Step two


I'm sooo sorry ! I know I was suppose to update yesterday. But ! *hides behind aaron* I fell asleep after school.*expects scolding*  So sorry. But I have written more chapters ready today so be ready for a mega update ! Please forgive me.


-Mr. Yan, I preasume.


-I am your grandmothers neighbor mrs Li. Your grandmother is in a pretty bad shape. She wishes that you could come over here for couple of days untill she recovers. Is that possible ?

-My grandma ? Yes, I ahh come ASAP. What happened ?

-I'm afraid she fell down the stairs yesterday and was discharged home from the hospital today.

-I see, is she okay ?

-Well if I may say so, she is in high spirit. There is nothing wrong with her brain. or . the lady mumbled the last part.

Aaron repressed a chuckle, his grandma was quite demanding when she felt like it. But anyway her left foot is broken and she did fall on her hand but it was only twisted not broken.

-okay, tell her I'll be there tomorrow morning. Goodbye.

-Yes, thank you. Goodbye.

Aaron sighed, closing his phone. Why on earth did she ask him ? They'd never had a close relationship since she would always complain how cold and indifferent he was.

He shrugged, not really thinking about the fact that just now he had proven that he had changed. If it was him from before (when he hadn't met gui gui yet) he would have hung up in the beginning of the phonecall, not caring.

Meanwhile his grandma was laying on her bed with a satisfied look on her face.

When she had had a call from her other grandsons yesterday claiming that Aaron had changed but needed some guidance.

She had been so shocked that she stumbled and fell down the stairs ! Her little indifferent Ya lun who never recieved the love he needed from her ice princess of a daughter, had finally found love. She smiled, now she just needed to teach him how to share it.

-nest morning, some village-

Aaron pulled over in front of a old but good-shaped house which had an pretty impressive garden.

He vaguely remembered that there was a fountain in the backyard.

He walked to the door but instead of knocking on it, he took the hiding key from one of the flowerpots next to it. Stepping in he looked around him.

Nothing had changed it was all the same as it had been in his childhood.

-Grams ! he shouted from downstairs knowing she up in her bedroom.

-Oh, Aaron you're here! Come up here so I can see you ! the old lady answered fairly loudly.

Aaron took his suitcase with him as much as he had liked his grams' sarcastic remarks to his parents when young, now he can't help but think why he's here and hoe boring these days will be.

Especially since he can't see guigui. They had met a couple of times after his confession and her mission but neither had accompliced what they needed to so it was kinda awkward.

Still they had continued their silly bickering on the phone and by texting. Lightening up their relationship a little.

He walked in his grandmas bedroom placing a small, unsure smile on his face. His grams answered it.

-Hi there. You've grown much. Her smile grew wider as she could see her grandsons eyes. The eyes that once were blank with absolutely no emotions were now showing them. Unsureness, annoyence and warmth. So many of them and that made her happy.

¨Love really can change a person, can't it¨

-Hey, grams. How are you ? Fallen down the stairs, have you? Aaron asked, raising one eyebrow amused. Getting old, i see. His grandma scoffed.

-It was just a side step nothing more. I might be old but I ain't dumb or blind. Yet anyway. I just had a lot on my mind.

-sure you did. now where do I stay and what do you want me to do? She looked at Aaron who was looking out the window while talking. Some things never changed even if others do. he was just as busnesslike as always. That won't do, yes, she will have to do something about that.

-In your and your cousins room as usual. Unpack and then you van help me down to the livingroom and then she smiled, you can cook us dinner. Aaron just nodded, going to unpack his things.

Later after having trouble bringging the old lady down, he set her on the couch where she sat happily taking the remote controler.

-What do you want for dinner ? Aaron asked.

-Anything is fine. She answered before turning to look at him. But do you know how to cook ? Aaron nodded. No, Aaron. She said knowing he didn't get her question.

-I mean do you know how to cook good food ? He nodded again looking confused. she sighed. Then do you cook with love ? Aaron frowened, what was with people and love ? she saw that look and smiled, knowing she picked a good example.

-Love is needed everywhere, my dear. how do you think cooks are able to make such a delicious food ? That's because they LOVE cooking. And they put that love into their cooking. And it showes on the outlook and taste of that food. if you cook with malice, your food will surely burn.

Aaron thought about it and understood it, kind of. With happiness and love, food will surely taste good. No wonder his mothers cooking had always been horrible.

In the end Aaron ended up staying for a little over a week. During those days aaron learned how to put his love into cooking amoung other things.

He reached the step two, showing and sharing love, with his grams' help. But he can't say it was easy.

He lost his temper numerous of times untill his head was all bumpy from the hits he recieved from his grandma after swearing.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Wow nice dewcriptions
Visiting old fics!
GunZaaGG #4
Chapter 17: Awww~~Aeron is really cute uhh? Jealous puppy~~~ Hahaha
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #5
cute story :P
Please write more FF!!
you are great!! :)
-HaeFany-Forever- #8
Write another ff! :) I will certainly support you~
VictoriaCookie #9
The last episode was nice!
xLaLoveYhu #10