Love is but a series.


iPod Shuffle challenge...

A bunch of one shots basically.

Kpop mostly.

I found this really cool challenge that looks fun, so yeah, 

Here are the rules:

1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.

2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle.

3. Write a fic related to each song that plays. 

4. Do ten of these, and then post them.





So, The ten I decided on are:

1. GOT7- Mark: "I like you"

2. Block B- Zico: "200%"

3. Kim Woobin- "Just One day"

4. JYJ- Micky: "Cafe

"5. GOT7- Jackson: "Call your girlfriend"

6. Big Bang- T.O.P: "Love me, for me"

7. Block B- Zico: "Don't"

8. Super Junior- Siwon: "Who am I to stand in your way"

9. GOT7-Mark:"The heart wants what it wants"

10.GOT7- Jackson: "Nirvana

Please, enjoy. :)


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ascarybook #1
Chapter 2: Aw this was really good!
BBCPenguin #2
Aww, thanks! :D Keke, I shall do more Zico in the future!? :)
Chapter 2: Cute! ^^ I like Zico and I also like 200%, so you got me there kekeke