
Baby hold on




Chapter 1 :





“The truth is rarely pure and never simple.” 

- Oscar Wilde










Avoiding someone was never an easy task but avoiding the person you loved and at the same time who was your enemy was even harder. Yeori knew it since a very long time and it was probably because she knew it that she was convinced that her life in college wouldn't be as simple as before. Heck when was it even simple? Byun Baekhyun was part of her life almost from the day one so saying that her life was simple would be just a big lie. But Yeori really wanted to believe that now that they were done he would let her in peace. It was a huge mistake.  Because Byun Baekhyun would never let go of his favorite victim even if he promised to end it. Yeori knew better that he wouldn't let go of her so easily. Even if it meant hurting her even more.


Just like the others days Yeori walked in the hall of her college, her head full with thoughts about Baekhyun, about the baby that was slowly growing up inside her. Her life was a mess, a mess that she couldn't get rid of even if she tried. Trying wouldn't be enough in her case. Without noticing she put her hand on her stomach and rubbed it gently. How could she be so lucky? Did she kill someone in her previous life to have such a miserable life now?


"Look who's here." A very unpleasant voice reached Yeori's ears. She flinched and stopped walking as there was no use on running away. Nobody could run away from Kim Hee Young, Baekhyun's girlfriend.


Even if Yeori stopped walking she didn't turn around to face this girl, not because she was afraid of her but more like she was disgusted by her and Baekhyun at the same time. If only she could get rid of them, her life would be so easier.


"Look at me when I'm talking to you Yeori." Hee Young ordered and grabbed her shoulder harshly. There was no way someone would resist her, nobody could and those who tried, she simply crashed them.


Yeori turned around and looked straight into her eyes. Hee Young felt that something was different about the girl but she couldn't point out what had changed. She frowned at this thought but quickly regained her sense and a cruel smile appeared on her lips. "Still alone as I can see. Tell me where are your friends? Oh right, you don't have friends, silly me."


It wasn't actually the fully truth. Yeori used to have a lot of friends but Hee Young made them all leave her behind. All this time Yeori wondered why the hell Hee Young hated her so much. What had she done to her to receive so much hate? It made no sense to her.


Another person was observing the scene from afar. Baekhyun wasn't sure of what he should do. He knew that his girlfriend could hurt Yeori in all possible way, she was way more cruel when him but he would never admit it. Even if Baekhyun promised to not mingle with Yeori's business anymore he just couldn't help but notice how pale and sick she looked. He clenched his fist and closed his eyes. There weren't many things that he could do. Definitely not.


Baekhyun approached the two girls and at his sight Yeori paled even more while Hee Young didn't even notice him until he wrapped an arm around her body and brought him closer to him. "Hi babe, miss me?" He asked so sweetly and his eyes brightened at the sight of her smile. He was truly happy to be with his girlfriend but Yeori's presence wasn't a big help for him.


Yeori wanted to scream, to curse him. She wanted him to take Hee Young away from her forever but her voice was stuck in . She stared at them in disgust and clenched her fist; she shouldn't feel so angry after all she was as guilty as Baekhyun.


"What are you doing with my girlfriend Yeori?" Baekhyun asked as if he didn't know that his lovely girlfriend was the one who approached her first. As if Yeori would approach her by herself.


"She's annoying me Baek!" Hee Young replied before Yeori even could reply something. Yeori wished she could snap back but instead she just snickered. Who was annoying who here?


Both Baekhyun and Hee Young noticed Yeori's behavior and both got quickly annoyed. Hee Young because she simply hated her and Baekhyun because she was making everything more complicated. He snapped his teeth and sent her a death glare, ordering her to shut up.


"Shouldn't we teach her a lesson Baek?" Hee Young proposed without even glancing at Yeori.


Yeori widened her eyes and automatically put her hand on her stomach to protect her baby in case. Baekhyun was the only one to notice her behavior and just seeing this move he knew what he had to do even if it meant that he would act as a huge . He took Hee Young hand and squeezed it gently. "Na baby, we can't. After all Yeori is pregnant."


What a show. Everybody seemed to freeze at his words and so was Yeori's case. How dared he say that in front of everybody and especially in front of Hee Young? She wanted to snap back so badly and tell to everybody the truth but then she remembered that she was a nobody compare to those two. Once again Baekhyun screwed her life.


Hee Young looked at Baekhyun and then at Yeori as if she knew something more and it pissed her off. Looked like someone was going to vent her anger even more on the poor girl. "Really? Wow, I didn't know you were this kind of Yeori. So who's the poor guy?"


"Baby, I'm sure that she doesn't even know." Baekhyun sang and pressed her a little harder just in order to avoid Yeori's hurt eyes. He was implying that she was some kind of and he told it once again in front of everybody.


"Do you want to humiliate me so badly Baekhyun...?"


Yeori didn't dare to look at them anymore or else she would break down in front of everybody. She promised herself to be strong but being hurt by the one she loved was a horrible thing and she didn't deserve it. She certainly didn't.


Hee Young approached Yeori and leaned closer just to make sure that she would be the only one to hear what she had to tell her. "How sad for you Yeori, now I'm sure that you'll be alone forever because nobody would want a little like you. See? I won against you." She whispered and smiled.


Yeori realized at this moment that in this college there was someone way worse than Baekhyun: Hee Young. Yeori didn't know what she had done to her but she was sure about one thing at least: Hee Young didn't even like Baekhyun, all of this was just a way to crash her down and let's be honest, she succeeded pretty well.


All Yeori could do at this moment was to run; run as fast as she could, run for her life. She didn't turn back even if someone called her name. She thought she recognized Baekhyun's voice but now all she wanted was to get away from those people before she would eat her alive.


It wasn't supposed to happen, yet it did happen. She warned him to not mess with her, yet he humiliated her in front of everybody and as he was the popular one everybody believed him. She hated him for hurting her once again. How could he? Didn't she suffer already enough because of him?


She was crying her heart out in the street, holding her knees. She looked miserable and most of the people were avoiding her as if she had a kind of disease. Her only disease was love but that nobody knew.


The rain was pouring really hard but she didn't budge. She couldn't calm herself down because she felt so humiliated, so crashed. Even if she was happy to be pregnant, right now she just wanted to disappear from his world. Life was just so unfair. What else could she do?


Before she could do anything, the rain suddenly stopped crashing on her. She stopped crying and raised her head only to see a guy protecting her with an umbrella. He smiled cutely and kneeled before her, his smile not leaving his face. He didn’t pity her or something like that, he seemed really concerned by her state and without knowing why she felt her hear warming up. Who was he?


"A pretty girl like you shouldn't cry under the rain."


"Who are you to even care?" She didn't want to sound rude but she just couldn't control herself.


"Me? Kim Jongdae and you?"


"Moon Yeori."


His smile grew a little wider giving him such a cute face that for a second Yeori forgot where she was and what she was doing. He handed her hand, wanting her to take it and let him help her. She looked at him and then at his hand. Wouldn't it be weird to accept someone's help in the middle of the street? As she had nothing more to lose she grabbed his hand and he helped her to get up.


"Better this way. Now tell me what a pretty girl like you is doing under the rain? You shouldn't cry." He said and got a little closer to her. He was way too close her but at this moment nothing actually mattered as her body seemed completely under his spell. Who the hell was he?  “Where do you live? I’ll take you home.”


His words brought her back to the real world as it seemed completely inappropriate for him to ask her that. “Heck I don’t even know him.” Yet instead of being rude to him she found herself smiling. What was this guy doing to her?


Jongdae was glad to see her smiling after a moment and even if her eyes were quite red and swollen, she still looked completely adorable. He wanted to ask her more like who the hell was crazy enough to make her cry like this, she was way too cute to be hurt, yet she was. However he stayed silent, he didn’t want rush things.


Once again he held out his hand, expecting her to accept his help once again. She stared for a moment before accepting with a hesitation. Did nobody teach her to not trust some handsome stranger?


“Follow me.”













*                *












She slid down the door and brought her knees closer to her body wrapping her arms around them. Jongdae had just left and she felt suddenly so down. Maybe it was silly but his mere presence was enough to calm her down and chase her fears away, she felt for the first time like she wasn't completely alone. Compare to others persons he didn't insist on knowing the truth; he looked like he would actually wait for her to open up to him. Was he a kind of angel or even an alien?


Her hand on her stomach, she was drawing invisible circle with her fingers. Even now it was still hard for her to realize that she wasn’t alone anymore, that there was a life growing inside her, a life that she was eager to protect with all she had. Nobody could stop her now. Even Byun Baekhyun couldn’t stop her anymore. Once again Yeori promised to herself to not give up, to not let him or Hee Young hurt her anymore. This precious life inside her gave her enough strength and courage to face all her enemies. “I’m not going to lose to them. Never. Just watch me.”


Slowly she stood up and went to her room. Her flat felt extremely empty and maybe it was because Yeori knew that for the next nine months she would be alone here. In a way it was sad but at the other hand it was only for the best; or at least she tried to convince herself.


When she entered her room, all the memories with Baekhyun just took control of her mind. Not everything was so bad with him, heck she spent so many beautiful nights and weekend with him; how could she hate him with all her heart now? “Even if you’re an , it’s still hard for me Baek…I want you to regret everything but if I can’t get rid of my own pain how am I going to make you regret?”


A sad sigh escaped her lips as she let herself fall on her bed. She hugged the pillow hardly against her and stared deeply at the ceiling. Could she really clear up all this mess in her life? All she could do now was to hope.









The presentation was due to tomorrow so Baekhyun and Yeori decided that they had to work till late, both of them wanted their presentation to be completely perfect and even if it meant they had to spend the whole night on it they didn't mind. Actually Yeori was surprised to discover such a serious sight in Baekhyun as he always looked and acted like he didn't care about his grades and that playing with girls were way more interesting. But Yeori wasn't the only one to be surprised; Baekhyun was actually surprised with her as well. He noticed her since her first day in this college, she looked so shy yet when he started speaking with her he discovered a really funny girl behind those glasses.


It was already late and they were probably the only one to stay still but it was for the best, nobody was here to disturb them at least. Baekhyun felt though like it was the right time to make a small break before he got completely nuts. He put back his book and glanced at Yeori who seemed so absorbed with her work. Usually people would look scary when they're too serious but Yeori looked absolutely adorable, she looked like a kid and Baekhyun felt the sudden urge to pinch her cheeks.


He found himself staring at her more than he was supposed to but he wasn’t only staring at her cute face, his eyes landed on her so tempting lips. He bit his lips and squeezed the pen between his fingers. It wasn’t his kind to lose so easily control over himself.


“Hey Baekhyun, can you stop staring at me and work instead?” Yeori said without even raising her head. It wasn’t hard for her to tell that he was staring as she felt his burning eyes on her. She was even afraid to raise her head because she couldn’t resist longer to her own desire. Moon Yeori had a huge crush on Byun Baekhyun.


“I’m not staring girl, tsk. Who do you think I am?” He snapped back but didn’t stop looking at her.


She raised her head and frowned. She pointed her pen at him, he gave her the proof that he was staring. “And what are you doing right now huh? Like I said, stop staring and work! Seriously we’re going to spend the whole night if you continue this way and I don’t have the whole night before me!” But it wasn’t actually the truth. She had nothing else to do but staying the whole night with him was just unbearable.


A smirk appeared on Baekhyun’s lips as he leaned closer. “You think I care? But I know that you’re lying.”


“How can you tell that I’m lying?”


“Because you’re staring at my lips too. You want to escape from me, don’t you?” Actually, he lied as Yeori wasn’t staring at his lips but the way she reacted proved him that he guessed right. Yeori’s cheeks were tainted with a light shade of pink. “Oh how cute, I was actually teasing you but I guess I was right.”


Yeori slammed her hands on the table and stood up, it was too hard to deal with him. She was about to leave but before she had even a chance to reach the door he grabbed her arm gently and pulled her closer to him, slamming his lips against her. It was a game over. Even if she didn’t realize first what was happening, her body acted by itself as she replied to the kiss immediately. If first it was a sweet one, quickly it became an intoxicating kiss, fighting for dominance.


It was the beginning of the vicious circle.




This night Yeori fell asleep with a cute white teddy bear against her. Baekhyun’s present.




A/N : And here I am with the first chapter! 

Firstly, I want to thank the 66 persons who already subscribed to my story even if I haven't published any chapter, I'm really touched. And secondly I hope you won't be disappointed with the chapter.


Don't hesitate to leave comments, I always appraciate it!


See you~

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BlueBubbleTea #1
Chapter 20: Omg author-nim! This story is so great! I manage to finish it in just 1 day. Huhu. Keep it up! Fighting
Chapter 20: Hello!
Is there gonna be a continuation of this story? I think it will be really very nice *-*
lovelight506 #4
Chapter 6: Baekhyun my bias and Jongdae my bias wrecker. I feel like i am her. Omg jongdae stop! my heart.
Kyumiko #5
Chapter 18: ANSLIGASKDJGLAHWROIGJ *unintelligible noises*

UGH that epilogue was so cute. so cute. stawp. <3 thanks authornim
Chapter 20: Thank you for the bonus chapter! I'm glad Baekhyun was able to meet a girl who would love him despite his past. It was a very nice side story! :)
Chapter 20: Hahhahahahaha byun baek dumb all if the time xD
Chapter 18: OMGOMGOMGOMG I LOVE THE EPILOGUE! I'm happy it ended with the twins meeting their father but I wish Jongdae had a scene too. But it was still great! Congratulations for finishing this! Hwaiting authornim! :)