
Just Wild n Young

    “It’s the weekend! Why don’t we do something fun?” Taeyang asked the group, who was lounging around in the living room.

“Well, what did you have in mind?” I asked, sitting next to him on the couch.


“Well, it is Saturday. Why don’t we all go out to a noraebang? Ya know, singing, drinks, fun stuff.”

“Sounds good. Let’s talk to the otmys about it.”


After some convincing, we finally talked them into taking us.

Taking two separate cars, the guys took me, Sojin, and MinJun out to a noraebang. I was surprised at the fact that all of the boys sang very well. One by one, even some duets, we all took our turns to sing our hearts out to a TV screen. Even the bashful TOP made his way to the front of the room to do a stunning performance. After a few drinks, of course, they forced me up tmye to make a fool of myself. I was never a heavy drinker, but the fruity margarita really hit the spot.Seungri had to take MinJun home before they both got carried away. Sojin, for someone so prim, held down my alcohol well. My head and shoulders swayed back and forth as the next singer stepped up. All I could hear was the distorted tone of the music. I was slowly losing control of my thoughts and actions until life was but a fast paced blur.


“I-ah, I think you’ve had a bit much.” GD said, the hair out of my face.

“Don’t say such things.” I scolded him and lightly beat on his chest.

“Alright, it’s time for you to go home.” he wrapped one of my arms around his neck and  lifted her onto his back.

“Ah, let me down you ert!” I screamed, but GD ignored my flailing.

“I’ll see you guys at home.”


The guys waved him goodbye and he turned to exit the noraebang. He placed her in the back seat of one of the cars and buckled my in. Driving slowly as to not upset her stomach, they finally made it to the mansion. He walked into the living room to find Seungri and MinJun fiercely making out on the sofa, practically eating each others faces off, but he ignored them.

GD hurriedly carried her up the stairs before his legs would give out. “Aish, so petite, yet so heavy~” he complained to himself. Thankfully, the bedroom door was cracked so he wouldn’t have to struggle to open it without dropping her. He pushed it open with his side, careful to not bump her on anything, and placed her as gently as his strength would allow on my bed. The glistening moonlight radiated off of her soft baby skin as the same moonlight would radiate off of an ocean pearl. He couldn’t help but to admire the way she was so at peace when asleep. He smirked at how cute I was sleeping.

“But such a pain while awake.” he whispered to himself. He flicked on a lamp to better revere her soft features, surely she wouldn’t wake out of her muddled state. He went into the bathroom and moistened a cloth, gently he began to wipe away her smeared mascara.

“I don’t know why you insist on putting on all of this makeup, you look just fine without it.” he said quietly to his own little version of a compliment, as if Dasom could hear him. As the black smudge became less evident, he continued with the rest of her face, clearing it back into its natural state. He turned away and back into the bathroom to rinse off the face cloth.


Fluttering my glossy eyes open, I sat up and looked around in a daze. I noticed a blurry man through my bathroom doorway, face turned towards the sink. Not being completely sober, I couldn’t identify the strange, yet familiar figure. I silently questioned to myself who this man was and why was he with me? The water shut off and he hung the thing he was rinsing somewhere in the bathroom. Quickly, I resumed my position on the bed, pretending to be asleep. The man returned to the edge of my bed, looking down on me.

GD looked into the closet to find a nightgown and settled on a black silk one. He pondered whether he should do it or not. I probably won’t sleep comfortably in these clothes, but that would be an invasion of my privacy while she’s sleeping. I could just try without looking.Dasom would never trust me to do this. Were all of the thoughts going through his head.  I guess I should just...

His hand trailed down to the hem of my blouse. He took a deep breath to assure himself that this is the right thing to do. He’d never been this hesitant to take a girl’s clothes off before, but not like this. Slowly, he pulled up the shirt and slid it over my arms. I tried my best not to blush, being exposed to him. The warmth of his gaze bore down on me, although it only must have been a few seconds. Quickly he replaced it with the gown, not wanting to see more than he was supposed to. His face fluId with red as he completed his task and tossed my clothing into the wash. He took one last peaceful look at the sleeping beauty as he flicked off the lights and made his way to the door.



He turned back in surprise that I had just called him as such.

“You aren’t going to leave me alone are you?”

“Why not?” he asked with almost a concerned tone.

“There are bad people after me. They-they want to k-...want to kill me!” I sat up and hugged my knees, my head bundled in between.

“They won’t hurt you, I promise.” GD whispered as he slowly crept towards the door.

my eyes began tearing up, soon I found myself bawling. “They are going to kill me just like my brother!” I sobbed between breaths. “Omma will have no one left.” At the sound of my owner’s cries, Jolie began to bay and howl. “Aish, be quiet Jolie.” he bent down to pet the distressed puppy. GD had no choice but to take pity on my. Almost rolling off of the bed, I felt a pair of arms, belonging to my unknown savior, catch my. “I won’t leave you, just, please don’t cry.” he was the cruel leader of Big Bang, but he had a hidden soft spot and he hated to see innocent people cry.

“You will?” my wails ceased.

“Yes. I promise.” he ed his blazer and laid it neatly on a chair, sitting on the bed next to me, being sure to keep the space between him and I, but a tipsy girl like myself quickly changed that by rolling right into his chest. “Dasom-ah, don’t you want some space?”

“Mhm.” I mumbled as I stayed in position, I felt comfy there, although I didn’t know exactly who he was. “Goodnight oppa.”

“Sleep well, Dasom.”

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LuvDoc #1
Chapter 12: Con-tin-ue.
LuvDoc #2
Chapter 10: I have been waiting for an update! Why you leave us hanging author-nim? XD <3
cheong4life #3
I love this!
Chapter 2: love it already! I personally like the way you wrote for the 1st chapter, but it's up to you authornim! Great job, can't wait for updates #nopressurethough ;) :D <333
LuvDoc #5
Chapter 1: I think this will be interesting! Be sure to keep going! XD