stay like this with him and kiss him again even if people were staring at them.


But all good things had an end and so was the kiss. Jongdae parted from her, his hand not leaving her soft cheek. "I can't grant your wish Yeori because of my job. I have to go every time they call for me but it doesn't mean that I forgot you. I tried to finish my work as fast as I could only to be able to see you again. And kiss you again."


Why should he be so sweet? She felt her cheeks reddened only because of his words and her heart was pounding only harder in her chest as if it wanted him to hear it. And of course he did, it wasn't really hard as he was only inches from her.


"But I promised to be here for you, didn't I? So don't worry. I'll be here, always watching you."





From afar some people were watching the scene. Some with annoyance, some with jealousy while others were happy or surprised.


"Isn't that hyung?" Chanyeol asked surprised and glanced at Sehun as if he wanted some explanation but the young one only shrugged, after all it wasn't the right moment to speak about it.


"Dammit." Baekhyun muttered for himself and groaned

























Once Jongdae left Yeori it was already late night. He was exhausted after his work, he didn't lie when he told her that he finished his work as fast as possible but it meant that he didn't rest for a quite long time. Yet he came straight to see her. Everything seemed so new to him. This woman, his feelings, his life.


Everything was upside down.


And slowly he was losing control of his life. Without really minding it.


He sat in his car, a huge grin on his lips. Spending some time with Yeori was worth it and he realized it the moment he first saw her. She was special in every single way.


His phone rang signaling him a message. A message that he actually expected long ago.


"Don't you dare touching her."


His grin turned into a smirk and a chuckle escaped his lips. The situation was getting definitely funny.


"Watch me Baek."



A/N: I'm so glad I could update tonight guys ;A;! But I'm looking forward for the chapters where it would be really nice (soon, I promise).

So...our Jongdae knows Baekhyun...Gonna be haaaaaard.


But anyway, thank you all for your comments ♥


But I have to tell you guys that I won't update for a while (at least not before 8th of July). I'm leaving for Russia to see my family ;A;! So just be a little patient and wait for me!

And if you want to make me happy before my comeback, leave comments & upvote.


Love you all ♥



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BlueBubbleTea #1
Chapter 20: Omg author-nim! This story is so great! I manage to finish it in just 1 day. Huhu. Keep it up! Fighting
Chapter 20: Hello!
Is there gonna be a continuation of this story? I think it will be really very nice *-*
lovelight506 #4
Chapter 6: Baekhyun my bias and Jongdae my bias wrecker. I feel like i am her. Omg jongdae stop! my heart.
Kyumiko #5
Chapter 18: ANSLIGASKDJGLAHWROIGJ *unintelligible noises*

UGH that epilogue was so cute. so cute. stawp. <3 thanks authornim
Chapter 20: Thank you for the bonus chapter! I'm glad Baekhyun was able to meet a girl who would love him despite his past. It was a very nice side story! :)
Chapter 20: Hahhahahahaha byun baek dumb all if the time xD
Chapter 18: OMGOMGOMGOMG I LOVE THE EPILOGUE! I'm happy it ended with the twins meeting their father but I wish Jongdae had a scene too. But it was still great! Congratulations for finishing this! Hwaiting authornim! :)