Fahrenheit & SHEG

Guigui sighted. Hebe had gone to look what was going on and it was just THEM. Yes, the four so called "guardians" of their university also called Fahrenheit. Four cool and (of course) handsome guys that were, according to SHEG, just playboys with pretty words.

Aaron, Chun, Calvin and Jiro were all smart but didn't put much effort on anything except for having fun and fooling out with girls. Or at least that was the rumor. The cool and cold Aaron Yan, kind and gentlemanlike Wu Chun, irresistible charmer Calvin Chen and the pretty boy, smiling devil Jiro Wang. A devil, because his smile is said to be lethal.

At lunch...

Fahrenheit sat on their usual seats in the school cafeteria.
Aaron was eating his luch while explainig some biology term to bored Jiro who was only half listening anyway. Aaron raised his eyebrows following Jiros gaze and sighted heavily when it ended up to a group of girls talking ang eating.

He turned to look in front of him to Calvin who was talking to some random girl on the phone. - Yeah, I love you too baby. I'll see you soon. Okay, bye. Calvin finished his call. aaron chuckled a little to himself. he foung it incredible that girls actually believed everything Calvin let out of his mouth. He was 100% sure he was not going to call her ever again. He'd been with her already 4-5 days. That was considered long time when it was about Calvin.

Next to Calvin on right was Chun. He was working on his laptop, writing something and smiling to himself. - Stop that! Jiro finally interjected. Chun looked up, confused. -What?
- Smiling to yourself, it's freaking me out. Chun just smiled at him and continued writing. He was in fact chatting with somebody.

.Back to the girls.

After school Ella and Guigui said bye to Selina and Hebe and left for home. They lived together,as both of their parents lived abroad, in an nice apartment they both loved. They had their own rooms, bathroom, kitchen and living room.

-Gui, What do you want to eat today ? Ella asked loudly.
-eeeh, I don't know, anything fine.
Ella started to prepare for dinner while Gui was sitting on the couch doing her homework. After dinner Guigui took out the trashes and went to shower. At the same time Ella was on her computer in her purple coloured room chatting with some guy.

Guigui ran from her room in fullspeed after hearing Ella suddenly scream. - Ella, what is? Are you okay?? Gui asked anxiously seeing Ella sit on the floor in front of her computer, clearly in shock. - For heavens sake, what's the matter with you? she repeated her question when Ella didn't say anything.

Slowly, very slowely Ella looked up at guigui, now smiling in full bliss. Gui sighed. Ellas constant moodchanges were giving her a headache.
- What is it now?Ella smiled answering
- He wants to meet me. Guis eyebrows pulled together. She looked at her best friend confused.
- Romeo<3 (username) wants to meet me. Tomorrow, in front of the movie theather.
- Are you mad ! Gui yelled, You meet some random guy on the internet and you want to see him? Are you out of your mind? Who knows, he might be some grazy or something.

Ella was shaking her head.
- He's not, I know him. "you do not, gui interjected"
- I do! We've been chatting for months now. He's kind and goodhearted. Now it was guiguis turn to shake her head. Even though she loved Ella insanely, she couldn't understand her obliviousness to those around her. She would go and pat a wild lion in the head if she ever saw one. And if she let her.

-Ella, are you sure you want to take a risk and go meet him?
-Yes, and it's not a risk. He's a sweet guy. Don't worry, it will be fine. I'll keep my mobile with me so you can call me if there's anything. Oh, I have to call Selina and Hebe and tell them. Gui watched her go to her bed and call to their other best friends. She could only hope that they would be able to change Ellas mind. But of course they couldn't so Gui could only smile when Ella asked her oppinion on her clothes and wait nervosly for tomorrow.

Hope you liked the update! Hopefully it's not too boring. It's going to be a little in the beginnig but it will get better in a while. I have lots of ideas. just have to pick out the best ones. thanks for comments, please continue to ;). Oh, I forgot to mention, That I'm from europe so my updates can come up in wierd times for them who live in Asia or America and I also don't speak taiwanese so names will mostly be ebglish ones. Thanks for supporting the story and me ! -hearts <3

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Wow nice dewcriptions
Visiting old fics!
GunZaaGG #4
Chapter 17: Awww~~Aeron is really cute uhh? Jealous puppy~~~ Hahaha
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #5
cute story :P
Please write more FF!!
you are great!! :)
-HaeFany-Forever- #8
Write another ff! :) I will certainly support you~
VictoriaCookie #9
The last episode was nice!
xLaLoveYhu #10