Chapter Five -- The Casino

Professor Taekwoon and the Endless Eternity

They continue on their way, constantly being stopped by people.
"Sir, we must go. They hour is growing late," Taekwoon explains to a man.
"Of course," he exclaims. He wearily watches them pass. "One thing, if I may. Danger lurks with that hat of yours. Watch yourself."
Taekwoon turns back and questions, "Why is everyone so fixated on my hat? Do you know someone with a hat like mine?"
"If I told you, it would kill all the suspense, wouldn't it? I'll leave it to you," the man states, smirking and leaving them. They continue on their way, reaching the brightly colored building.
"Wow! Now, that's a casino!" Sanghyuk exclaims, looking at the building. The triple seven slot machine adorns the front.
"I think it's safe to say we've arrived," Taekwoon comments.
"I can't wait to see it up close," the blond states. They continue to the building.
"Card," the guard speaks.
"Pardon?" Taekwoon questions, looking to him.
"You need a card to get in," he explains.
"I suppose you won't make an exception," Taekwoon sighs.
"Well, your hat shows you're a gentleman. Let me test your intellect," the guard states. He pulls out a photo of two men playing cards. "What is wrong with this picture?"
Taekwoon takes it, and looks at the image. He frowns, and looks closely.
"The man in the orange cap is holding the cards wrong," Taekwoon comments, handing the photo back.
"Enjoy your one time pass. Have a pass if you want to come in again," the guard says, opening the door. They enter the building, and their eyes widen.
"Just look at this place. It must of cost a fortune," Sanghyuk gawks.
"I know you're excited, but please keep your voice down Sanghyuk," Taekwoon begs.
"Sorry, Professor. This place is so amazing," Sanghyuk explains.
"I understand that. Finding you, will be a challenge," Taekwoon comments. They walk around, reaching the slot machines. They walk down a row, when someone else follow them. They turn to him.
He's wearing closed shoes, and blue ankle socks. Matching the blue blazer and pants. He adjusts his blue cap on his golden blond hair, and looks at the pair.
"So you're..."
"He's the future me?"
"Hello Professor. It's nice to meet you. Rather, I should say that it is nice to see you again. It's me, Han Sanghyuk," he speaks. The older and younger lock eyes, and the younger gasps.
"Hello Sanghyuk," Taekwoon greets.
"Umm, hi, Professor. Oh, you're talking to him. This is going to take some getting used to," Sanghyuk comments.
"I can't believe how short I used to be," the future Sanghyuk states.
"I'm not that short," Sanghyuk huffs.
"Tell me. Why did you go through so much trouble to bring us here?" Taekwoon questions.
"I'll be happy to tell you in a moment," he comments. "But I'd like to make sure I'm dealing with the real Professor Taekwoon here."
"Who else would I be?!" Taekwoon questions.
"Allow me to explain. In my Seoul, it is rare to find someone who doesn't know the name Jung Taekwoon. Many impostors have claimed to be him," he explains.
"Are you saying he's a fraud?" Sanghyuk questions.
"Professor, if you think back to our adventures. You'll recall a man named Lee Jaehwan. You know he was a master of disguise. How do I know that you aren't him?" The future Sanghyuk asks.
"That's rubbish and you know it!" Sanghyuk yells.
"Is it now? He's tricked is before. Why wouldn't he do it again?" He asks.
"I'll play along. How do you want me to prove myself?" Taekwoon questions.
"It's quite simple really," he comments, walking a few steps away.
"Professor. I challenge you to a battle of wits." He points at Taekwoon, with the smallest of smiles on his face.
"What exactly do you have in mind?" Taekwoon asks.
"As a careful man, I'm sure you have questions about me as well. I say we show our respective intellects," he suggests. "I'm prepared something which can only be solved by some as smart as the professor. If you find the answer, you shall give me one. This shall prove our identities to the both of us. Let us began. Before us are four cards, arranged to by a set of conditions.
A heart is by the diamond. A club is not by a spade. The heart is to the direct right of the club. Find the spade."
Taekwoon looks to the cards, thinking deeply.
"This one." Taekwoon points at the far right one.
"Correct. Your turn," he comments. Taekwoon takes the cards silently, and lays them down in his own pattern.
"I enjoyed your idea. I hope you don't mind me doing something similar," Taekwoon comments.
"Not at all."
"Here are my conditions. A club is to the direct right of a heart. A diamond is the far right or far left with a heart next to it. A club is also the far right or left card. Find the spade," Taekwoon explains. He nods, and looks to the cards. The future Sanghyuk sets his hands on the table, and shakes his head.
"You almost had me, Professor. This is flawed. Impossible," he comments.
"Is that so?" Taekwoon questions.
"Yes. No solution fits the condition set forth," he explains.
"Oh, really?" Taekwoon smiles. "Tell me, did I ever state that the four cards are all of different suits?" Taekwoon comments, smiling wider.
"You're saying that there is no spade?" He questions.
"Yes. This was a trick question, but shows a relevant point. You never said that you had all four of yours were different suit either. When you leave a loophole like that, the puzzle can be unsolvable," Taekwoon expands. "This can be said about other situations. You presented a puzzle purposely incomplete. The real test was to see if I noticed."
"It seems you are the real deal, Professor."
"Glad to know," Taekwoon comments, returning to to his frown.
"To be honest, I was convinced from the beginning," the future Sanghyuk confesses. "But I couldn't help myself."
"I'm flattered... I suppose," Taekwoon flushes.
"Out with it. Why did you call us here?" Sanghyuk asks, glaring at his older counterpart.
"There are too many eyes. I know a better place to talk at. Follow me," the future Sanghyuk comments. They nod, and follow him through the casino. He opens a door, and enters the closet.
"Professor, Sanghyuk, welcome to the Seoul of the future," the future Sanghyuk greets.
"Still not convinced? You meet with Hyoshin, didn't you? What did you think after seeing him?" He questions, fixing his tie. "I'm sure you noticed that time has taken it toll."
"Yes, that seemed to be the case," Taekwoon comments.
"And you have walked around Seoul. You've seen how its changed," future Sanghyuk comments. "Can you a see a casino ten years ago?"
"Everything has changed. What has happened?" Sanghyuk questions.
"A genius. An evil genius, who changed everything," he whispers, shaking his head.
"I know where this is going. Lee Jaehwan took over the city, didn't he?" Sanghyuk asks, fuming with anger.
"Lee Jaehwan? Oh, no, I'm taking about a brilliant man," the elder Sanghyuk explains. "Someone the three of us know well."
"Well, who then, if not Lee Jaehwan?" Sanghyuk questions.
"What do you think Professor?" He asks, staring at him.
"...I am not sure," Taekwoon confesses.
"I thought you'd say that," the future Sanghyuk exhales, frowning deeply.
"Who is it? I need to know," Sanghyuk whines. The future version exhales deeply.
"His name is Jung Taekwoon. That evil genius is you, Professor."










A/N: I have write two chapters. This is one of them. Go me. Updating things. Please comment. (-<) <3 ^_^

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Wait! I just realised, I can finally read this thing! I - finally - played Unwound Future a few months ago, so now I can read this without having spoilers! :D
What? Why is Jaehwan Don Paolo?
priscila2909 #3
Chapter 9: so, when hakyeon will appear in this story? can't wait Neo moment in here~
adelliaar #4
Chapter 1: in this story, amber as what?
trixiecanadilla1234 #5
waah cant wait for the fight between the two Taekwoon and Still waiting for Amber and ..NEO!!!♥♥
Chapter 6: OMG!!! @_@ What?! Taekwoon vs Taekwoon. Who will win and how? XD
My favorite game with my ultimate bias as my favorite character? Oh, god yes. Upvoted and Subscribed; I'm so stoked for this rn.
Chapter 3: Amber and Neo! :))) update soon!
kalahawj #9
Chapter 3: Amber!!!! Waiting
Waiting for amber :p