♕ Caught off Guard

Can U Smile?
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Caught off guard


After seeing Aeiyong look very happy with Sunggyu and seeing them spend a lot of time with each other, Myungsoo decided he’s had enough. He doesn’t know why he wants to stop them from seeing each other when he’s clearly got Min; that’s the only thing that’s been bugging Myungsoo lately, to the point where being with Min is annoying and a waste of time.


“You what?!” Min screeched.


“I’m breaking up with you Min and that’s final.” Myungsoo spat out, his voice was cold and very serious.


“Why? What did I ever do?! Am I too boring?”


“No, Min,” Myungsoo sighed. “I just don’t think we’re gonna work out, I’m sorry,” with that, he got up from the bar stool and stormed out of the bar quickly before Min could catch up. In the back he could hear her screams and slamming as there wasn’t many people in the bar at the time.


Walking past the cafe that Aeiyong and Sunggyu was at yesterday, Myungsoo saw the two yet again together laughing together and sharing a lot of skinship. He decided to hide and wait until Sunggyu was alone.


As soon as Aeiyong and Sunggyu split, Myungsoo followed Sunggyu into the park before tapping on his back.


“Who-” Sunggyu didn’t even have the chance to speak before Myungsoo raised his fist and punched Sunggyu in the side of the face.


“Yah! Who even are you?! Why did you punch me in the face!?” Sunggyu shouted as he put his hand over his throbbing cheek and looked up at Myungsoo. Everyone turned their heads towards the scene and watched carefully.


“You! Stop meeting up with Aeiyong!”


“You’re L aren’t you?” Sunggyu wiped the blood coming out of the side of his mouth.


“How do you know my name?”


“Aeiyong told me about you. You hurt her! You’re the one that should stop seeing her!”


“I’m not even meeting up with her, and you know why? It’s because of you!”


“No, L! You’re the reason why she’s acting like this! You hurt her which made her come to me!”


“Shut up!” L swung again and it successfully collided with Sunggyu’s face even though he tried to block it. Sunggyu was furious because L was being stubborn and not choosing to believe him, so he swung back and the two got into a heated fight. The police siren was soon heard and police officers were running toward the two fighting and broke them up. In the end, they got taken to the police station for questioning.


“So, L-ssi and Sunggyu-ssi,” a police officer started. “You too where... fighting.”


“Yes, sir, we can explain. We didn’t mean to do it, we just got a little carried away,” Sunggyu started.


“There’s not much to say. I got angry at him and punched him, end of,” L bluntly said. Sunggyu stared at him with his jaw dropped, as if he was saying ‘what are you doing?!’.


“I see. Well, since you’ve only hurt... Each other, I’m going to let you go because you two seem very... I don’t know, just leave and don’t let us catch you again, or else we’ll really put you into jail,” the officer motioned the two to go.


“This is your fault,” Sunggyu nudged L.


“Yes, I know, stop saying that.”


“You almost put us in jail!”


“Shut up before I pu-” A few police officers raised their eyebrows at the two. “B-before I... pump my hand in the air, eyyy,” L awkwardly said as he put his hand up in the air. Sunggyu spat and laughed loudly as well as the other police officers around, making Myungsoo blush from embarrassment.





“I still can’t believe you done that,” Sunggyu cracked and laughed again as he left the taxi.


“Shut up! And I’m serious about leaving Aeiyong alone!” L shouted.


“...We’ll see about that, L-ssi,” Sunggyu calmly said after he stopped laughing and shut the door, not bothering to turn back and see the taxi leaving to drop L home.


L hopped out of the taxi and paid the driver before hopping up the stairs. He stared at Aeiyong’s door before glancing over at her window. He saw her carrying Yoonsul and rocking her as she paced around the living room. She looked up and caught eye contact with L. L -  probably looking like a creep -  broke the eye contact and quickly walked back into his house.


Aeiyong sighed and continued to hush Yoonsul. Yoonsul had a nightmare an hour ago and she still couldn’t stop crying about it. Aeiyong was in the middle of cooking dinner when she heard painful wailing and screaming in her bedroom.


She felt lonely. Even though she had been meeting up with Sunggyu a lot nowadays, she still feels as if there is something missing - a hole, she has a hole in her and that hole could only be filled whenever she was with L. Sunggyu was making her happy, he never failed to make her happy but it wasn’t the sam

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pbcccc #1
Chapter 21: the last scene.. haha but yeah.. i dont think u will feel so just a day after ...
xoxosenshine #2
Chapter 21: Hey authornim . I love your story . Awww sungyeol . Kekeke good jobbb
Hey, it was a good story!, great written .. but maybe you should read your story again because sometimes it's a little .. hum not realist .. Like her parent's death is 5 years ago but her little sister has 3/4 years old and she play at COD in PS4 ... It's not really a bad things, but your story will be a masterpiece if your story sound realist - in my opignon-
Good continuation, I'll hopine you would make another Myungsoo story!
Sonja_Nguyen #4
Chapter 1: Great Story ^^
-kimmyeons #5
Awe that was adorable :P
I feel like the ending of the chapter before this was super rushed though
Chapter 20: ....uhrm I don't think the signs of pregnancy can be shown the day after....it's usually a couple of weeks...
Chapter 21: Wow this story was great. I love the final. Hugs ^^,
Chapter 20: Jaja the ending of this chapter make me laugh XD how can Aeiyoung know that ? Waiting to the next chapter. It is great. ^^,