Just Wild n Young

I'm sory this chapeter is sooo long but I hope it's interesting and please share my stuff ^^


Staying low, I peeked my eyes out of the window to see aggravated  looks on their faces. Seungri opened the driver's side door and pulled a shaking man out. It was the ajusshi that stole my locket. He was slammed onto the cold cement and had already started bleeding. I gasped. They were yelling angrily, looking more and more irritated each time the man shook his head. They were so loud I could hear a bit through the window.

"Where the is it!?" GD barked. The man stammered onto his knees, shaking his head as if saying he doesn't know. TOP whipped his pistol against the man's cheek. He let out a shrill cry. I cupped both hands over my mouth as I watched in horror. I felt dreadful watching the man being abused, but I knew I shouldn't get involved. Taeyang and Seungri began to search inside the car.

"There's nothing hyung." Seungri said. GD ripped open the man's jacket and checked everywhere inside. "." He cursed.  

I couldn't bear to see the man's pitiful look or hear the aggression anymore. I shrunk back into my chair and covered my ears while I shut my eyes tightly. I still clearly heard a loud gunshot outside the window. Startled and scared, I sat in silence. Within a few seconds, it was over. The guys made their way back into the car silently.

"Let's go." Is all GD said before the car took off again. He looked at me with a sorry expression. He surely noticed that I was still shaking. "Dasom-ah-"

"You-you're a monster. You're all monsters."

He looked at me emotionless. "I know I am. But some things just have to be done." He lifted his hand to caress my hair, but I flinched at his hand. "Just..d-don't touch me." I snapped. They said they wouldn't hurt me, but I was honestly.scared of the men sitting in the car with me. Murmuring quietly to each other as if they hadn't just shot a man.

"GD," I said.


"Is this what Dongwoon did too?"

"Yes." was all he said and he returned to staring blankly out of the window.

"Oh." I said quietly. I was disgusted, disappointed, and hurt. My own brother, doing this to people? He was such a sweet guy, what happened to the brother that I knew? “He’s the reason you have to protect me..and the locket?”

“Uhuh.” he nodded.

As much as wanted to go home and wake up from this dream, I had no choice but to trust them. Either that or live in fear of being killed by the government. I felt myself getting heavier, my eyes drooping. Soon, I leaned on a shoulder next to me and relaxed my eyes, letting the smooth ride lull me to sleep.


I opened my glossy eyes to find myself in a large bed. My fingertips ran along the champagne colored silk sheets and duvet. Surrounding the bed was a translucent white curtain hanging from a ring on the ceiling. I sat up and pulled the curtain around to open it. I was in an exquisite. I looked around, observing every detail of this room. Of any room I had stayed in,  I stood up and looked into a large mirror, noticing that I wasn't wearing my own clothes. Instead, I was wearing a light blue nightgown that barely reached my thighs, but it wasn't too revealing to my relief.

"Ah you're up, Ms.Lee." a blonde haired man placed a tray of tea on the bedside table. I looked at him with a puzzled look. “I’m Daesung. The others will be back soon. You’re safe here, so there’s nothing to worry about.” He gave me a lovely smile. “Oh, and you’re clothes are in the wash. Don’t worry, I had the female maids pick and change your clothes.” he assured me with a cheerful laugh.

“Oh, hello then. Who’s room is this?” I asked Daesung, wondering where I had woken up.

“Your room. And this is your bed, and your bathroom, and your closet,” he strolled around to each area he named as he continued, “and your TV, your wardrobe, your makeup, your jewelry, your puppy,” he smiled as he pulled out, to my surprise, a wrinkly little shar pei with a mini pink bow. “This is your tea,” he poured a glass of hot water into the mug, sitting it back down to let the tea leaves steep. “And I’m your Daesung.”

I felt like a princess. As if I had just awoken into yet another dream world. I sighed. It was only a dream, honestly.

“W-why are they giving me these things?”

“We thought that since you’re going to be here, being protected, you might as well feel at home.”

I suddenly plopped down back into actuality. The reality was that there are people that want to kill me, I’ve been taken from home without any warning and I haven’t contacted anyone, and may well never see that locket again. I sat forlorn on the bed as the realisation set into my mind.

“Would you mind telling me what time it is?” I asked, wondering how long I had been asleep.

“It’s about 11:20 PM.”

“Well, I guess I won’t be getting any sleep tonight.”

“Well, I’m right down the hall and to the left if you need me. And there are maids around if you need anything else.” he gave a friendly chuckle as he made his way out. As he exited, two women entered and bowed.

“Annyeonghaseyo Ms.Lee, we are your personal maids.” they smiled and said simultaneously. “I’m MinJun.” the petite, orange-haired said. “And I’m Sojin.” the slightly taller, long purple-haired one said. "Wow, "MinJun gawked at me. "I never thought I'd meet a model. You're so pretty even in real life!" Her eyes looked at me in wonder.

"Thank you." I blushed at such a compliment.

Sojin started to straighten up little odds and ends in my bedroom. "Now, master Dragon Shi told us to aid you in every need, so please, don't hesitate to ask us for anything."

"Master dragon?"

"Young master G-Dragon. He carried you in himself.” Minjun answered, “Ah, you’re so lucky. Master Dragon is pretty handsome, as a matter of fact, I wouldn’t mind being carried by any of the Big Bang members.”

“Aish, keep dreaming, MinJun-ah, they don’t have time for girls. And they most definitely don’t have the energy to keep up with you.” Sojin playfully ruffled the younger’s hair. G-Dragon...GD? GD carried me into this room?

“So Big Bang owns this mansion?”

“Indeed.” Sojin said.

“Is Daesung part of Big Bang?”

“Then why doesn’t he go out and do the things that the other guys do?”

“Daesung is more of the information center. He is intelligent and more docile, he never really liked doing the dirty work.” Sojin continued to put every last detail of my room in order. He didn’t seem to give off such an alchemistic demeanor like the other guys. Daesung seemed more friendly and cordial, he instantly made me feel welcome.

As I checked the time again, it was almost midnight. Great, I have a photoshoot in the morning that I’m not going to make even if I tried.  

“Thank you for helping me get situated ladies. Please, get some rest now.” I bowed to them and let them leave.

“Thank you Ms.Lee.” They both bowed before the left, leaving me in silence. I plopped onto my surprisingly bouncy bed and my stubby little shar pei whined at the foot of the bed. I bent down to retrieve her and let her relax on my blanket.

“Have you thought of a name yet?” An all-too-familiar voice came from the doorway. He came in and took a seat and stretched his arms out on the lip shaped sofa near the television stand. I jumped and turned to him.

“Relax..” he held his hands up in surrender.

“You just killed a man, how could I relax around you? I scoffed.

“I’ve killed a lot of people. But this time it’s to protect you, just like Dongwoon.”

“Shut up! Shut up shut up shut up!” I threw a pillow, hitting his chest, yet he seemed unaffected.

“The sooner you accept reality and learn from it...the sooner you can understand what we do and why we’re doing it.”

“I just didn’t want this..I wanted answers, not this.” I sighed in defeat.

“Not seeing things for what they are isn’t going to change it”

“I know but..” I wiped a stray tear from my cheek.”Ah...I don’t know what I’m saying.”

“It’s alright..” he sighed, “just try to understand us.”

“I’l try..” I picked up the puppy and stared into her gently wrinkled face. “She’s pretty, maybe I should name her Jolie.”

“Jolie..French right?”

“Yeah. I studied it in high school.”  

“Interesting.” he leaned back and relaxed on the sofa. After a few moments of silence, I asked him, “So, did you really carry me into my room?”

“Yeah.” he smirked.

“Well, It’s not the first thing I’d expect from you.”

He lifted his head and peered in my direction, “I have a job to do, to protect you at all costs. Plus you were pretty cute sleeping.”

“Oh, so first you’re all bad boy, and now you think I’m cute?”

He rolled his eyes, “I said when you’re asleep.”

“You’re a real complex character GD. What is your real name anyway?”


“I meant your real real name.” I looked at him, slightly annoyed at his smartass remark.

He only let out a small chuckle at my question. “You’ll learn that soon enough.”

“Hey, what is that supposed to mean?”

Slowly, he walked towards me and leaned forward, resting both hands on my bed on either side of me. He leaned in until his face was inches apart from mine.

“You’ll know my name when it matters.” he said in a low, hesitant voice.

“Why doesn’t it matter now?” I said, matching his low tone. He shrugged off my question with a smirk. He stood upright and turned to walk out of my room, leaving me dumbfounded.

“Don’t you have some sleep to be getting?” he asked with his back facing me in the doorway.

“I’ve slept all day. Don’t you have some have a locket to be retrieving?” I retaliated.

“Workin’ on it.” he said as he finally closed the door. I cuddled Jolie as I laid on my pillow. “Well I’ll just stay here and work on not being killed.”


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LuvDoc #1
Chapter 12: Con-tin-ue.
LuvDoc #2
Chapter 10: I have been waiting for an update! Why you leave us hanging author-nim? XD <3
cheong4life #3
I love this!
Chapter 2: love it already! I personally like the way you wrote for the 1st chapter, but it's up to you authornim! Great job, can't wait for updates #nopressurethough ;) :D <333
LuvDoc #5
Chapter 1: I think this will be interesting! Be sure to keep going! XD