
Baby hold on




Chapter 10










Four days with Jongdae definitely felt like heaven. Actually, Yeori was convinced that she had spent four days in heaven and of course coming back to reality was hard, just like always. The only thing that comforted her was that she spent so many beautiful moments with him and she finally noticed how strong her feelings were getting for him. If some weeks ago she was still afraid to lose him and to be alone, now it was a whole new story, she knew he would always come back for her because for once someone was completely sincere with her. Every time he would touch her, kiss her or even speak to her, she could feel how much he cared for her.


And just those small things were enough to make her happy.


So, when she came back at her college she wasn’t afraid to face the others. Not Hee Young or even Baekhyun could hurt her anymore because for once in her life she felt loved and powerful. Nobody could take this feeling away from her. Not this time.


Yeori left her first class with a huge smile plastered on her face, oblivious to the death glare Hee Young was sending her through the whole class. Of course, Hee Young noticed how happy, how free she looked and of course it didn’t please her at all. It was the opposite. Her anger and hatred for the young woman was getting stronger and stronger with every day; she couldn’t just watch her anymore, she needed to find a solution quickly. Too bad, Byun Baekhyun wouldn’t help her this time.


Just like Hee Young, Baekhyun noticed how happy Yeori seemed and even if it still irked him a little to know that he wasn’t the reason behind her smile, he couldn’t help but feel relieved that someone was by her side.


Of course, like others people in the room, Baekhyun noticed Hee Young’s behavior and he promised himself to do something about it. There was no way someone would mess with Yeori; they had done enough already. So when Hee Young wanted to leave after Yeori –probably to mess with her-, Baekhyun grabbed her arm and made her stop. She tried to get rid of his grip but messing with Byun Baekhyun was definitely a very, very, very bad idea but Hee Young seemed to be convince that he was just a useless and blind guy. How wrong she was.


“Let me go!” She yelled and tried to yank his hand to free her arm but once again her attempt to free herself failed.


“You need to stop right now Hee Young.” Baekhyun said in a very serious tone


“Stop? Stop what? I’m just hungry.”


“Of course you are. Do you think I’m dumb Hee Young? I know you. Don’t you dare hurting her.”


“Look who’s talking. Are you kidding me Byun Baekhyun? You’re the first who hurt her and now you’re telling me that!”


“Compare to you, I realized how wrong I was and I even had the courage to apologize, while you, you’re digging your grave. Stop it now Hee Young.”


“Tsk, what kind of boyfriend are you? You should support me instead of this !”


“I’m sad I realized it so late that the is you and not Yeori. Try to hurt her and you’ll hear me.”


“Are you trying to tell me that it’s over between us?”


“Why? There was nothing in the first place.”


Hee Young couldn’t believe that he said that; all this time she was the one who used him, yet he dumped her first. Her blood boiled and she grabbed him by his collar. “Look here Byun Baekhyun, who do you think you are?”


And even if she was venting her anger on him, he didn’t budge. He, actually, felt bad for her, the hatred was eating her alive and got the best of her; where was the nice girl he met long ago? With a deep sigh he freed himself and left the classroom as if nothing had happened. It was already too late to fix some things but at least he managed to clear up the mess with Yeori and just that was already a good start.























When the lunch time came, Yeori had a good surprise waiting for her in the small park just next to her college. Not only Sehun was waiting for her but Jongdae as well. She didn’t expect to see him so soon after their trip because obviously he ignored his work for all this time. Yet he was here, holding a huge bag with food while Sehun held the drinks. Wasn’t she lucky to have such good friends and family?


Without hesitation she ran and jumped at Jongdae who would have caught her if it wasn’t because of the bag. Fortunately for him, Yeori had a strong grip around his neck and waist so he didn’t need to hold her.


“Oh please, get a room.” Sehun said in disgust, hiding his eyes with his hands he still couldn’t help but chuckle at his sister behavior. At least she was happy. “Gosh, stop it, I’m hungry! Hyung!”


It looked like the word hyung had an effect on Yeori as she released Jongdae and stared at her brother with curious eyes. It didn’t take him long to realize that he shouldn’t have called his friend hyung but now it was too late.


“Why do you call him hyung so friendly?”




“I actually know your brother for a quite long moment now.” Jongdae confessed and winked at Sehun. After all, they didn’t need to tell the whole truth right now, they could still lie a little bit.


“Really? Why none of you told me?”


“Never had the chance. Come on, let’s eat or Sehun is going to whine for two more hours.”


“Hey! You make me sound like a kid.”


“That’s exactly what you are.”


Of course Sehun didn’t like to be called a kid and he let them know. He grabbed all the food and drinks and quickly left to find a good place for them. Obviously he wasn’t really mad, but more like he wanted to let them some private moment.


“Is Sehun the one who ordered you to come back last time?”


“Curious, aren’t you? But yes, he is.”


“Tsk, this kid…”


“He cares a lot for you. He’s a good kid, a silly one but a good one.”


Yeori could only approve that.


“As much as I don’t want to ask it but…when are you going to leave again?”


“I don’t know. They haven’t called me, I guess my friend really listened to me for once and took care of my work.”


It sounded weird but Jongdae knew that there was no way his work wouldn’t call for him for the past days. “Kris must have done all my work…He’s going to be so grumpy.” But for the moment, Jongdae didn’t mind and he didn’t even want to think about his work.


“Hey guys! Come here!” They heard Sehun’s voice from afar; he found a good place under a tree, the perfect place.


Jongdae took Yeori’s hand and gave it a soft squeeze. “Should we go?”


“Oh yes, I’m hungry.”


“You sound like Sehun right now.”


“Oh shut up.”


But she still laughed.


During the meal, Sehun couldn’t stop glancing at his sister and friend, it was really weird for him to see those two together but he had to admit that they looked pretty good together. “She’s better with Jongdae hyung.” And even if he knew that Baekhyun loved Yeori as well, he still decided to give his full support to Jongdae; he knew he would do everything to make her the happiest woman on this earth.


“Hey hyung.” Sehun started as he stopped putting all the food in his mouth. “You’d better take care of my sister or I’m going to stab you in your sleep.”


“Ya!” Yeori protested


“No problem, you know me.”


“Yeah, yeah, it’s because I know you that I’m telling that. If you hurt her, I’ll give her to Baekhyun hyung without hesitation!”


“Ya! Oh Sehun what the hell are you saying?! Don’t you think I have a word to say in that?”


“Hm, no?”


“No? Ya!”


She grabbed her bag and started hitting him mercilessly Sehun; the poor boy was trying to protect his face with his arms but it didn’t work pretty well. “Hyung, help me.” But of course Jongdae had no intention on helping him after what he had said, even if it was for fun.


“You deserved it.”


“Damn all of you.”























By the end of lunch break, Yeori and Sehun to get back in class but it didn’t stop Jongdae from following them inside. Sehun noticed the spark in his hyung’s eyes and at this moment he knew that he had something on mind, something fishy yet funny and probably very embarrassing for his sister. “Poor noona.”


“Why are you following us inside Jongdae? You don’t need you know?” Yeori stopped walking and glanced at him before she noticed her brother’s weird behavior. She frowned a little but ignored him.


“Can’t I?”


“I’d love to stay with you but I have to go.”


Jongdae nodded his head and got closer to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, he kissed the top of her head. “Be a nice girl.” Even if he acted with her as if she was a little girl, she didn’t dislike it, a chuckle even escaped her lips.


“Be a good boy too then.”


But Kim Jongdae was far from being a good boy.


So when she started walking the unexpected happened.


“Hey Yeori!” He yelled her name the way that everybody in the hall would hear. And of course it worked, everybody stopped minding their business and looked at Jongdae and then at Yeori who had stopped walking and looked at her weird boyfriend. “I love you.”


It was probably the most embarrassing moment in her life. Yet, the most beautiful.


A/N : Hi guys!

A small update that I just finished writing. I don't know why I always have the urge to write around 2am (it's 2:35 am, kill me please). I have to get up for work in some hours but no, I had to write *facepalm*.

I'm sorry that it's a short update but it's still an update and I hope you'll like it ^_^


Thank you everybody for your support, I'm always enjoying your comments ♥

Love you ! And see you soon!

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BlueBubbleTea #1
Chapter 20: Omg author-nim! This story is so great! I manage to finish it in just 1 day. Huhu. Keep it up! Fighting
Chapter 20: Hello!
Is there gonna be a continuation of this story? I think it will be really very nice *-*
lovelight506 #4
Chapter 6: Baekhyun my bias and Jongdae my bias wrecker. I feel like i am her. Omg jongdae stop! my heart.
Kyumiko #5
Chapter 18: ANSLIGASKDJGLAHWROIGJ *unintelligible noises*

UGH that epilogue was so cute. so cute. stawp. <3 thanks authornim
Chapter 20: Thank you for the bonus chapter! I'm glad Baekhyun was able to meet a girl who would love him despite his past. It was a very nice side story! :)
Chapter 20: Hahhahahahaha byun baek dumb all if the time xD
Chapter 18: OMGOMGOMGOMG I LOVE THE EPILOGUE! I'm happy it ended with the twins meeting their father but I wish Jongdae had a scene too. But it was still great! Congratulations for finishing this! Hwaiting authornim! :)