
Baby hold on



Chapter 13










The moment Kris said those words Yeori’s heart squeezed so tightly that for a moment she couldn’t even breathe. She felt more than guilty for sending this kind of message to Jongdae but she just couldn’t control herself because of her pregnancy and because she was tired of lies. Deep inside she knew that she shouldn’t have worried so much but after all she went through she just couldn’t bear even a small lie. Jongdae would never hurt her and she knew it better than anyone after all he had done for her.


In silence, she followed Kris at the second floor where they could sat on a bench with a cup of coffee, this night would going to be very long and he had a lot to tell her. Kris saw how guilty Yeori looked and he almost regretted acting cold towards her but he was pissed as they failed their mission just because of a woman. Jongdae’s woman. He ruffled his hair in frustration before letting a deep sigh escaping his lips; he had no more choice.


“Listen, I’m sorry for being so cold, I’m just frustrated because of the mission. I didn’t expect it to turn that bad.” Kris admitted and apologized at the same time.


“What happened?” Yeori dared to ask, her head still lowered, she was still confused and scared. Scared that Jongdae was injured because of her and scared because of Kris’s angry eyes.


“At the beginning it was a simple mission but it got more complicated and then Jongdae received your message and just for some seconds he lost his concentration and the guy took his chance and shoot him in the shoulder. It’s not a big deal but we were far from everything, including hospitals so he lost lots of blood but don’t worry he’s fine, just a little weak.”


A sigh of relief escaped Yeori’s lips. She was waiting for this information for not so long but it seemed like an eternity for her. He was fine, it was all that matter to her. Without realizing it, she rested her head against Kris’s arm and of course he stiffened as he didn’t expect her to act this way. He looked down at her, curious, she was different from what he had imagined but he was glad that she was the one who got Jongdae’s heart. “She’s a good girl.”


Kris patted her head before pushing her a little away. “Come on, I think you have all the right to be by side right now. I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you when he will open his eyes.”


“But the nurse said-“


“Who cared? I’ll scare her to death if she says something again, don’t worry.” He gave her a comforting smile and grabbed gently her hand. “Let’s go.”


Of course she didn’t try to stop him; she wanted to be by Jongdae’s side since the moment she got this call from Kris. A small smile appeared on her lips; Kris wasn’t that scary in the end, it was as if he was testing her, just to make sure that she was fooling around.


When they arrived in Jongdae’s room, Yeori immediately took place on the chair next to his bed and took his hand. All the pressure she felt for the past hours made her finally crying, she couldn’t stop it even if she wanted. Seeing that he was alive but just asleep was really comforting and she promised to herself that never again she would doubt him and never again she would disturb him while he was working. “I don’t want him to die. And especially not because of my stupidity.”


Gently she brought his hand to her lips and planted a soft kiss on it as if she was apologizing to him even if he couldn’t hear it or feel it for the moment.


Kris smiled at this sight and glanced at Yeori’s stomach; he still couldn’t believe that Jongdae would be a father before him but he was still happy for him. With one last glance to the couple he left the room, he had a mission to finish and a revenge to take. Nobody was allowed to hurt his friends. Nobody.
























It was only when sun started slowly showing up that Jongdae managed to open his eyes. His head was pounding hard and it took him five good minutes to remember what happened last night and where he was. His first reaction was to panic as he didn’t have the chance to speak with Yeori but then he noticed a weight on his hand: it was Yeori’s head. He couldn’t help but smile; he was so relieved to see her by his side even after the message. Gently he her cheek and even if he didn’t want to wake her up she still opened her eyes and straightened herself too quickly.


“Jongdae!” Without hesitation, she threw herself on him and wrapped her arms around his neck tightly, forgetting that he was injured. But of course he didn’t even wince, this kind of injury was nothing for him, he was used to it and moreover he was way too happy to see that she wasn’t angry anymore.




She parted from him and slapped his injured arm and this time he winced because the pain got stronger. “Hey! It hurts!”


“It’s all you deserved you jerk!”


“Because I hid the fact that I’m friend with Baek?”


“No! Because you got carried away and were shoot by an !”


For sure Jongdae didn’t expect her to be mad because of that. He frowned and stared at her as if she was an alien and not his girlfriend. “Wait, right now you’re mad because of that?”


“Of course I am. The hell Jongdae! Seriously I was so scared when Kris called me! I thought you were dead…”


“I don’t die so easily you know? And I won’t die before we get married at least.”


That wasn’t what she expected to hear from him, her face turned into a dark shard of red and she couldn’t hide her embarrassment anymore. He got her just like always.


“And about Baek, I’m sorry. I should have told you before but we thought it would be better to not tell you.”




“Sehun and I.”


Yeori remembered immediately the day they told her that they already knew each other, it was that day they both lied to her. She bit her tongue and sat in front of Jongdae with crossed arms. “I’m so going to kick his .”


“Don’t be so mad with him too Yeori. We thought it was better that way, I guess we were wrong.”


“Isn’t it…weird? I mean, you’re Baekhyun’s friend yet you’re with me.”


“He lost his chance long ago Yeori, moreover I had no idea about you being his girlfriend.”


“I wasn’t.” It was a whisper but Jongdae still managed to hear it and of course he guessed immediately that it was still painful to think about the past. He sighed and pulled her gently against him, ignoring the pain that was awakened once again. Slowly and gently he her hair, he rested his head on top of her head and closed his eyes enjoying fully the moment.


“Don’t worry, it’s in the past and I’m your future.”























It was a banal Saturday that they would enjoy by just laying on the couch with blankets on them, food not too far and TV, something that couple would do from time to time. Since the accident Jongdae had even more free time as Kris almost kicked his for being so stupid and told him to not show up at work before a moment.


And it exactly what he did.


Jongdae was way too happy to be able to spend some good times with Yeori without worrying for his work.


But of course someone decided otherwise.


Just when they thought they could act all lazy for the whole day Yeori got a call from her lovely yet annoying brother. She groaned as she grabbed her phone. “I hope you have a good reason to disturb my peaceful life Oh Sehun.”


“Noona we’re in trouble!” Sehun sounded really panicked and it surprised Yeori. Since when Sehun was afraid of something?


“What do you mean by we’re in trouble?”


“Uh…please don’t be mad…I kinda said to mom that you’re pregnant and now she wants to see you or she’s going to kill me.”


“Oh Sehun! You’re such a ! I’m going to kill you!”


“Why everybody wants to kill me?!”


“You deserve it! God dammit, how do you want me to see her after two years? I can’t!”


“But you promised me that one day you’ll come back and I think it’s just the perfect timing for it.”




“Oh come on, please, save your adorable little brother!” Just by the way he spoke and pronounced the word adorable little brother she imagined his baby face and just for that she wanted to slap him.


“Fine! But I come just to slap you and say hi, got it?”


“Why hurting me…” He whined but accepted as he had no other choice.


“I guess I’m going to meet your parents.” Jongdae said way too happily.


“Why does it look like you enjoy the idea of meeting them?”


“Because I do?”


“I’m not in good terms with my mom though. I left home two years ago because she wasn’t able to accept my choices.”


“I’m sure she had thought about it for the past two years. Don’t worry, we’ll deal with her just fine.”


“You’re too positive.”


And he was right to be so positive. The moment they got inside her old house they were welcomed by a kid called Oh Sehun –and it was so unusual to see him acting like a kid- and by two adults who didn’t seem happy first. Yeori’s dad was the first one to finally grin widely and open his arms for a hug and of course Yeori didn’t hesitate. She missed him, she really did.


“I missed you.” Yeori whispered and all he did was to kiss the top of her head and pat her back.


“And you were hiding your pregnancy from us? Ya! I’m your mother and I’m allowed to see my grandchildren!” Her mother finally spoke, first she sounded angry but Yeori got that she wasn’t at all. For sure she didn’t expect her to be so concerned about the kids, she was sure that she would be angry.


But she wasn’t.


When Yeori turned to see her mom she saw that she was basically checking out Jongdae. “You got to be kidding me.” She couldn’t believe her eyes. Was it really her mother? What happened for the past two years? She glanced worriedly at Sehun but all he did was to smile widely and mouthed a “Told you so”.


“You, you follow me.” Suddenly her mother ordered and even without letting Yeori time she grabbed her arm and pulled her in the kitchen letting all the men behind.


“I hope she’ll survive.” Sehun whispered and stared at the two leaving women.


“They’ll be just fine.” His dad replied and smiled. “Come in Jongdae, it has been a long time since last time I’ve seen you! And for sure I didn’t expect you to be my daughter’s boyfriend and kids’ dads.”


“I see that Sehun already told you that we’re expecting twins.”


“Oh yes he did. He was excited like a little kid.”


“I wasn’t!”


“Yes, you were, now shut up and let us talk.”




“I’m not the father though.” Jongdae admitted and sighed.


“You’re not?”




“I’m not but it doesn’t matter. I wish I was but I’ll love them just as if they were mine.”


At the same time in the kitchen the atmosphere was a little tense. Yeori didn’t know how to behave around her mother after what happened two years ago but it was the right moment to have a talk and a serious one.


“I’m glad you found someone for you.” Her mother finally said and smiled, a genuine smile. “I was really mad when you left you know? But I had lots of time to think about our argument and I’m proud of what you became.”


“Even if I’m already pregnant?”


“Even if you’re already pregnant. But I can tell that something is still bothering you.”


Of course she would know, all mothers could tell when their kids were having troubles in their lives and Yeori’s mother wasn’t an exception. She approached the young woman and wrapped her arms around her body.


“I’m sorry for yelling at you and I’m really happy that you’re having babies. When Sehun told us I was so confused but then so happy. I’m going to be a granny! Even if I’m a little young for it.”




“Is he good to you?”


“He’s perfect, he’s the one who saved me when their father let me down.”


“Oh. Oh my poor baby girl.” Her mother said and cupped her face. “He’s an idiot if he let you down just like that. He’s not worth it.”


“No, indeed and at least I met Jongdae thanks to him.”


“Our family is getting bigger, we need to celebrate it!”


Yeori couldn’t help but smile widely to her mom’s excitement. Once again they were a family.



A/N:  Hi guys! 

I'm glad I didn't make you wait too long this time for an update. For once I had everything on mind and I was dying to write it ♪

I want to thank you for comforting me about my story, it gave me some more confidence, so thank you so so much I love you guys ♥ 

And of course, thank you for your comments ♥

Want to find me?

Instagram : luookami

Twitter : luookami

(I'm really easy to find haha)


See you soon!! 

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BlueBubbleTea #1
Chapter 20: Omg author-nim! This story is so great! I manage to finish it in just 1 day. Huhu. Keep it up! Fighting
Chapter 20: Hello!
Is there gonna be a continuation of this story? I think it will be really very nice *-*
lovelight506 #4
Chapter 6: Baekhyun my bias and Jongdae my bias wrecker. I feel like i am her. Omg jongdae stop! my heart.
Kyumiko #5
Chapter 18: ANSLIGASKDJGLAHWROIGJ *unintelligible noises*

UGH that epilogue was so cute. so cute. stawp. <3 thanks authornim
Chapter 20: Thank you for the bonus chapter! I'm glad Baekhyun was able to meet a girl who would love him despite his past. It was a very nice side story! :)
Chapter 20: Hahhahahahaha byun baek dumb all if the time xD
Chapter 18: OMGOMGOMGOMG I LOVE THE EPILOGUE! I'm happy it ended with the twins meeting their father but I wish Jongdae had a scene too. But it was still great! Congratulations for finishing this! Hwaiting authornim! :)