
Pulling my Heartstrings


For a week, Taehyung and Jungkook had not talked. For a week, Jungkook was dying on the inside. For a week, Taehyung had been doing a lot of thinking. For a week, they had missed each other so much it hurt. 

After that week, Jungkook realised that he hadn't seen Taehyung around at school. Sometimes he would pass by Taehyung's classroom, however, he did not manage to find Taehyung. He found it strange that he didn't even pass Taehyung at their lockers. By the end of the week, he decided that he couldn't take it anymore and decided to confront Taehyung on Monday. What he got was far from his expectations.

On Monday, Jungkook as usual did not find Taehyung anywhere, not even at the pond during recess. That day, Jungkook had pestered Seok Jin to tell him Taehyung's address and would find him after school. Seok Jin gave it to him rather begrudgingly and Jungkook had thanked his hyun, agreeing to be home by 8 safely and intact. 

After school, Jungkook had gotten directions and with Taehyung's address written on a slip of paper, he had made his way to the alley near Taehyung's house. Taking a deep breath and bracing himself for any danger he might face, Jungkook started walking down the alley.

As he turned into a corner, Jungkook came face to face with six colourful-haired guys. He was intercepted and stopped by the purple haired one as he tried to get past them, and an all too familiar voice rang in his ears. 

"L.Joe." Jungkook spat with distaste. He had no idea he would run into him here. Perfect. 

"Wow, so it really is Jeon Jungkook huh? I really missed you so much you know, you have no idea how much I suffered when you left." L.Joe mocked, stopping in front of Jungkook and caressing his cheek.

"Lee Byunghun. Let. Me. Go. Now." Jungkook demanded through gritted teeth as Changjo and Ricky held him on both sides. L.Joe's face contorted into a twisted grimace as he heard his real name being called. He hated it, and Jungkook knew. It reminded him of his past and made him feel weak, and that was exactly what Jungkook was trying to do. Glaring furiously, Jungkook growled at L.Joe, demanding to be released.

"Let him go. He's of no use to us anyway." L.Joe finally spoke, and Jungkook was freed. Rubbing his wrist, Jungkook shot L.Joe a final glare before heading to Taehyung's house. 

After walking for another ten minutes, Jungkook stopped outside what was supposedly Taehyung's house. It was a dilapidated building, reduced from its former glory. What was once a beautiful house, now looked like a run-down shack, most definitely not suitable for any animal, lest any human being, to live in. Jungkook walked up the gravelly pathway and knocked twice on the crumbling wooden door. Five minutes later and still no one came to the door, hence Jungkook made up his mind to break in, just in case Taehyung was in any danger. 

"S-stop." A weak, shaky voice called out, followed by a grunt and what sounded like a whip's lash. Following the source of sounds, Jungkook came to a room in the corner of the house and peeked in. He had to cover his mouth to prevent his gasp of horror when he saw a scruffy-looking, burly middle aged man whipping at a familiar outline of a teenage boy. Cuts and scrapes were visible on the boy's torso and the boy was shivering and cowering in a corner of the room. He looked too weak to stand and when the man moved, Jungkook could see the boy's ribs and multiple scars and bruises littering his back and chest. Deciding that he could not take it anymore, Jungkook sneaked up behind the man and punched him. Hard. His battle reflexes took over and soon the man, who was probably drunk, was passed out on the grimy floor.

"J-Jungkook?" It came out more like a whisper. Jungkook then realised he was here for Taehyung and immediately ran up to him. Cradling Taehyung in his arms, Jungkook realised how fragile this boy was. Although Taehyung was not skeletal, he was still painfully thin and Jungkook wondered why he had not noticed when he hugged Taehyung by the pond. Snapping out of this thoughts, Jungkook remembered that Taehyung needed help and he had long deemed this place unfit for Taehyung to stay in. Picking up the meagre amount of things Taehyung had that were scattered around the room and stuffing them into Taehyung's bag, he helped Taehyung up and supported him all the way to Seok Jin's house.


On the day after the incident by the pond, Taehyung's father had decided to come home and beat him up to a pulp. After that, Taehyung could neither stand nor move, and only stayed in that corner the whole day, until his father came back and beat him more. That week, Taehyung could not even go to school and he had spent a lot of time thinking about Jungkook. 

That was until he found Jungkook at his house on Monday, as he was getting beaten up by his father. He only remembered Jungkook beating his father up and bringing him to a pristine and clean apartment. Then, he had promptly passed out. He woke up on a clean bed, in a not so clean room, and found Jungkook sleeping on a pile of blankets laid out on the floor beside his bed. This must be Jungkook's house, Taehyung thought. He sat up, groaning and found that his chest was bandaged. As he was sitting up, the ruffling of bedsheets woke Jungkook, who was up and beside Taehyung in a flurry. 

"You were out for about three hours. How are you feeling?" Jungkook asked, concerned. Taehyung offered a weak smile in return. 

"Thanks... For saving me" Taehyung managed and blushed. Jungkook just laughed and recounted the events to Taehyung. 


"Seok Jin hyung! Open up!" Jungkook was desperately pounding on the door. When the door finally opened, Jungkook stumbled through with a passed out Taehyung on his shoulder.

"Oh my god! Jimin, get me the first aid kit!" Seok Jin screeched. Jimin handed the first aid kit to Seok Jin, who proceeded to tend to Taehyung's wounds. After half an hour, they were done bandaging Taehyung's wounds and decided to move Taehyung to Jungkook's room to let him rest.

-End of flashback-   

"You should move in and stay with us. I brought most of your stuff here. Taehyung, you can't continue living there with your father. He's abusing you!" Jungkook offered.

"Alright, but wouldn't I be a burden to you all? And plus, we're not even that close, are you sure you want me to live with you? What if I do something bad to you?" Taehyung answered.

"I trust you. Don't worry Taehyung, just live with us. Furthermore, it's more convenient for you to get to school, and I'm always open to having more company. We can share a room, I'll get Jin hyung to get us another bed." Jungkook replied. Taehyung nodded and soon, things were settled.  


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TinkerBellSTAR #1
Chapter 6: Thalia Grace? Zeus's daughter? Then i am Percy. Lol kiddin. Btw i love ur fanfic its soo cute n cuddly!!
Chapter 10: Giyomi omo >< this is the cutest fanfic ive ever read ^3^
Chapter 10: I liked that revenge xD
that was a really cute snow date!
andrea2313 #5
Chapter 10: This was so cute XD update soon please :-)
blueandgrey_ #6
Chapter 10: so many fluffy feeeeels ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 10: omg i can die hahaha it's awesome no scratch it , it is perfection ~~
Park_Yoonji #8
Chapter 9: Kyaaaa xD So cute!!!
So so cute ;u; I love how simple and perfect their relationship is~~ squeals great job authornim!!!
Chapter 9: Awe, how sweet, they got to experience the first snow together as a couple!