♕ Goodbye for Now

Can U Smile?
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G o o d b y e F o r N o w


For the next few days and even weeks, it was no surprise to Aeiyong that Myungsoo was now the one ignoring her instead of the other way around. She’s starting to realise how Myungsoo felt whenever she ignored him; the guilt for not telling him, and the pain to see him walk past with herds of fangirls talking to him, touching him and getting very close with him was now starting to haunt her. She didn’t realise what was wrong with her; was she getting jealous? She never thought of Myungsoo anything other than a friend, but it turns out that the situation now is turning the tables.


It was like a replay of the time she ignored him; it was a never ending circle of trying to get him to notice her, but ends up failing because he's too 'caught up' with the other girls who are flooding him. She wanted to give up, but she couldn't. She felt like there was no use anymore - he was still pissed at the fact that Aeiyong avoided saying anything about this mysterious guy that she was found in a coffee shop with.


With this happening, it was noticeable to see that Aeiyong was less like herself. She tried to eat properly like nothing has happened, but when she saw Myungsoo in the canteen she would immediately be put off her food and leave the canteen. She would sometimes skip dinner because the guy was on her mind again. All she wanted was to say sorry and to forget everything bad that had happened and to start again.


The school day was same old, although in her physics class Myungsoo - who usually sits beside her - moved seats today near the popular girls in the back; Suzy being one of the girls that he was sitting with. Once in a while, Aeiyong would glance back, pretending to look at the clock but really stealing glances towards Myungsoo. He looked happy, laughing and enjoying his time with the girls. She felt hurt inside, she felt like her only friend had left her. It was her fault really, if she had told Myungsoo in the first place instead of hiding it and hurting him like she had done, this wouldn’t have happened. The two would still be talking, a little awkward sometimes if she had mentioned Sunggyu, but none more than really close friends.


The bell to signal that school was over rang and everyone - as usual - packed up quickly and sprinted out to catch the bus before it goes. Ra Im wasn’t in that day so she packed quicklier than usual and speed walked out of the classroom, only to bump into one of the girls that was with Myungsoo.


“Hey! Watch it will you? Tramp,” she muttered the last word. Aeiyong grabbed her books tightly and looked down at the ground.


“Yah, are you not going to apologise? You’re the one that bumped into my friend you idiot! Don’t you have eyes?” another girl came behind her and pushed Aeiyong, making her collide with the door behind her and hit her head. Aeiyong grabbed her head and tried to stop the pain but it just wouldn’t stop.


Aeiyong got up and locked eye contact with a worried Myungsoo. He didn’t say anything; his eyes had said enough to Aeiyong. She muttered a sorry before running off and grabbing a taxi home.




“Myungsoo-ah... Your grandmother is very ill, she had to go to the hospital last night.”

“Grandmother? Is she okay?”

“...She has cancer, Myungsoo...”

The room was silent for a few minutes, the eerie silence was painful to sit through.

“I have to go to her Myungsoo, I have to take care of her while I still can,” Myungsoo’s mother whispers.

“What about Haeri?” he responded in a tone as quiet as hers.

“I’ll leave you two with Aeiyong, she has more skills and knowledge on surviving alone,” his mother tried to joke but no smile was present on his dull face.

Myungsoo and his grandmother were very close. She was the only person who really connected with Myungsoo; opened many paths for him and helped a lot. Myungsoo never got along with anybody in his fathers side; which doesn’t surprise him as his father is a wealthy man, yet he just has the personality of a sick loan shark. They would always make fun of Myungsoo or criticize him for being different and not have the same aims as his father. They were never supportive, whereas in his mothers side; he was adored, loved and praised by many. They lost contact with them when Myungsoo’s father kicked his mother and Haeri out of his house and no longer wanted to see them. They meant a lot to Myungsoo, and to hear that his favourite member of his mother’s side has been diagnosed with cancer broke his heart into pieces. It was bad enough he was dealing with not speaking to Aeiyong, hearing this was like somebody going up to you personally and punching you in the face, continuously shouting angry and hateful words at you.


“I don’t know how long I’ll be gone for, but I know for sure that Aeiyong will take care of you. I’ve already asked her to watch over you and Haeri and provide you with any help if needed.”


“Why her umma?”


“Because your friendship with her is strong. I don’t know what’s happening between you two now, but I really hope and wish that you two will find a way to sort it out. You looked so happy with her Myungsoo, what happened?”


“...It’s nothing, we just had a little argument over something silly,” Myungsoo looked to the ground, completely avoiding eye contact with his mother.


“Well sort it out. I hate to see my two angels not talking just over something silly.”


Usually Myungsoo would usually blow up in these cases, since his mother had mentioned that Aeiyong will look after Myungsoo and the two aren’t talking, he would get the feeling of anger and hate bubbling inside of him, but he was too stressed and shocked over the fact that his grandmother has cancer to even care.


“Okay? I need to go pack now. You can choose to stay here or you can go to Aeiyong’s; just... don’t sit here and completely ignore her. I’m sure whatever it is that she feels sorry and she just wants you to forgive her and move on with life,” his mother got up slowly.


“Ne umma,” Myungsoo muttered.


As she was getting ready to pack her things, Myungsoo heaved a big sigh and walked to Aeiyong’s house. He stopped at her door and raised his wrist, ready to knock until it came to him that he didn’t know why he was going to her house. Aish Myungsoo you idiot, you’re suppose to be ignoring her for not telling you about the guy she was hanging with, why are you suddenly up and going to her for? You should be the one making her come to you! He thought, clenching his fist. He heard loud laughing and high pitched giggles and footsteps.


“I’m going to get you Yoonsul-ah! The big monster is coming to get you!” Aeiyong’s muffled laugh was heard followed by a little scream and an increase of footsteps.


He couldn’t help but smile after hearing that. He had saw her both times when she was happy and when she completely broke down. It must have been extremely hard for her to deal with the fact that her parents aren’t with her anymore. He couldn’t bare to live in a world without his mother, his mother was his life savour and angel. Myungsoo wanted to drop this whole silly ignoring thing and embrace her in his arms, rubbing her back and continuously whispering it’s okay to her; but he can’t. There was something stopping him and he didn’t know what or why. In a way, he was still really angry with her, but then when the anger bubbles up, he remembers the words and her face whenever she goes out around midnight to go and speak to her parents. He was confused.

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pbcccc #1
Chapter 21: the last scene.. haha but yeah.. i dont think u will feel so just a day after ...
xoxosenshine #2
Chapter 21: Hey authornim . I love your story . Awww sungyeol . Kekeke good jobbb
Hey, it was a good story!, great written .. but maybe you should read your story again because sometimes it's a little .. hum not realist .. Like her parent's death is 5 years ago but her little sister has 3/4 years old and she play at COD in PS4 ... It's not really a bad things, but your story will be a masterpiece if your story sound realist - in my opignon-
Good continuation, I'll hopine you would make another Myungsoo story!
Sonja_Nguyen #4
Chapter 1: Great Story ^^
-kimmyeons #5
Awe that was adorable :P
I feel like the ending of the chapter before this was super rushed though
Chapter 20: ....uhrm I don't think the signs of pregnancy can be shown the day after....it's usually a couple of weeks...
Chapter 21: Wow this story was great. I love the final. Hugs ^^,
Chapter 20: Jaja the ending of this chapter make me laugh XD how can Aeiyoung know that ? Waiting to the next chapter. It is great. ^^,