Just Wild n Young

My eyes fluttered open to find myself still sitting at the airport. My luggage was still in tact.

“What a wicked dream.” I said to myself as I fixed myself up. I checked the time on the flight board. My phone buzzed in my pocket.”Yoboseyo?”

“Da Som! Where are you? Your plane landed two hours ago! I’ve been calling you since.” My manager,Yongbin, yelled through the phone.

“I must’ve fallen asleep and missed my flight! Aish, I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay the photoshoot doesn’t start until noon tomorrow. I’ll schedule the 4 AM flight for tomorrow morning.”  

“Fine.” I sighed.

“Yah, don’t give me attitude. I’m not the one that missed my flight.”

“Mian. I’ll see you tomorrow.” We both said bye and hung up.

I stood and prepared to exit the airport. Looking down down at the seat, I made sure that I didn’t leave anything behind. My hand grazed over my flat pocket, panic struck my chest. I check the other, nothing. My locket was gone.  I scanned around everywhere, retraced steps, and checked all of my bags, but it was no use. It was gone. Salt water threatened to fall from my eyes. I’ve lost it, I failed my brother. That wasn’t a dream, the man took my locket, but why? Where is he now?

I ran through the airport and out of the large sliding doors. I frantically searched for the man, but he must’ve disappeared hours ago. I wiped my face clear of any tears before a taxi rolled up in front of me. Two men exited to car and took hold of my baggage, putting in the trunk.

“Where to, ma’am?” the driver asked. “Can you just take me to Hannam-Dong, Yongsan-Gu please?” I sighed in defeat and climbed into the back seat to find another man in the seat. The two others climbed back into the car, one in the passenger’s front seat and another joining us in the back. “Or maybe I’ll just get anot-”

“Why the rush, sweetheart?" The man next to me asked with a sly smirk. "Oh Gosh, I'm being kidnapped.” I began to bang on the back window screaming. I was caught in a sleeper-hold from behind, some swiftly pulling me back into my seat. "Shhh, Dasom-ah." The voice said softer than I expected a kidnapper to sound. His gloved hand cupped me by the mouth.  He removed his hand from my mouth and I immediately started pleading. "Don't hurt me. Please let me go. I have a flight in the morning I have family please let me-" the hand clasped my mouth again until I stopped struggling. "We're not gonna hurt you. Don’t you remember me?” The man to my left chuckled as the car began moving. “It’s the hair right?” he removed his shades to allow me a better look at his face. “It’s me, GD! I know, it’s been awhile huh?” He pushed the neon colored fringe out of his face. I observed him a second more to confirm who I was actually seeing.

“GD.” I whispered. It’s true, he has changed since I last saw him when I was a teen, but I suppose I’ve changed a lot to him as well.

“Hyung, I thought you said we’d be protecting GDn's sister, not a supermodel!” the man to the right of me spoke.


“Your brother, Dongwoon.” GD said in a low voice.

“Oh.” I felt a lump forming in throat, but refused to let it get the better of me, especially when I had other things sort out.  “Lee Seunghyun, at your service.” The other lifted and laid a peck on my hand “Nice to meet you, then.” my face grew a bit red.

“Don’t be such a creep Seungri. ” the passenger seat man finally spoke, “Our job is to protect her and get that locket back.”  

“I’m just trying to make her feel comfortable, Taeyang hyung.” Seungri gave himself a smug smirk. I turned to him to see him tinkering with my phone.

“Yah, what are you doing?” I tried to snatch my phone back but he pulled it away

He put a hand up to block me.

“Relax, I’m just disabling the GPS so they can’t track your phone. Heh.”

“Wait, you guys know something about the locket?” I perked up.

“We’ve been tracking it for ages. And that agent guy now has it in his possession. We have his location, but he seems to be moving, so we're following him.  We’re going to claim what is ours and your brother’s.” The smoky eyed driver answered.

“You guys are against the government-run agency? So... technically you are the bad guys?”

“It depends on who you’re asking.” GD sniggered.

“Where are we going anyway?” I asked, looking out of the window to notice that we are crossing over a bridge.

“We need that locket, of course.”

“Why is it so important to you though?”

“To put it simply, the government wants what you have. So they can gain money and power. Typical. Tsk, as if this world wasn’t corrupt enough.” our driver spoke, keeping his eyes straight focused on the road, “I’m Seunghyun Choi by the way...you can call me TOP.” he threw in.

“Lee Seunghyun and Choi Seunghyun..”


“Ok, so TOP, GD, Seungri, and Taeyang” I identified each man individually.

“There’s still someone in our unit to get comfortable with.”

"So, if you guys are a unit, then there are more of you in a bigger organization?"

"Correct. Basically there is one big organization, that one splits into dozens of smaller organizations, and each organization has sub-units. Our unit is Big Bang, but there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, stationed around the world." GD informed me.

"Of all of the groups there are, why did you come kidnap me?"

"Ah, kidnap is such a strong word." He rubbed the back of his neck, "We're here to protect you because we made a promise to Dongwoon before his last mission, that we would keep you and that locket safe. But not to interfere with you unless it was absolutely necessary. He didn't want you to know much about this life he had. He didn't want to scare you or make you a target for any of our enemies."

"So this is like a gang right?"

"Well, more like the top secret agencies you see in movies." Seungri added.

"My brother was a good guy. Why would he associate with a gang organization?"

GD looked in my direction. "Good people do bad things sometimes...you’re brother killed a lot of people to protect a lot of people, so it evens itself out.”

The rest of the ride was silent as GD drove for who knows how many hours...or minutes. I had lost track of time a while ago. Abruptly, the car pulled over.

"There's the bastard."

All four men readied themselves and got out of the car. GD poked his head back inside, "Close your eyes, sweetheart. You might not wanna see this." He closed and locked the car. Before turning around and drawing a  revolver from his long coat pocket. Only leaving me in the car to watch in fear as I saw the four lurk to the parked car, weapons in hand.



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LuvDoc #1
Chapter 12: Con-tin-ue.
LuvDoc #2
Chapter 10: I have been waiting for an update! Why you leave us hanging author-nim? XD <3
cheong4life #3
I love this!
Chapter 2: love it already! I personally like the way you wrote for the 1st chapter, but it's up to you authornim! Great job, can't wait for updates #nopressurethough ;) :D <333
LuvDoc #5
Chapter 1: I think this will be interesting! Be sure to keep going! XD