Then there was...Ge!!!!!!!


-At the university-

Guigui still hadn't gotten rid of the feeling something was going to happen. She just wasn't able to think of anything that it could be. Frowning to herself she was unable to focus on the lecture Ms Maggie was giving.

And it wasn't heplful that outside on the sport field Aaron was looking at her making funny faces. To make her laugh ? Yes, but gui was sure it was only to get her kicked out of class. So she responded by making funny faces of her own, Aaron was laughing his off watching.

Not the smartest move, specially when you're int he middle of a soccer game. In one second  he was laughing while crying and the next second he was on the ground unconscious. Gui bit her lip, trying hard to stay seated instead of running out of the classroom.

Meanwhile Chun, Jiro and Calvin carried Aaron to the nurses office. Their school nurse told them to put him in one of the beds when she went to get ice for his head. Aaron on the other hand was dreaming.

He was at a beach watching gui play in the water. She was smiling at him happily before walking up to him and hugging onto him tightly. Then as she was whispering something he woke up.

After the cladd ended Gui walked straight to nurses office stepping in without knocking. As she entered she saw everyone was already there. Chun sitting on a chair next to idiots bed with Ella on his lap.

Jiro sat on the bed next to Aaron playing with his mobile while Selina was on a chair next to him. Calvin was a bit further talking on the phone (no suprise there) as Hebe sat next to Chunella.

-Hey idiot! Girls,boys. Guigui greeted them with a smile sitting down on bed next to Aarons feet.

-Hey!! I told you not to call me an idiot, stupid ! Aaron yelled back at her only to hurt his own head cause of the sudden action. Gui just stuck her tongue out at him.

The others just laughed at them soon gotten used to their constant fighting. They still can never understand why they bothered to call each other every evening just to bicker some more. Serously those two could bicker on the phone for hours.

But somehow it made them seem close mainly cause though they fought they were never really angry at each other. It was more like their way of communicating. Aaron had to stay in the office for a couple of hours to minimize the after affects.

-Later at Guigui and Ella's apartment-

When gui and Ella arrived at their apartment, Ella stepped in first picking up the mail on her way. Gui closed the door behind her taking off her jacket and shoes. Going to straight to kichen setting her schoolbag down on the table she looked at Ella who was corrently going through the post.

She saw Ellas eyes widen in suprise as she gave gui an envelope. -What's this ? Gui asked taking it from Ella who was grinning now. Looking at the senders name and address joy was the only thing on her face. She quickly ripped the letter open and read in superspeed.

Seeing gui read her letter in hurry Ella giggled at her roommates enthusiasm. She knew she was done reading it when gui started to jump up and down around the kitchen squiling at the same time. Seeing guis lips move, ella knew she was screaming something but couldn't make out what it was.

-Guigui ! Calm down and tell me what is it ! Ella shouted while laughing as gui slowly settled down still beaming.

-Ge's coming back. He's COMING back. He's actually coming BACK. Gui repeated unable to control her joy. And Ella can't blame her it had been about 1,5 years since she last saw her brother. And they were close even with the age cap of 7 years.

He's brother lived in America along with his and guis parents, so he wasn't excatly coming back. Just to visit his incredibly cute baby sister whom he loved dearly.

-Oh, Vanness-Ge is coming here ? Don't tell me he's planning to stay here at our place ? Gui shook her head "Ge preferres hotels" When is he coming ?

-ööö... Gui took the letter out again searching. On 5. April, wait, that's tomorrow ! Gui said startled, her brother was coming tomorrow.

She was happy and nervous at the same time. She loved her brother insanely of course but sometimes their age cap made her always feel like a child around him. And it didn't hep that Vanness treated her like on too. She totally forgot that her brothers presence might cause her little secret to leak out.

-Next day, America-

Vanness was seated comfortably in the airplane waiting for it to take off towards Taiwan, towards his baby sister. He had been missing her so much that Ady had finally told him to go and see her. Ady was his best friend and wife.

He sighed remembering memories he shared with his cute sister. He remembered her as this little innocent girl who always searched him for protection. And he profided it for her, every single time. If you talk about overprotective brother, he was excatly it. Trust me.


Updated ! It's shorter than I originally planned but oh well, it's still an update right ? Boring on but at least now we're getting somewhere.

So, what do you think of Vanness Wu as gui's bro ? And Ady An as his wife ? I just loved the drama Autumn's concerto if you haven't watched it watch it now. Trust me its so good. Can be watched on youtube ;D

Next up is confusion ! I'll update again when I have the time ! Comment <3

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Wow nice dewcriptions
Visiting old fics!
GunZaaGG #4
Chapter 17: Awww~~Aeron is really cute uhh? Jealous puppy~~~ Hahaha
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #5
cute story :P
Please write more FF!!
you are great!! :)
-HaeFany-Forever- #8
Write another ff! :) I will certainly support you~
VictoriaCookie #9
The last episode was nice!
xLaLoveYhu #10