Just Wild n Young

December 6th, 2009

I stood there, in the rain, at his grave They said he had a heart attack. No. He was way too young and healthy. I looked at the small object in my cold hands.

“You wanted my to have this. Why?”

There, I knelt down. “You were always hiding something, weren’t you? Oppa, you wouldn’t even tell our own motmy. Was it to protect us? Why did you leave us with all of these questions?”

I stood again. “It wasn’t what they said it was, oppa I know you. That wouldn’t happen. I’ll find out. Stay with little sis, ok?”

I placed my umbrella over the tombstone and sloshed back to my mother’s car with that little metal object in hand.


April 3th, 2013: 5 AM

“Ugh.” I rolled out of bed to the sound of my alarm. It was still dark outside. I dragged myself into the bathroom and freshened up. Pointy black heels slipped onto my slender feet after I dressed in a casual jacket and skinny black jeans. Lastly, I grabbed my duffle bag and paused to look at a hanging picture of my brother. “Oppa,I’m still looking for the answers. Send my a clue, eh?” I clutched the silver necklace that laid next to the picture and tucked it into my pocket.


It’s been almost four years since he died. He never really talked to anyone about his personal life, I never got a much time with him because he was always going from Korea to otmy places. When I was fifteen, I saw a couple of his colleagues once, there was one by which he called “GD." He and another tall man were at the funeral as well, though they did not really speak much to anyone. He would make mom worried sick, but he would always come back when he finished business and stay with them.  Before he left the last time, he was especially uneasy, as if he knew that he wasn’t coming back to comfort them again. He handed me this necklace with a small unopenable locket hanging at the end. I never discovered what’s inside. All he said was  “If I’m not back, I want you to take this and don’t give it to anyone.”

And with that he left left...forever.


    I left the house to catch a taxi to the airport. I had to get to a magazine photoshoot in New York. I walked into the airport and searched for my terminal. I headed over to the waiting area and sat. I examined my locket for a little while, slowly turning it.

"Excuse me miss. That seems like a very pretty locket you have there." An said from behind my, making my turn around. The markings on each side puzzled me the most.

"Oh, thank you ajusshi."

"Would you mind telling my what's inside?" He asked.

"Well, honestly, I don't know myself."

"That's unfortunate." He observed the lockets from over my shoulder then looked down and discreetly typed some unknown device.

Just then, I heard the ding of the intercom, signalling that my plane was loading.

"Oh well, I must get going ajusshi." I slightly bowed and began to make my way to the terminal.

“Wait miss!” The sir came running behind me, grabbing my luggage-free hand.  

“Mister,” I struggled to get out of his grip, “I have to go.”

“You must hand over that locket.”

“Excuse me?” I was suddenly put into a choke hold and a moist cloth was put over my nose. After what seemed like minutes of struggling, I was forced to inhale the fumes. I went limp as the rest of the world shrank until all there was was blackness.  

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LuvDoc #1
Chapter 12: Con-tin-ue.
LuvDoc #2
Chapter 10: I have been waiting for an update! Why you leave us hanging author-nim? XD <3
cheong4life #3
I love this!
Chapter 2: love it already! I personally like the way you wrote for the 1st chapter, but it's up to you authornim! Great job, can't wait for updates #nopressurethough ;) :D <333
LuvDoc #5
Chapter 1: I think this will be interesting! Be sure to keep going! XD