A/N Please read


I know, it's been soo long. Well no really it's been like 8 days or so.

 Miss me ? hehheh.

My exams aren't over yet but I only have one (english) left and it's not really that hard so I can update ! Yay.

Oh yeah, I was thinking do you prefer this fic to be longer ( about ten more chapters) or shorter (about 2-3 more chapters) cause I can't decide.

Please vote for LONG or SHORT, so I'll know. I do the one that gets the most votes.

Well,well. Our Guilun will have their first date in the next chapter, but I'm afraid our leading lady is still a bit clueless...

or is she ?

This is kind of horrible but even I don't know what's gonna happen to them.

Aish, I'll just write the next chapter and think then ;D

By the way when I finish this fic I'm thinking about writing one-shots, though I'm not that good at them.

Do you think I should ?

Cause I don't know, I'm not that good writer and I was so happy and suprised when all of you were reading this and possibly some silent readers as well ? Maybe ?

I was thinking that if I do write one I want to use requests for couples from KPOP and JPOP as well.

I guess I'll just see after I finish this, I'm also been wanting to write DBSK fic but I dunno know.

Ayoh, I'm going overboard. I'll just stop rambling and start writing. ;)

A little preview:

-So what do I do to get all of them ?

-I don't know. Use your heart that's how everyone learns it.

-You too ?

Gui smiled a little sadly looking away from Aaron to the sky before answering quietly.

-Yeah, me too.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Wow nice dewcriptions
Visiting old fics!
GunZaaGG #4
Chapter 17: Awww~~Aeron is really cute uhh? Jealous puppy~~~ Hahaha
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #5
cute story :P
Please write more FF!!
you are great!! :)
-HaeFany-Forever- #8
Write another ff! :) I will certainly support you~
VictoriaCookie #9
The last episode was nice!
xLaLoveYhu #10