
Baby hold on




Chapter 2 :





“Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.” 
 Oscar Wilde











“Hey watch out!” Baekhyun yelled when Yeori bumped into him because she was in hurry. It was her first day in this college and she already messed up with someone. Let’s say she was a lucky girl.


She stopped running and turned around, bowing she tried to apologize but it wouldn’t be enough to calm down one of the most popular student around the campus, but that, Yeori didn’t know yet. As soon as she raised her head and saw the boy she found herself staring at him more than she should and of course he noticed it.


A snicker escaped Baekhyun’s lips. This girl seemed already so annoying to him. “Who do you think you are to bump into me, Byun Baekhyun?” He used such a sure of himself voice that it gave Yeori the wish to slam his head against a wall but of course she couldn’t as she didn’t want to make enemies the first day of college.


“Who do you think you are to mess with me, Moon Yeori?” She snapped back and crossed her arms proudly. This guy just didn’t know with who he was messing around.


“You little”


“Watch your mouth, have you seen yourself? Now excuse me but I have better to do.” And before he could even say something she was already far from him.
























This morning before going to college and deal with all the s that were waiting for her, she decided to go to Starbucks and grab some coffee. Her face was still pale and she looked exhausted to the point that most of the persons would think that she was sick. In a way, she was sick. Sick with all those people bothering her when they should mind their own business. Sick with Baekhyun and Hee Young. Couldn't they all just let her alone? She didn't need any attention, she was just fine by herself. Well, not like she was completely by herself now.


A deep sigh escaped her lips as she was waiting for her willow bend. Her life seemed suddenly way to complicate to handle it. When did her happy life started to change? She wasn't sure anymore. Suddenly she wanted to go back to her college in Busan, it was way easier there and she had some friends while here; she had only horrible enemies. Life was testing her, no doubt about that.


"Here your coffee miss." Yeori smiled, way too happy to finally have her drink but what she didn't plan was to cross someone's path in this place. Just when she grabbed her coffee and turned around she almost bumped into Jongdae. She widened her eyes and stared blankly at him. Was it fate that they met once again? But Yeori didn't believe in fate, not anymore.


"Oh hi Yeori." He said and a huge grin appeared on his lips to the point that even Yeori couldn't help but smile back while a light blush appeared on her cheeks.


"Hi." And at this moment she wondered when did she become so shy around guys?


He glanced at her drink and then at his; it was exactly the same. Looked like someone had the same taste. Just to not bother other people waiting for their drink, he gently grabbed her arm and pulled her with him out of the place. "You still look so pale you know? Have you eaten something yesterday at least?" Now that he asked her about that she remembered that indeed she forgot to eat because of all overflowing feelings that killed her. She shook her head and lowered her head as if she felt bad and was ready to get scold. "The heck, I don't know him, yet I feel bad? Yeori something is definitely wrong with you." She was brought back from her world when she felt a soft pat on her head.


"Silly, you should eat something or you'll get all weak and cry again." Was it even normal for a stranger to be so nice? It seemed so wrong, so unreal, maybe she was dreaming all this time? She wished she could pinch her arm to make sure that it was real but wouldn't she only look weird in front of a handsome guy?


"Why, why are you so nice to me?"


"Why shouldn't I?" To that she had nothing to reply. Maybe in the end there were still some people who were genuinely sincere and this thought gave her some courage. "Come on, I'll walk you to your college."


By the way he looked at her she understood that there was no use to protest, he wouldn't listen to her. She sighed and gave up all resistance she couldn't win against this guy and maybe she simply didn't want to win.


As they were getting closer to her college Yeori recognized some of the students and of course they stared at her, surprised to see her with a guy. For once she couldn't really get mad at them because she was just as surprised as them to be with a guy, the only one she was close to was Baekhyun and they never showed in public. A sigh escaped her lips, it was really impossible to block all the thoughts about him, he was haunting her, driving her insane. 


"Are they always like that?" Jongdae asked and sent a death glare to some annoying students who were staring at them so intensely that it pissed him off. Fortunately for him Yeori seemed to not notice the change of behavior, he didn't want her to see his scary side, just not yet.


"Sadly yes." Yeori replied without even looking because she already knew what was happening around them. Suddenly she wanted to hold Jongdae's hand, to give her courage because what was waiting her in the college was way worse.


If Yeori didn't notice that she was shaking, Jongdae did and it worried him a little. Once again he wondered why he found her in the street, crying her heart out. "Maybe something happened in her college?" But he couldn't be sure. Not for long.


As soon as they got to the place they were welcomed by Hee Young who had a smirk plastered on her face. Yeori knew that she was up for something. Suddenly she had the urge to grab Jongdae and run as far as possible but of course she couldn't.


"Oh look who's here. How are you today Yeori?" Hee Young asked as she got closer to them. She noticed Jongdae's presence and it didn't please her at all. Why a good looking guy was by her side? It annoyed her a lot but she hid it behind her smirk. "Are you the one who got her pregnant? Poor guy."


Yeori paled even more. Why should Hee Young ruin her life every time? Jongdae was so nice with her till now but now that he heard the truth she was way too afraid to even look at him she squeezed her coffee while her blood was boiling inside her. No, she didn't want Hee Young to ruin the beginning of her friendship with him. Without hesitation Yeori threw the rest of her hot coffee on her making her scream at the same time. Would it be weird if Yeori admitted that it felt nice to stand up for herself?


Jongdae who stayed for the whole time cracked a smile. This girl was getting on his nerves and it took him so much strength to control himself. At least she was useful for one thing: telling him what Yeori was hiding from him. And he truly didn't care. He wrapped an arm around Yeori's waist and pulled her closer to him. "And so? Are you jealous?"


Nobody dared to speak. Since when college was a silent place? The crowd was obviously listening to everything and seeing that Yeori stood up for herself and that she had someone made that shut their mouths. Not like they actually cared but gossiping was part of humans.


Hee Young at the other hand wanted to snap back so badly but Jongdae's eyes were scary. Like really scary. Just by the way he said those words, it sounded like a simple question but his eyes told her otherwise. This guy was dangerous. She gulped realizing that for today she should give up if she didn't want to be ridiculed in front of everybody.


Proud of the effect he had on the girl, he took gently Yeori's hand and planted a soft kiss on it while his eyes were glued to hers. His gaze was so soft, so captivating, it was impossible to not stare back even if he put a spell on her. "This guy...he has bewitched me."


"See you later Yeori" He whispered before smiling one last time and leaving the place.


The moment he left, Yeori felt extremely alone, empty. The effect he had on her was undeniable.

























During the whole class Yeori kept ignoring all the whispers, gossiping around her, not like she didn't want to hear them but because for once she was so lost in her own world that she couldn't hear them. For the whole time she kept her hand, still feeling the sensation of his lips on her skin. The electricity that ran through her body at this moment was so intense, she never felt this way even with Baekhyun. Wasn't it weird that the guy she just met could make her feel so...alive?


A beautiful smile crept on her lips for the whole period and she didn't care that she looked like a happy idiot because she was really happy at this moment. But there was someone else in this room who wasn't happy at all about the situation. Baekhyun assisted to scene between Yeori, Jongdae and Hee Young and he was furious. He didn't know why though. Was it because Yeori hurt his girlfriend? Was it because Yeori was with another guy and that she seemed so enchanted by him? He really didn't know but he couldn't resolve himself to calm down. If only he could. His heart was slowly betraying him but he couldn't understand it yet.


At the end of the class Yeori decided to skip the rest of the day,  she just wanted to go the music room and play some violin knowing that it would make her only happy and that at least nobody would bother her any further. Or so she thought because as soon as she got inside Baekhyun was already here waiting for her.


"What are you doing here?" She asked completely shocked to see him here. He wasn't supposed to be here or even know that she would come here.


"You probably will be surprised but I know that whenever you're happy or sad you come here to play violin."


Once again he gave her one reason to be shocked. Nobody knew about her playing violin, only her family knew so how could he? The urge to ask him was killing her but instead she turned around and was ready to leave. No Yeori, you couldn't bear to stay in the same room as Byun Baekhyun. But escaping him was always a hard thing and today wasn't an exception. Just when she thought that she was out of trouble she found herself pinned against a wall.


"What are you doing Baekhyun?"


Truth to be said he didn't know either. Something inside him was pushing him every time to her even if he would always act like an , he just couldn't help but go back. It was the weirdest feeling ever. For months he was convinced that he was in love with Hee Young and Yeori was just a toy, it was a game but how come he couldn’t stop himself from worrying for her? When he saw this morning how pale she was he regretted humiliating her in front of everybody but he thought it was the best way to avoid problems. He was so wrong again.


As he wasn't answering she tried to push him away and she managed for a second before being pinned again. It was getting really annoying and she showed it by groaning. "Can you stop being an Baek? You have to stop all of it! I didn't deserve to be treated like a Baek. Stop it..." She wanted to sound angry and she managed it for a second but then her emotions got the best of her and betrayed her once again.  "Just let me go." She begged him so sincerely that it shocked him.


Baekhyun didn't know what to say. He thought about it for the whole class but now that she was trapped before him, his voice was stuck in his throat. The pain in her eyes actually hurt him more than he thought, it wasn't supposed to be like that.


"I can't do it." He finally replied trying to sound emotionless, there was no way he would let her see how lost he was.


"You can't? Are you kidding me? You're the one who started this again Baek! I told you to stay away from me. You're nothing to me." But she wasn't really convinced with her own words. She couldn't just forget him so easily. Actually we never forgot our first love.


"Oh really?" The Baekhyun was back, it was as if her words woke him up from his world. He leaned closer; staring at her lips he his. He wanted to test her, to see if she was really over him even if he was convinced that nobody could get over him. His lips lightly brushed hers as he kissed first the corner of her lips before her lower lip and only then kissed her passionately. He put his hand behind her head and deepened the kiss.


As much as she wanted to push him away, to hit him, to yell, she found herself giving up. Her body reacted without her permission. She could lie to herself but her body, her heart was addicted to Byun Baekhyun.
























Just as Jongdae promised he was waiting for Yeori even if he had no idea when she would finish her class. It was stupid from him to wait here for hours but he wanted to see her, to make sure that nobody dared to hurt her while he was absent. There was still one question that was stuck in his head. Who was really the father?


Fortunately for him, after a moment Yeori left her college and for sure she was more than surprised to see him standing next to his car with crossed arms. He looked so serious but when his eyes landed on her a smile appeared on his face, making Yeori only blushed. He came back for her again.


But by the way he looked at her, she knew that she had a lot to explain.



A/N : Hello guys! ♥

I want to thank all of you, to be honest I didn't expect to reach 100 subbies just with one chapter ;A; it may be nothing for some people here but for me it means a lot, so thank you ♥

Thank you as well for those who commented, even when some just said to update because it meant you're looking forward for the next chapter, so thank you. ♥

And thank you as well for some who upvoted. ♥

As you can see I'm very touched ;A;!

So here I am with the second chapter. I wanted to update earlier but work + I moved out some days ago (and living with a handsome guy too) kept me busy ;A; 

So, I hope you'll like this chapter ~

For those who want to check my others fictions it's here : 

To kill or to be killed  : Luhan, Sehun, Jongin x OCs

Liars : Chanyeol, Kris x OCs



See you soon I hope! 

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BlueBubbleTea #1
Chapter 20: Omg author-nim! This story is so great! I manage to finish it in just 1 day. Huhu. Keep it up! Fighting
Chapter 20: Hello!
Is there gonna be a continuation of this story? I think it will be really very nice *-*
lovelight506 #4
Chapter 6: Baekhyun my bias and Jongdae my bias wrecker. I feel like i am her. Omg jongdae stop! my heart.
Kyumiko #5
Chapter 18: ANSLIGASKDJGLAHWROIGJ *unintelligible noises*

UGH that epilogue was so cute. so cute. stawp. <3 thanks authornim
Chapter 20: Thank you for the bonus chapter! I'm glad Baekhyun was able to meet a girl who would love him despite his past. It was a very nice side story! :)
Chapter 20: Hahhahahahaha byun baek dumb all if the time xD
Chapter 18: OMGOMGOMGOMG I LOVE THE EPILOGUE! I'm happy it ended with the twins meeting their father but I wish Jongdae had a scene too. But it was still great! Congratulations for finishing this! Hwaiting authornim! :)