The letter


 Dear, Aaron

First of all sorry for my lousy handwriting, my hand's shaking.

When you read this letter I'm probably already gone.

God that sounded like I'm dead or somehting but no, I'm not dead or suicidal but I did leave taiwan.

I told you before that I need time and I need to get away.

Away from you and the memories of him to be able to think clearly. without influences from any of you.

Aaron, I love Wang zi...and I love you. He's my past and right now you're both my present.

And that won't do. Now I have to find who I am. The one I was before I met you even before I met wang zi.

That way I can find out what I want and need. Well, what I need ia to set Wang zi in the past.

The present and future, I don't know. I want you to be in it. but I won't tell you to wait for me.

Because I don't know when I'll come back. I will come, Aaron. I will, just don't know when. It may take a while, so don't wait for me.

Move on and if you still love me when I come back we'll see if we can try. but lets not force it.

Aaron, do you remember how we first met ? it was the day whe chunella had their first date and they called us out.

But we literely bumped into each other on the way there.

Don't you think it was fate ? We met before we were suppose to.

Then everything happened and we became fighting friends. ;)

You may not know this but those fights always made me feel better.

It took my mind off Wang zi and my painful heart. You really shone light into my life, you know. More than you know.

You helped me go through the day and evening while I watched wang zi.

you gave me reasons to smile, to complain. To feel.

You see, after the accident and with wang zi in coma, I was like a zombie.

I was alive, breathing but I couldn't feel anything. I pretended for SHE and others but I  felt so empty inside.

I shut my heart away but the pain remained. My heartache remained, never leaving me. Accompanying me everywhere I went.

But suprisingly I couls ignore it everytime I was with you. I knew it was there but I didn't think about nor feel it.

God Aaron, I do love you. I really do.

-Aaeon was now crying hard, arms wrapped over his chest, his heart tried to find somehting to hold onto but found none. He had to wipe his tears away to be able to continue reading.-

But I can't stay. I need to be alone and while searching, I'm gonna be a mess.

and I don't want you guys to see that. It will only cause pain and trouble for me and for all of you.

I got to go now, look aaron only thing I can promise right now is that I'll be back. Someday. Don't wait for me and be happy !

                                                                                                                                                                                                           With love,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Gui Gui

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Wow nice dewcriptions
Visiting old fics!
GunZaaGG #4
Chapter 17: Awww~~Aeron is really cute uhh? Jealous puppy~~~ Hahaha
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #5
cute story :P
Please write more FF!!
you are great!! :)
-HaeFany-Forever- #8
Write another ff! :) I will certainly support you~
VictoriaCookie #9
The last episode was nice!
xLaLoveYhu #10