Stalker !


-At school parking lot-

Guigui and Vanness were walking towards the latters sport car ready to head to town. With gui driving her Ge was nervous
not knowing what to expect concerning guis driving skills.
Unknown to them was the fact that one boy was following them,
getting into his own car.

Aaron didn't know what came into him when he was gui walk away with that vangess bloke.(A/N name written wrong cause Aaron thought it wrong on purpose, just so you know ;))
Only thing he knew was his feelings and they were telling him to follow. And so he did, still fighting with himself the whole time of course. making up excuses for following them such as "I want to ruin her date for fun" or "To be able to make fun of her acts later"

Guigui and Vanness did some sightseeing, gui showed him the
best places for dates (so he can bring Ady there later)
and where to find delicious food. They also went shopping
buying new clothes and as if Aaron wasn't annoyed and
(though he was relucant to admit) jealous enough, the pair
entered jewelry shop next. Honestly, gritting his teeth
was a bad idea since they were already hurt from his
grittings earlier.

-Inside the jewelry shop-

As Vanness and gui entered the shop, he got shivers run
down his body. If he didn't "know" any better he would
have thought that boy at guis school was giving him death
glares again.

-Ge,Ge! How about this one? Gui asked showing her Ge a
beautiful golden necklace that had small diamond heart
attached to it. Vanness smiled brightly.

-It's perfect ! Vanness said taking the necklace. Ady will
love it for sure. Is there anything you'd like ?

-Nah, it's fine. I'm not really that into jewelry. But
you're right, that is perfect for my sister-in-law, it's
as beautiful as she is. Gui answered smiling, she really
loved her sister-in-law. She was everything her bro
deserved and more. Vanness laughed and bought the necklace.

-Why won't we go to amusent park ? Vanness suddenly suggested. We haven't been in one together since we were
kids. Gui screamed enthusiasticly at her Ges suggestion.
She hadn't been in amusent park for ages, of course she
wanted to go.

-I take that as a yes then. Vanness laughed at his baby sisters cute reaction. They walked out of the mall to
his car.

At the same time Aaron was boiling with anger seeing
Vanness buy the necklace gui had been holding. And then
she acted all cute to him, something she'd never done
infront of aaron. ¨You dare cheat on me,gui,huh! You're
so dead¨ He followed the two out of the mall going to
his own car. (A/N now,noe aaron. you're seriously losing it.
Your Guigui ???)

-Within the amusent park-

Aaron tried almost everything in the amusent park and not
cause he wanted to but cause he was afraid he'd loose sight of them otherwise. yes, it was guo who wanted to try
everything dragging Vanness along her.

Last thing they tried was the ferris wheel. she loved it
upthere, the view was breathtakingly beautiful. She couldn't
help smiling and feeling happy and relaxed. but of course
this special someone took it the wrong way.

Aaron was in another box(A/N sorry don't remember the correct word) watching the pair closely. Seeing gui all
relaxed he was certain they had something going on besides
friendship (A/N yep, aaron, it's called being sibligs).

Then the ferris wheel stopped all of the sudden, just to
ler people get off. However Vanness had almost fallen but gui had been able to catch him before he did. their
position on the other hand wasn't exactly good for aaron.
since it made it look like they were kissing with gui bent
over and Vanness holding her knees.

In that moment Aaron saw it and lost it.
-Oh, you just wait,you you a******, I'm so gonna kill you
for touching something thats mine. he said quietly to

-Ge, are you okay ? Gui asked as they got off the ferris wheel a bit later.

-Yes, I'm fine. vanness smiled reassuringly. He liked spending time with gui but he still missed Ady. Are you
ready to go ho-...

Just when Vanness was about to finish his sentence
something hit his head. -F***, ouch. Vanness yelled in
English rubbing his head while turning and looking around
to see the thrower. There was nobody there.

-Ge, you okay ? After getting a nod, gui said they'd better go home before something else happens to him. there had
been all these little accidents today. Meanwhile Aaron
was smirking smugly with another ball in his hand.

When our siblings were driving home Vanness was arguing with himself whether or not to tell gui about his suspicions. But as he was about to ask gui beat him to it.

-Ge, did you notice someone following us today ? I swear
I felt someone and saw one too but couldn't make out who
it was.Vanness nodded.

-Yeah, I noticed. Probably one of your suiters since I
know he was giving me death glares, I could feel it. Maybe
it's that boy from your school, you know, the rude one.
He did feel kinda stalkerish.

-What, Aaron ? He's not a stalker and he wouldn't do that,
at least not to me. We have this hate-friendship relationship going on. Vanness looked at her eyebrowers raised. Gui giggled.

-Long story, Ge.


Hey, guys ! Hope you liked it. I'm tired ;/ hahhah.
thanks for reading and supporting and commenting.
comments are <3<3<3


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Wow nice dewcriptions
Visiting old fics!
GunZaaGG #4
Chapter 17: Awww~~Aeron is really cute uhh? Jealous puppy~~~ Hahaha
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #5
cute story :P
Please write more FF!!
you are great!! :)
-HaeFany-Forever- #8
Write another ff! :) I will certainly support you~
VictoriaCookie #9
The last episode was nice!
xLaLoveYhu #10