
Just Wild n Young

I edited this chapter quite a bit so feel free to read the changes. It doesn't really change the plot much, but it expands more on what I'm trying to convey, so enjoy~

    I’ve been living in this mansion for a while now. Everyone treats me okay, even Big Bang, despite, their line of work, always make sure I’m cared for. It was a quiet Sunday. All I heard was the quiet grunts of Jolie as she settled into a new position every few minutes. I had barely left my room since breakfast. It’s been days since I last contacted anyone in the outside world.  I laid, sprawled out on my bed with my head hanging off of the edge. This whole government-trying-to-murder-me thing has really gotten into my head. What if their tracking my every move and plotting when and where I will get shot by some hidden sniper? Pssh, I’m thinking too much about it. Big Bang said they’ll protect me, right? They seem like some pretty dangerous dudes, so I should feel safe. But there’s always that constant feeling that I could die within the next minute. I understand why no one would let me out of the house alone.

I heard a soft knock at the door.

“Come in,” I uttered. The door slowly creaked open and around it came Daesung. “Hey sleepyhead! I haven’t seen you all day.” he exclaimed.

I sat up and he lightly ruffled my hair. “What’s the matter? You seem forlorn.”he asked as he sat on the edge of my bed with me. I hesitated, trying to find the right words to say.

“Well, I just don’t feel safe anywhere nowadays.”

“But we’re here to protect you and make you feel safe.”

“I  know, but there’s always that underlying feeling.”

“Come on. I may be all smiles, but I know how to work a gun. All that’s on my mind is getting that locket.” he clutched my left hand in both of his. “We’ll protect you, I give you my word.”

“Thanks, Daesung.” I gave him a whole-hearted hug for a few seconds. His hug was as chaste as his heart.

“Hey, Dasom-ah-” GD peeked into my agape door. “Oh, hey guys.” he said with a little more awkwardness than before. I let go of Daesung and faced GD, still hiding his body behind the door frame. “Hey, GD.”

“I-um- just wanted to-to know if you wanted to go...out. Y-ya know, since you haven’t really been out of the mansion and I-uh-I’m not really doing anything today, sooo...” he blundered.

“That sounds like a great idea. Let me just put some real clothes on.” I stood as they looked at my pajamas.

“Oh, ok. I’ll just be out here.” he swayed away  from the door and around the corner of the hallway.

Daesung stood and excused himself from my room. I threw on a purple hoodie, black shorts, and some Converse. I went out into the living room to find GD busy loading a gun, revolver I suppose.

“Ehem.” I cleared my throat to get his attention. He looked up startled, but soon relaxed when he saw me. His mouth slightly ajar as he looked me up and down. Suddenly, he snapped himself back into reality. “Ready to go?” he asked.

“Yes, but..do you really need to carry a gun?” I stood with my hand on my hip and an eyebrow raised.

“A little reassuring protection of course.And it’s not for me...it’s yours. ” his face cracked a smirk. iI stuttered, “I-I can’t handle a gun my hand. I shook my head as he laid it in my hand.

“The safety is on..and you’ve seen movies right? Just aim and shoot..and don’t hold it too close to your face when you shoot you’ll hit yourself in the face.” he chuckled as he tucked his own pistol on the inside of his coat while escorting me out of the front door and gates. The scent of fresh air brought life to me again. He led me to a clean white Bentley. I gawked at the luxury car.

“Get in. It’s my personal car.”

“So now I’m your personal business?” I gave him an impudent look as I sank down into the passenger’s seat.

“You can be if you wanna.” he wriggled his eyebrows suggestively.

“You wish.” I crossed my arms and sat back in the seat as he sped off down the road. “Where are we going?”

“Where do you want to go?”

“It’s about noon, wanna do lunch?” he asked, his eyes still on the road.



We made our way to a brunch restaurant called A La Carte.  

“Stay with me at all times.” he looked around as we got out of the car.

“Even in the bathroom?” my eyebrow rose.

“Of course” he smirked again. That grossly attractive smirk, aish.

Outside there were newspaper stands. I grabbed one to check up on what had been going on since I left. I held it in my hand as I looked up at the sign.

“French?” I asked as we walked inside.

“Yep,” he followed in after me, “Is that okay with you?’

“Yeah. It’s fine.”

We were led to a table for two. I sat the paper next to me on the seat and replaced it with a menu. I had ordered a crepe and GD just got a coffee. GD consciously examined the place, his eyes darting at every corner, every person. People had their eyes fixed on the both of us, some started to whisper to each other. Feeling extremely uneasy and trying my best to ignore them, I looked over the newspaper I had picked up. Something caught my eye..

“Um, GD?”

“Hm?” he focused his attention back on me. I silently handed the paper to him. A brow raised as he scanned over the headline: Supermodel Lee Dasom declared missing, the investigation continues for the twentieth day.

“Hm..” he sipped his coffee and sighed. “Let’s just finish our breakfast, huh?”

I nodded and took a few bites silently. Nervousness rose in my stomach as I looked around. I reached into my bag and put on a pair of reading glasses as to divert their  suspicion.

Keeping a calm act, he leaned across the table and whispered, “I think we should go before people start getting suspicious.” I nodded and followed his lead. Leaving some money on the table, he took my hand and walked illusively through the restaurant. We finally made it out of the front doors and into the car once again.

“You think anyone knew it was you?” GD asked with a heavy breath as he started the car.

“Well, we weren’t exactly discreet.” I crossed my arms and sat back. The idle silence eating me alive. Flashes of that newspaper found their way into my mind. The headline, that distraught picture that had to use, a few lines from the article.

Thousands of fans, friends, and family gathering to comfort each other as they pray for Lee’s return. We contacted her mother desperately pleading to her captor “please bring her home safely, she’s all I have.”   And here I was, sitting in the car of my abductor, with whom I just had brunch. Mother must be worrying herself sick for me. Unknowingly, tears began to drip down my cheeks. I silently weeped to myself until GD noticed. He stopped at a stoplight and looked over to me.

“Dasom-ah...” his voice trailed off. I slowly looked up and turned towards him with a pitiful look.

“Tell me what’s wrong.”

I hiccuped and let it out at once. “It’s just, I feel so bad because everyone is so worried and I can’t do anything. And..and my mother lost me, her last child, she has no one to comfort her. I’m just...just scared and frustrated that I can’t let everyone know I’m okay.”

GD caressed my face, wiping away the tears with his thumbs. He held my face up to his, mimicking my pouting expression. “Come on~, don’t cry. S’all gonna be alright, isn’t it?”

The light shown green again and the car moved. GD took light hold of my left hand with his right, gently the back of it with his thumb as he drove.

“Can’t I just see my mother once?” I whispered to him.

“I’m sorry. If word gets out, they’ll know that you’ve been back into the city and they’d probably catch you sooner.”

I drew out a long sigh. “GD, don’t you have family that you wish you could visit?”

“My only family is at the mansion.”

“No parents, siblings, distant relatives?”

“Of course, how do you think I got into this line of business?”

“Then tell me..”

He in a sharp breath and began, “Well, my mom was doing this first, she was powerful, ruthless, and feared. Met a dashing young fellow, had kids, ya know. My older sister, then me. Her enemies targeted everyone she was close to in an attempt to bring her down. They killed my dad, right in front me.” he said coldly. “Probably would have been me if mother hadn’t kept an eagle’s watch over us at all times. My mother decided she wanted to pass on a strong female role to my older sister, who ran away to avoid the responsibility. Haven’t seen her since she was 17. Then mom died, probably murdered, who knows.” he uttered. “Then there’s me and my crew.”

“How old were you?”

“I dunno maybe 13, that’s when I joined this void.”

“What if your sister’s still out there? Don’t you want to see her?”

“I guess so, but that’s not my main concern right now.”

“Then what is?”

“You know, you not dying, getting your locket back so it doesn’t put this country into an apocalypse.”

“Oh. That’s important, but don’t you feel..empty?”


“I’m a monster, I can’t have feelings. They’re weaknesses.”


You guys know what? I wrote this story about a year ago and it lol x(
I'm actually a much better writer now so I'm trying to change it around but feel free to give me any suggestions as to what you like and don't like, what could developed more, things like that and I promise I'll work to make this better ya know?
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LuvDoc #1
Chapter 12: Con-tin-ue.
LuvDoc #2
Chapter 10: I have been waiting for an update! Why you leave us hanging author-nim? XD <3
cheong4life #3
I love this!
Chapter 2: love it already! I personally like the way you wrote for the 1st chapter, but it's up to you authornim! Great job, can't wait for updates #nopressurethough ;) :D <333
LuvDoc #5
Chapter 1: I think this will be interesting! Be sure to keep going! XD