♕ Peaceful Dinner

Can U Smile?
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P e a c e f u l D i n n e r



The next morning wasn’t as bad as yesterday morning. Aeiyong did as she told and gave L his jacket back, then headed off to drop the kids to daycare and then off to work. So far, it was a peaceful day.


Aeiyong works as a waitress at a very posh and famous restaurant that Ra Im owned. Her shifts weren’t bad because Ra Im’s parents knew that she still has school, and she also has to take care of the two children. Luckily enough though; she got paid a lot so she could pay for her rent and daily life needs. She was also lucky enough to only have 1 night shift and the rest were day shifts. Aeiyong was very close with Ra Im’s parents, they treated her like Aeiyong was one of their own children.


“Good morning omonim,” Aeiyong chirped as she walked through the door.


“Good morning Aeiyong, it’s nice to see you in time. I missed seeing your pretty face around here, how is baby Minsoo and Yoonsul?” Ra Im’s mum hugged Aeiyong and led her into the changing rooms.


“They’ve been fine, and I have missed you too omonim, I miss eating your amazing food.”


“Aigoo you. If you want any food you know that you can call any time and we will make it and bring it over instantly,” Ra Im’s mother patted Aeiyong’s back. Ra Im, Aeiyong and her two siblings were the ONLY people that Ra Im’s family restaurant that was allowed her food delivered to their door.


“Ani, I don’t want to bother any of you while you were working or on your free time. I have enough to feed all three of us, so it’s okay. Thank you for worrying though, I appreciate your help,” Aeiyong bowed and changed into her waitress outfit.


The restaurant wasn’t that busy until it was 4pm. People kept coming, making the restaurant cramped. Aeiyong was working extremely hard, and by the end of her shift, she felt like passing out.


“Ah, this is so tiring!” Aeiyong plopped down onto the comfy chair and closed her eyes.


“It’s 7, do you want to go home now?” Ra Im said, copying Aeiyong’s actions.


“Yes, please. Thanks! See you tomorrow Ra Im-ah!” Aeiyong changed quickly, grabbed her bag, and headed out the door towards the care.


The streets were crowded with people as the sun set. Chatter was heard everywhere, skateboarders were cruising along the footpath, people at the beach sunbathing and building sandcastles, cyclists were strolling along the side of the road, and cars were also calmly driving past her. Aeiyong walked slower, admiring the area. Flashbacks were replaying in her head - flashbacks of her family laughing and messing about near the beach, how she threw her little brother into the shallow water. All that ended and crushed when her parents were announced dead at the hospital from a car crash. Aeiyong was then left alone with 2 kids to take care of with no experience at all.


The thought of her past made Aeiyong tear up. She was living such a perfect life back then, she couldn’t imagine something like this would ever happen to her. Guess the good things don’t last very long. Aeiyong brushed off a tear that was slowly making its way down the side of her nose, and took a deep breath.


“You can do this Aeiyong, you have been managing for the past few years, you’ll make it far in the future with Yoonsul and Minsoo,” Aeiyong quietly whispered to herself, smiling happily as crystal tears were still flowing in her eyes.


As she arrived at the daycare, the sun was almost below the horizon. The night sky was starting to drape over the city.


“Noona, look what I made today!” Minsoo shouted as he reached into his bag and pulled out what had seemed to be a glass plate with a fish on it, with his name printed in the corner of the dish in cursive writing.


“Wow, that’s so awesome! It’s really pretty as well!” Aeiyong took Minsoo’s hand while carrying a sleepy Yoonsul in her arms. “How about you Yoonsul? Make anything pretty today?” Aeiyong looked at the back of her fragile baby sister’s head, as she slowly shook her head and started to her thumb. A few seconds later, she fell into dreamland.


“Guess someone had a long day today,” Aeiyong whispered to Minsoo.


“She fell today and cut her elbow and knee. She started crying, so I’m guessing that’s why she is very tired,” Minsoo whispered back, earning a nod from Aeiyong.


As the two were walking home, they decided to visit the grocery store to stock up on some food. Aeiyong put the sleepy Yoonsul in first, followed by Minsoo.


"What do you want to eat?" Aeiyong asked as she pushed the cart slowly around the aisles examining the foods on display.


"Kimchi!" Minsoo shouted, throwing his hands up in the air and making Yoonsul's head bob up.

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pbcccc #1
Chapter 21: the last scene.. haha but yeah.. i dont think u will feel so just a day after ...
xoxosenshine #2
Chapter 21: Hey authornim . I love your story . Awww sungyeol . Kekeke good jobbb
Hey, it was a good story!, great written .. but maybe you should read your story again because sometimes it's a little .. hum not realist .. Like her parent's death is 5 years ago but her little sister has 3/4 years old and she play at COD in PS4 ... It's not really a bad things, but your story will be a masterpiece if your story sound realist - in my opignon-
Good continuation, I'll hopine you would make another Myungsoo story!
Sonja_Nguyen #4
Chapter 1: Great Story ^^
-kimmyeons #5
Awe that was adorable :P
I feel like the ending of the chapter before this was super rushed though
Chapter 20: ....uhrm I don't think the signs of pregnancy can be shown the day after....it's usually a couple of weeks...
Chapter 21: Wow this story was great. I love the final. Hugs ^^,
Chapter 20: Jaja the ending of this chapter make me laugh XD how can Aeiyoung know that ? Waiting to the next chapter. It is great. ^^,