♕ Sick

Can U Smile?
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S i c k



The next morning Aeiyong felt terrible. She had a headache and she felt like she was going to be sick. L didn’t take advantage of me when I was sleeping did he? Aeiyong thought as she quickly looked down at her body, sighing with relief as she was still wearing her clothes. She shook off the thought and went to wake up the kids and get ready for school. As she was getting ready for school, she felt dizzy at times but she only told herself that it was probably because she was hungry.


When she was getting ready to wake up the kids, a sudden dizziness overcame her and the last thing she heard was Minsoo coming out of his room and screaming her name before she dropped to the ground and blacking out. Minsoo quickly ran over to Aeiyong and shook her


"Noona! Noona!" Minsoo screamed as tears blurred his vision and panic started to bubble up. He turned around and saw Yoonsul looking afraid, hiding behind the door frame.


"Yoonsul-ah, oppa is going to run across to L hyung's house; keep an eye on noona okay?" Minsoo quickly said and ran out. Yoonsul then came out of her hiding place and gently shook Aeiyong, chanting her name over and over again.


Minsoo unlocked the door and quickly ran over to L's house and impatiently banged on the door. Hearing the deafening screams and continuous banging, L quickly opened the door and saw Minsoo now crying and quickly bent down to try to calm him down.


"Hyung!! Noona passed out an-and she isn't waking up!" Minsoo hiccuped. Without him needing to say any more, L grabbed Minsoo's hand and quickly ran back. When he entered the house, he heard faint cries echoing down the hallway. He followed the echo and saw Yoonsul shaking Aeiyong on the floor.


"Yoonsul-ah, come here," L gently whispered and pulled the two in towards him. He hugged them and awkwardly patted their back.

"Can one of you get me a cloth and a bowl of cold water? I'm going to lift Aeiyong and put her on her bed."


Minsoo nodded and told Yoonsul to help L. L reached over and felt Aeiyong's forehead and she was burning up pretty badly. Her face screwed in pain and started to go red. He lifted her up the bridleway and immediately put her on her bed.


The two kids came back with the bowl of water and a cloth. They put it on the table beside L and stood back, shaking and in tears.


"It was probably because of the rain yesterday," L mumbled to himself and spun around. "When Aeiyong came to the daycare, was she drenched in water?" Minsoo nodded and continued to hug Yoonsul. L nodded and quickly dabbed the piece of cloth in the cold water, folded it and gently placed it on top of Aeiyong's forehead. While the cloth was on top of Aeiyong's forehead, faint whimpering was heard from her and she started shaking. Her face was still covered with pain and agony, sweat drops were now forming and running down her forehead. L just sat there softly dabbing another cold cloth on the side of her head, wiping the sweat drops and the back of her hand gently, as if he was telling her it’s okay.


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pbcccc #1
Chapter 21: the last scene.. haha but yeah.. i dont think u will feel so just a day after ...
xoxosenshine #2
Chapter 21: Hey authornim . I love your story . Awww sungyeol . Kekeke good jobbb
Hey, it was a good story!, great written .. but maybe you should read your story again because sometimes it's a little .. hum not realist .. Like her parent's death is 5 years ago but her little sister has 3/4 years old and she play at COD in PS4 ... It's not really a bad things, but your story will be a masterpiece if your story sound realist - in my opignon-
Good continuation, I'll hopine you would make another Myungsoo story!
Sonja_Nguyen #4
Chapter 1: Great Story ^^
-kimmyeons #5
Awe that was adorable :P
I feel like the ending of the chapter before this was super rushed though
Chapter 20: ....uhrm I don't think the signs of pregnancy can be shown the day after....it's usually a couple of weeks...
Chapter 21: Wow this story was great. I love the final. Hugs ^^,
Chapter 20: Jaja the ending of this chapter make me laugh XD how can Aeiyoung know that ? Waiting to the next chapter. It is great. ^^,