Chapter Six -- The Explanation

Professor Taekwoon and the Endless Eternity

"His name is Jung Taekwoon. That evil genius is you, Professor."

"WHAT?!" Sanghyuk yells.
"I...was afraid you'd say that," Taekwoon confesses.
"That can't be true!" Sanghyuk speaks.
"I am sad to say that I'm not mistaken," the future Sanghyuk comments. "They call him the devil in the top hat; he rules Seoul from the shadows. This is common knowledge to everyone."
"Tell me more, Sanghyuk," Taekwoon demands.
"More? I don't know anymore than you, Professor," Sanghyuk comments.
"I was referring to the other Sanghyuk. This is rather complicated," Taekwoon states. "Tell me, Sanghyuk. How did I rise over all of Seoul?"
"Where to begin? Here, you'll surely remember this?" The future Sanghyuk asks, handing over a newspaper.
"This is about the accident the other day," Sanghyuk comments.
"I suppose it was the other day for you," future Sanghyuk laughs. "However, here it has been ten years."
"It was a dark time for Seoul. The mayor was gone, supporting government was in chaos," he starts.
"Yeah, that is happening now," Sanghyuk confirms.
"Professor, you viewed the accident which changed Seoul forever," he continues. "It was a failure."
"Yes, the mayor, and that scientist."
"You mean Doctor Kim Ravi?" Sanghyuk interrupts.
"Several people, and them went missing. It seems the explosion killed them," Taekwoon explains.
"That is the story in the papers. What if I told you Ravi was alive?" The future Sanghyuk asks.
"Impossible," Sanghyuk gasps.
"It's not. Ravi escaped, but he went into hiding after his failure," he explains.
"He was responsible for the loss of our leader," Taekwoon comments.
"He was given shelter by the most unlikely person. You, Professor," he explains.
"Me? Why?" Taekwoon questions.
"My question exactly. In the months following, you grew distant from me. You started speaking with the underground leaders," he explains.
"The Professor?! Never!" Sanghyuk exclaims.
"Don't be so sure. Time chances things. Something about Ravi's research intrigued you, Professor. You ranted and raved about time travel. You seemed to want to chance the past."
"Changing the past?" Taekwoon questions.
"Ravi wished to continue, but he didn't have the money. You took over the underworld."
"No..." Sanghyuk whispers.
"People tried to stop you, but no one matched your wit. You were raking in Won from dirty businesses. It didn't take long for Ravi to complete his work."
"Completed?" Taekwoon questions.
"He created the machine in the clock shop on Midland Road. It is a strange choice of words, as it is far from complete."
"How so?" Taekwoon asks.
"It's random. You don't choose where you end up in the flow of time. It just opens two holes."
"You mean a worm hole!" Sanghyuk states, smiling brightly.
"Yes, exactly. By chance it opened our two times. This will allow us to go back and forth between our times."
"But this wormhole seems so important my future self," Taekwoon comments. "Surely my future must keep a close eye on it."
"I'll get to that, but there are more pressing matters I must address."
"Go on then," Taekwoon comments.
"Always ahead. You haven't lost your touch, Professor. I wish to enlist your help."
"You want me to stop myself?" Taekwoon questions.
"Even as we speak, future you is attempting to create a perfect time machine. He's been going back to gather every scientist," future Sanghyuk explains.
"Why? There must be plenty here," Sanghyuk asks.
"Many were lost when Ravi's experiment went wrong. He had no choice to go back to gather talent."
"Thing are bad already, but he succeeds, there is no saying what would happen. Someone needs to stop him. I know of only one."
"It's me. That's what you were going to stay," Taekwoon comments.
"We need to fight fire with fire. No one else stands a chance."
"How? I am unfamiliar with the area, and I have no clue as to where to find the man," Taekwoon reminds.
"That is something we will have to overcome. He base is known, and we should start there."
"You mean this isn't the future professor's headquarters?" Sanghyuk asks.
"No, this is but a moneymaker. His headquarters are in Chinatown."
"Let's visit the place, and see if we can learn more," Taekwoon decides. "Just so you know. I find something off, about this situation. Much is unclear. But we must find the man claiming to be me."
"Somehow, I figured this wouldn't be enough for you, Professor."
"I'm coming, too," Sanghyuk states.
"Of course you are. If I can't trust myself, who can I trust?"
"That makes me feel off," Sanghyuk confesses. His future self laughs.
"You'll get used to it. We need you after all. Oh, one more thing, Professor."
"Dr. Kim Ravi, he doesn't exist. That name is a fake."
"Really now?" Taekwoon asks.
"Whomever it was, he doesn't want to be known."
"Now that you say that, few people seemed to know him," Taekwoon comments. "What would motivate him to use a false name?"
"Another question I hope we answer," the future Sanghyuk asks.
"It doesn't make sense. Hmm," Taekwoon hums.
"What are you thinking, Professor?" Sanghyuk asks.
"We can talk as we go. Let's head back up to Flatstone Street."







A/N: An update. Can someone make me a poster? Pretty please. (-<) <3 ^_^

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Wait! I just realised, I can finally read this thing! I - finally - played Unwound Future a few months ago, so now I can read this without having spoilers! :D
What? Why is Jaehwan Don Paolo?
priscila2909 #3
Chapter 9: so, when hakyeon will appear in this story? can't wait Neo moment in here~
adelliaar #4
Chapter 1: in this story, amber as what?
trixiecanadilla1234 #5
waah cant wait for the fight between the two Taekwoon and Still waiting for Amber and ..NEO!!!♥♥
Chapter 6: OMG!!! @_@ What?! Taekwoon vs Taekwoon. Who will win and how? XD
My favorite game with my ultimate bias as my favorite character? Oh, god yes. Upvoted and Subscribed; I'm so stoked for this rn.
Chapter 3: Amber and Neo! :))) update soon!
kalahawj #9
Chapter 3: Amber!!!! Waiting
Waiting for amber :p