Just Wild n Young

Firstly I'd like to say a big thanks to all of my subscribers! There aren't many of you but I appreciate that someone somewhere likes my story and takes the time to read it. Please continue to enjoy it*^^*

As the sun melted into the horizon, I laid in bed. Darkness enveloped the walls and floor until it had engulfed my entire room. All the while I spent staring blankly at the silk, white, curtains that surrounded my bed. Ever so slowly, I let my eyelids fall. As I let tiredness overcome me, I heard something creaking open. Hearing, quietly noises and movements, I assumed that it was coming from the outside. I finally opened my eyes as I began to feel weary, as if someone was watching me from behind, but only my pillows supported my back. I looked up and saw a tall shadow outside of my bed’s curtains.

“MinJun? Sojin? GD?” I stuttered, trying to identify the figure. The curtains swept aside, revealing an unrecognizable being.

“Shhh, you’re gonna make this a lot harder than it has to be.” The feminine voice whispered. A gloved hand cupped my mouth and pulled me towards the person’s chest, holding me in some kind of death grip.I wriggled and a screamed, my shouts being muffled by the hand as it only gripped tighter. A sharp pain stung my upper arm as something needle-like was jabbed into it. I screamed once more, hot tears and sweat streaming down my face. Little by little, my body began to numb, until I felt like nothing, but a ragdoll. I was thrown back onto my bed, barely feeling a thing as I was slowly deprived of my senses. The door slammed open once again.

“Dasom-ah!” a man’s voice yelled as a gunshot went off before consciousness drew away from me.


Short Chapter...I mean like really really short chapter ugh                                                                                                       but I thought I'd give you guys a break from the long chapters with a little teaser~

But maybe another update later today, okay? heh

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LuvDoc #1
Chapter 12: Con-tin-ue.
LuvDoc #2
Chapter 10: I have been waiting for an update! Why you leave us hanging author-nim? XD <3
cheong4life #3
I love this!
Chapter 2: love it already! I personally like the way you wrote for the 1st chapter, but it's up to you authornim! Great job, can't wait for updates #nopressurethough ;) :D <333
LuvDoc #5
Chapter 1: I think this will be interesting! Be sure to keep going! XD