
Baby hold on




Chapter 15












When Jongdae got a phone call this afternoon, he was far from guessing what Baekhyun was about to tell him. Way too far. But the moment Baekhyun told him what happened to Yeori, he thought that his whole world had crushed down in just some seconds. Usually, he would try to convince himself that there was nothing to worry about but Baekhyun’s voice told him otherwise; he had all the reasons in the world to worry for Yeori’s life and their babies. Without wasting any more time he drove to the hospital, cursing at everybody who was slowing him down. Heck, he didn’t even care if he was driving too fast, all he wanted was to be by her side and make sure that she was alive.


But when he arrived at the hospital, his fear got even stronger. He had always hated hospitals; even if this place was supposed to heal people, it was as well the place where people would die. A shiver ran through his whole body but he still found the courage to look for his friend, hoping that he would more information for him by now.


As soon as he spotted Baekhyun in the hall he ran and grabbed his shoulders tightly, almost digging his nails into his skin but Baekhyun didn’t wince, not even a little because for once he would completely understand his friend’s feelings.


“She’s fine, don’t worry.” Baekhyun said and patted his back, it was his way to comfort him and give him some more strength. Jongdae was obviously more shocked than he expected, his body was shivering in fear all this time and any time he would simply collapse on the floor. “Dude, breath. You look like you’re about to faint and I don’t want to carry your to Yeori’s room.”


“She’s really fine…?” Jongdae’s voice cracked as he asked him.


“Yes she is!”


“And the babies?” Jongdae was almost afraid to ask it. He knew that this kind of accident was more than dangerous when a woman was pregnant but Baekhyun’s smile reassured him immediately.


“Come with me. Yeori is still asleep so we have time to see someone.”


And by someone Jongdae already knew who he was referring to.


They walked in silence and stopped only once they were before the window. Baekhyun pointed at two asleep babies.

“They’re yours now. Congrats, you’re a dad now.” Baekhyun said happily, almost as if he was completely fine with the situation. As much as Jongdae was happy, he was at the same time sad for his friend. He glanced at him and couldn’t help but feel ever worse. Just the way Baekhyun was staring at the kids made Jongdae aware of how hurt he was inside. Both of them knew that their lives wouldn’t be the same anymore.


“You’re their father Baek.”


“I am but I am not at the same time. You know, I’m really happy that Yeori gave birth to those beautiful babies but I’m even happier because you’ll be by her side to raise them. Don’t worry for me, I’m fine.”


But was he? Jongdae wasn’t really sure.


Some months ago, he was still worried about Baekhyun’s presence by Yeori’s side but today he realized that above all he was her dear friend and that he was concerned about her well-being. Byun Baekhyun wasn’t anymore this selfish guy who would use girls as his toy. No, he wasn’t like that anymore. He was a caring friend who would do everything in order to make his friends happy, even if it meant to hurt himself a little more. Jongdae realized that in a way Yeori was the one who changed both of them and for that he loved her even more.


“When did you become such a good guy huh?” Jongdae whispered and pated Baekhyun’s back. “Thank you for being there for her.”


“I haven’t done anything. I feel so damn useless. Gosh Jongdae, you have no idea how scared I was when I saw Hee Young pushing her. I felt like my heart was ripped from my chest.” Baekhyun confessed, his blood boiled once again as he clenched his fist tightly.


“By the way, what happened to her? I’m seriously ready to kill her.”


“No need. Everybody saw what she had done. Jail is the best punishment for her. She always accused Yeori of ruining her life but in the end, she’s the one who ruined everything.”


And to that Jongdae could only agree.
























Hours passed and Yeori hadn’t woken up yet. Baekhyun and Jongdae stayed together but by the end of the day Jongdae had to threaten Baekhyun or else he wouldn’t leave Yeori’s side. It wasn’t as if it disturbed Jongdae but Baekhyun looked really exhausted, he needed to rest. Unhappy, Baekhyun left Jongdae alone in Yeori’s room.


For hours he stayed next to her bed, holding her hand. Now he knew what she felt when he was injured. All the emotions were just so strong and even if he knew that she was out of danger, he still was worried. Nobody could blame him for being so pessimistic, for once.


Slowly he was falling asleep and if it wasn’t for Yeori’s hand which suddenly squeezed his, he would probably fall completely asleep. His eyes widened in surprise and he almost jumped out of his chair.


“Yeori? Can you hear me?”


It took her some seconds before opening her eyes and adjusting to the light in the room. It took her another minute to remember the accident and suddenly she was completely awake and shocked. “The babies? Where are my babies?” Quickly she got teary at the only thought that she could have lost them in the accident.


“Hush, they’re fine, they were waiting for you to wake up.” Jongdae replied and her face, wiping with his thumb her tears. “They are so cute, just like their mom.”


“They…Can I see them?”


“Not sure as it’s really late but I’ll try to do something about it.”


And just like always he made the impossible possible.


After some minutes, he came back with a nurse and their babies. Yeori’s face immediately brightened as the nurse handed her the little girl while Jongdae held the boy in his arms. They were finally a family, a real one and even after the accident they were still able to smile that way.


“She’s so beautiful.” Yeori whispered as she cradled the little girl. She raised her head and saw Jongdae doing the same with the little boy. Her body felt sore but the joy she was feeling at this moment made the pain go away. Those lives were so precious, those tiny bodies with tiny hands.


“Have you thought about some names?”


“Yes. MinJi and MinJun.”


“Go for MinJi and MinJun then. They’re finally with us.”


Jongdae lay down next to her with MinJun still in his arms while Yeori pressed her shoulder against his arm. She couldn’t stop smiling because of her children. Maybe when she woke up this morning she was still scared of being a mother but now that she could see them and hold them against her heart, the fear was long forgotten.


Yeori planted a soft kiss on her girl and then turned to the side to do the same thing to her son before finally kissing the man who saved her, the man who showed her what is love, the man who made her happy every single day of her life.


“I love you so much.” She whispered against his lips and a tear rolled down her cheek. A tear of happiness.


“Hey Yeori, let’s get married.”



A/N : Hi guys~

Double update! I just couldn't help but write this chapter and I'm probably going to write the next chapter tomorrow or after tomorrow but soon. After that there are only 3 chapters left.

Maybe for some of you my chapters became shorter but to be honest I decided to write as I love to do it. Usually I would always force myself to write something at least worth 6 pages but I realized that it was useless because in the end I'm not satisfied with my work while now...It's the second chapter that I'm pretty satisfied.


Anyway, I'm sorry that I haven't replied to some comments. Recently I'm reading a lot. In 2 days I finished 2 books *judging myself very hard*.


Thank you for your comments, for subscribing and actually thank you for everything and for supporting me till the end ♥

I love you guys!

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BlueBubbleTea #1
Chapter 20: Omg author-nim! This story is so great! I manage to finish it in just 1 day. Huhu. Keep it up! Fighting
Chapter 20: Hello!
Is there gonna be a continuation of this story? I think it will be really very nice *-*
lovelight506 #4
Chapter 6: Baekhyun my bias and Jongdae my bias wrecker. I feel like i am her. Omg jongdae stop! my heart.
Kyumiko #5
Chapter 18: ANSLIGASKDJGLAHWROIGJ *unintelligible noises*

UGH that epilogue was so cute. so cute. stawp. <3 thanks authornim
Chapter 20: Thank you for the bonus chapter! I'm glad Baekhyun was able to meet a girl who would love him despite his past. It was a very nice side story! :)
Chapter 20: Hahhahahahaha byun baek dumb all if the time xD
Chapter 18: OMGOMGOMGOMG I LOVE THE EPILOGUE! I'm happy it ended with the twins meeting their father but I wish Jongdae had a scene too. But it was still great! Congratulations for finishing this! Hwaiting authornim! :)